Solar cell open circuit voltage and bandgap

In summary, the open circuit voltage of a solar cell is the maximum voltage that the cell can produce when there is no external load connected to it. It is affected by temperature, as higher temperatures can decrease the voltage due to increased recombination of charge carriers. The open circuit voltage and bandgap of a solar cell are directly related, with a higher bandgap resulting in a higher voltage. The open circuit voltage also plays a crucial role in determining the efficiency of a solar cell, as a higher voltage means it can produce more power. While there are methods to increase the open circuit voltage, there is a limit determined by the bandgap of the material used.
  • #1
Hello Forum,

if we take a silicon solar cell, the open circuit voltage is about 0.5V.

the current increases as the solar cell area and illumination increases.

But the 0.5 V output voltage does not change as the area and illumination level vary...Why?

It must have something to do with the bandgap...

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  • #2
The open circuit voltage is characteristics of solar cell (specically for P-n junction solar cell) which depend only on the material parameters.

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