Subset of the indempotents of a ring

  • Thread starter pol92
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In summary, the conversation is about proving that a finite set of indempotents in a ring has an even cardinality. The idea is to find an involution of the set without any fixed points, but all attempts have failed. The proof involves showing that every finite Boolean ring has even cardinality, and the ring can be thought of as a vector space over the field F2. It is mentioned that the addition of the ring is not necessarily indempotent, but the proof still works.
  • #1
This is my first post on this forum, and I'm not used to the english mathematical vocabulary, I'll try my best to explain what is my problem.

Let (A,+,x) be a ring, ans S be the subset of the indempotents of A, i.e S={[itex]x\in A , x^2=x[/itex]} . I must show that if S is a finite set, then S has an even cardinality.

My idea was to find an involution of S without any fixed point (since an involution of a set with odd cardinality has always a fixed point), but all my trials had failed.
Could you help in solving this problem? Thank you.
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  • #2
Interesting. So the proof is to show that every finite Boolean ring has even cardinality. Well the additive group of the ring can be thought of as a vector space over F2, a field consisting of two elements. If we consider only a finite case, then it must be a finite space over this field. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise to now notice that it's isomorphic to Z[itex]^{n}_{2}[/itex], where n is the dimension. So the ring must have cardinality 2n.
  • #3
he did not say that the addition was idempotent, only the multiplication on S. there is nothing given in the problem that S even forms a ring.
  • #4
Yeah you're right and I'm not sure why I decided to say that. Oh well. The proof still works, just take out the phrase "additive group"
  • #5


Thank you for your post and explanation of your problem. I am a scientist and I have some knowledge in mathematics, so I will try to help you with your question.

Firstly, let's define some terms to make sure we are on the same page. A ring is a mathematical structure that consists of a set of elements and two operations, addition and multiplication, that satisfy certain properties. An idempotent element in a ring is an element that, when multiplied by itself, gives the same element. In this case, the subset S of indempotents of a ring A is the set of elements in A that satisfy this property.

Now, to prove that if S is a finite set, then it has an even cardinality, we can use the fact that any finite set can be partitioned into two sets of equal cardinality. This is known as the Pigeonhole Principle.

So, let's assume that S has an odd cardinality, denoted by n. This means that S can be partitioned into two sets, S1 and S2, each with (n+1)/2 elements. Since S1 and S2 are both subsets of S, they must also be subsets of A. Now, let's consider the product of all elements in S1, denoted by P(S1), and the product of all elements in S2, denoted by P(S2). Since S1 and S2 are both subsets of indempotents, P(S1) and P(S2) must also be indempotents.

But, since P(S1) and P(S2) are products of an odd number of elements, they must also be idempotent, which means P(S1)^2 = P(S1) and P(S2)^2 = P(S2). This means that P(S1) and P(S2) are fixed points, which contradicts our assumption that there are no fixed points in S.

Therefore, our assumption that S has an odd cardinality must be false, and thus, S must have an even cardinality. I hope this helps to solve your problem. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Good luck!

FAQ: Subset of the indempotents of a ring

1. What is a subset of the indempotents of a ring?

A subset of the indempotents of a ring is a set of elements in a ring that, when multiplied by itself, result in the same element. In other words, these elements are idempotent, meaning they remain unchanged under multiplication.

2. How is a subset of the indempotents of a ring different from the indempotents of a ring?

A subset of the indempotents of a ring is a smaller set of elements compared to the set of all indempotents in a ring. The set of all indempotents includes all elements that are idempotent, while a subset may only include a few selected elements that meet certain criteria.

3. Why is the subset of the indempotents of a ring important?

The subset of the indempotents of a ring is important in understanding the structure and properties of a ring. It can also be used to simplify calculations and proofs in ring theory.

4. Can the subset of the indempotents of a ring be empty?

Yes, it is possible for the subset of the indempotents of a ring to be empty. This would mean that there are no elements in the ring that are idempotent, or that no elements meet the criteria for being included in the subset.

5. How do you determine the subset of the indempotents of a ring?

The subset of the indempotents of a ring can be determined by examining the properties of the ring and identifying elements that satisfy the definition of idempotency. These elements can then be selected to form the subset.

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