Cracking the Code: A Pi-Free Language for Enhanced Cybersecurity

  • Thread starter Jug
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In summary, the conversation discusses a computer language based on geometric configurations without using pi. The lack of pi is believed to make the language impervious to hackers. The question is raised on how to describe the area of a circle without using pi. Suggestions include using a constant value or an approximation method such as the rectangular equation.
  • #1
Sorry...out of pi.

Picked this up elsewhere, but now can't language for operating system developed from neuronet AI system with geometric matrix that does not incorporate pi. As I gathered, the language is based upon various geometric configurations where length of line or arc describes a particular letter or sequence of letters or various symbols. Ostensibly, the lack of pi in configuring it all makes the language impervious to hackers. Question: how does one go about correlating line and arc without the aid of pi? .
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  • #2
That doesn't really make any sense, I see no correlation between lacking one variable, and the system being impossible to hack. Even if not having pi on a system stopped hackers, you could always just assign the number to a constant like in java for instance:

final double pie = 3.14;

or whatever you want to assign like that.
  • #3
Sorry...out of pi

But that's saying pi is a variable - which it is not. Or is it? It has been shown that by the pi quadrature formula the circle can be squared using any pi value. However, as I recall, the given matrix of the system uses no pi value whatever for correlating line and arc of its geometry. How would one go about describing area of the circle not having a pi value?
  • #4

Originally posted by Jug
But that's saying pi is a variable - which it is not. Or is it? It has been shown that by the pi quadrature formula the circle can be squared using any pi value. However, as I recall, the given matrix of the system uses no pi value whatever for correlating line and arc of its geometry. How would one go about describing area of the circle not having a pi value?

The 'final' part of "final double pi = 3.14" means that the value can't be changed, so it essentially acts as a constant, not a variable.

As for calculating the area of a circle without pi, I imagine there are some numeric methods one could use to get a very good approximation...
  • #5
Sorry...out of pi

>> approximation.>>

Hmmm...possibly...will work on that.
  • #6
why don't you use the rectangular equation for a circle - (x+a)^2+(y+b)^2=r^2

To get the area you simply intergrate the top portion and multiply by two.

FAQ: Cracking the Code: A Pi-Free Language for Enhanced Cybersecurity

What does "Sorry out of pi." mean?

"Sorry out of pi." is a phrase commonly used to express that someone is out of patience or has reached their limit in dealing with a situation or person. It can also refer to being out of ideas or options.

Where did the phrase "Sorry out of pi." originate from?

The origin of the phrase is not clear, but it is believed to have originated from the phrase "Sorry, I'm out of patience."

Can "Sorry out of pi." be used in a scientific context?

No, "Sorry out of pi." is not a scientific term and has no specific meaning in scientific contexts.

Is "Sorry out of pi." a commonly used phrase?

Yes, "Sorry out of pi." is a commonly used phrase in informal conversations and can be found in popular culture such as movies, TV shows, and books.

What are some alternative phrases to "Sorry out of pi."?

Some alternative phrases to express a similar sentiment are "I'm at my wit's end", "I'm out of options", or "I'm done dealing with this".

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