- #1
Homework Statement
With regards to a one dimensional conducting wire with a homogeneous charge density λ surrounded by a cylindrical glass dielectric of radius R, find:
(a). The displacement vector inside the dielectric
(b). The surface bound charges on the surface of the dielectric
Sorry for the lack of equations and mathematical explanation. Trying to put everything mathematically and graphically would have been quite long. Rest assure I have everything that I'm describing in the attempt written in the correct notation on paper.[/B]
Homework Equations
Included in attempt
The Attempt at a Solution
Drawing a cylindrical Gaussian surface inside the dielectric of radius r and length L.
Surface integral (displacement vector, D) dot product dS (differential of surface) = charge enclosed
dS = 2πr L
Qenc= λ L
⇒ surface integral D (2πr L) = λ L
D = λ/2πr
For the displacement vector D(bar) = λ/2πr r(bar)
I'm slightly confused as to where to approach this one from:
D(vector) = εE(field vector) + P(vector)
E and P are the electric field and dipole moment.Surface bound charge = σ = P(vector) n(normal vector)
σ = σbound + σfreeFrom here on I don't really know how to approach this problem. Apologies for the scrappy attempt.