Solving systems of equations using Jordan exchanges

  • #1
Homework Statement
solve the following system of equations
Relevant Equations
##B_ij = A_{ij} - (A_{rj}/A_{rs})(A_{is})##
##B_{ir} = A_{is}/A_{rs}##
2u + 3v + 3w = 2
+ 5v + 7w = 2
6u + 9v + 8w = 5

2 & 3 & 3 & 2 \\
0 & 5 & 7 & 2 \\
6 & 9 & 8 & 5

We have been asked to use Jordan exchange to solve the above equations. Can someone please explain how to determine the values for r, s for the equations above. I believe r is the row number of the dependent variable chosen to be switched with the column for the independent variable, being s. For example, if row 3 and column 3 are chosen, then s = 3 and r = 3. These positions are then used in the homework equations above. Thanks in advance!
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