Superposition and Coherence in quantum physics

In summary, the distinction between the superposition principle in quantum mechanics and classical physics is that in quantum mechanics, the superposition can occur for a single particle system, while in classical physics it only occurs for two or more waves. Additionally, the concept of coherence is modified in quantum mechanics and has a richer meaning in multi-particle systems. The Aharonov-Bohm effect is an example of this, where the phase of a particle can be affected by a photon, and the concept of decoherence is important to consider. The superposition principle remains the same in single particle interference in both classical and quantum mechanics, but there are some differences in the interpretation and application of this principle.
  • #1
I want a clarification in the idea of superposition principle.Perhaps,I should rather say that the distinction of superposition principle in QM and in classical physics.

Few weeks back,I was spending time with Gottfried's book. He explains the novelty of superposition principle with the help of a two state system.He does this as for one particle systems, the superposition principle has some classical analogue,he comments.You can take a look at the experiment described in his text; it is available at google book review (Kurt Gottfried,p14).It took some time for me to digest the experiment,and I have written something in my blog:

But my present question is how superposition principle for one particle system [QM] (say, double slit experiment with electrons) different from the superposition principle in classical optics.In classical optics,the superposition occurs between two waves (generated from the different parts of the wavefront of the same primary wave) and interference effect is produced by the variation in the cross term(real of course).
In double slit experiment in QM(with photon or electron or whatever),we can reach a situation where a single state is exhibiting interference.It is interpreted as the actual state is a linear combination of two base states:
[tex]\psi\ =\ a\ |1>\ +\ b\ |2>[/tex]
And interference occurs between the two base states beyond the slit.Here, the probability amplitude [tex]\ <1|2>[/tex] is complex.It looks conceptually similar to the classical optics to me.Am I missing something?Or is it that the wavefunction is complex and that is making all the difference?

While going through the same,I also found that the idea of coherence is modified in QM.In particular,Gottfried comments that coherence has a richer meaning in multi-particle system,which he did not explain.I found some rigorous treatment in Ballentine's book (many body theory).But what I want is some simpler way to look at it.How to conceive the meaning of coherence in double slit experiment and how it is different from its meaning in classical optics.And what possible modification is needed when we consider multi-particle system.Can anyone shed some light?
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  • #2
The answer that comes to my mind goes along the lines that you cannot decohere a photon easily. If you send a particle through a slit and you manage to hit it with a photon along the way you can upset its phase in a random manner, destroying the coherence pattern. The second answer is "Aharonov Bohm effect"
  • #3
Can you be a little elaborate?

The superposition looks the same to me in single particle interference whether in classical physics or in QM.My question is for single particle interference,are they the same? It is often said that superposition principle in QM is different than in classical optics.

What did you mean by the "2nd question"?
  • #4
The second answer is also for the first question.

Particles don't interfere classically, waves do. The superposition principle is a fact about systems described by linear equations. If you want to get an intuitive feeling for quantum mechanical interference maybe you should read the third part of the Feynman lectures.

FAQ: Superposition and Coherence in quantum physics

1. What is superposition in quantum physics?

Superposition in quantum physics refers to the phenomenon where a quantum system can exist in multiple states at the same time. This is in contrast to classical physics, where a system can only exist in one state at any given time. In quantum mechanics, the state of a particle is described by a wave function, which represents the probability of finding the particle in a specific state. Superposition allows for the existence of multiple possible states or outcomes until the particle is measured, at which point the wave function collapses into a single state.

2. How does superposition relate to the famous Schrödinger's cat thought experiment?

Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment proposed by physicist Erwin Schrödinger to illustrate the concept of superposition. In the experiment, a cat is placed in a sealed box with a vial of poison that will be released based on the random decay of a radioactive particle. According to the principles of quantum mechanics, until the box is opened and the cat is observed, it exists in a superposition of both alive and dead states. This highlights the idea that particles, and even larger objects like cats, can exist in multiple states at once in quantum physics.

3. What is coherence in quantum physics?

Coherence in quantum physics refers to the ability of a quantum system to maintain a consistent phase relationship between different states. In other words, the wave functions of particles within the system are in sync and able to interfere with each other. Coherence is essential for many quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum communication, as it allows for the manipulation and control of quantum states.

4. How is coherence different from superposition?

While superposition and coherence are closely related, they are not the same thing. Superposition refers to the existence of multiple possible states for a particle, while coherence refers to the ability of those states to maintain a consistent phase relationship. In other words, coherence is a property of superposition, but not all superpositions are coherent. This distinction is important for understanding the behavior of quantum systems and developing quantum technologies.

5. Can coherence be maintained indefinitely?

In theory, coherence can be maintained indefinitely in a perfectly isolated quantum system. However, in practice, coherence is easily disrupted by environmental factors such as temperature, noise, and interactions with other particles. This is known as decoherence, and it is a major challenge in the development of quantum technologies. Researchers are working on methods to extend the coherence time of quantum systems, which could have significant implications for the field of quantum physics and its applications.

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