How Should Negative Percentages Be Written?

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In summary, the author writes about negative numbers and whether or not to use percents to describe technology and science to the general public. They argue that percentages are easier for the general public to understand, and that real numbers are more difficult.
  • #1
Curious on thoughts here about writing with negative numbers, i.e. do you write

A) xxx declined -2%


B) xxx declined 2%

this is for the general public, if that makes a difference

Argue about this at work, have not seen any style guide addressing this.
Physics news on
  • #2
I think C) declined by 2% is the least ambiguous wording.
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Likes DEvens, Wrichik Basu, Rive and 4 others
  • #3
I never understood the reliance on percentages to explain or describe technology and science to the general public. Perhaps people become accustomed to using percents from school grades and report cards. If real numbers are difficult for the general public to comprehend, would not graphs and related constructs provide more information and improve understanding?

Do not mean to go off topic. I agree with @fresh_42 that people generally understand negative numbers as positive integers with appropriate gerunds direction on a number line such as decline, reduce, diminish, go down; that indicate a negative.

[Edit 20200110: This thread prompted me to review how contemporary mathematics teachers describe negative integers, reals and complex numbers to a student audience as displacement or distance from the origin on number lines.

While doing so, I modified my ideas about the use of percents in technical papers. The basic rule "know your audience" applies to both fiction and non-fiction publications. In this thread the intended audience, "the general public", likely benefits from the familiar comparison of values expressed as percentages. My technical writing produced in conjunction with engineering projects and a few corporate IPO's had an intended audience of scientists, engineers and senior management, not the general public, with appropriate use of scientific notation, lists and graphs. Thanks.]
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  • #4
When teachers at my school used to shout that they would deduct -20 marks from the copies of students who were adopting unfair means during an exam, we always wondered why those students should be getting 20 extra marks for doing something wrong. 🤔
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Likes Klystron, phinds, Ophiolite and 1 other person
  • #5
Klystron said:
Do not mean to go off topic. I agree with @fresh_42 that people generally understand negative numbers as positive integers with appropriate gerunds such as decline, reduce, diminish, go down; that indicate a negative.
Those words aren't gerunds. A gerund is a verb used as a noun. A good discussion of what is a gerund (and of other kinds of words ending in 'ing', such as present participles) is available at
  • #6
sysprog said:
Those words aren't gerunds. A gerund is a verb used as a noun. A good discussion of what is a gerund (and of other kinds of words ending in 'ing', such as present participles) is available at
Thanks for the information. I meant to edit my response but lacked time, as is true today.

[Edit on 20200110: corrected my previous post, one hopes, for clarity.]
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Related to How Should Negative Percentages Be Written?

1. What is technical writing style?

Technical writing style refers to the specific language and formatting used in writing technical or scientific documents. It is characterized by a clear and concise writing style, the use of technical terminology, and a logical organization of information.

2. Why is technical writing style important?

Technical writing style is important because it helps to convey complex information in an easily understandable way. It also ensures consistency and clarity in technical documentation, making it easier for readers to comprehend and follow.

3. What are the key elements of technical writing style?

The key elements of technical writing style include using a formal tone, avoiding unnecessary jargon, using clear and concise language, organizing information logically, and using visual aids such as diagrams and charts to enhance understanding.

4. How does technical writing style differ from other writing styles?

Technical writing style differs from other writing styles in that it focuses on conveying technical or scientific information in a clear and precise manner, rather than on creative expression or storytelling. It also requires a solid understanding of the subject matter and the ability to communicate complex ideas to a non-technical audience.

5. How can I improve my technical writing style?

To improve your technical writing style, it is important to practice writing in a clear and concise manner, use active voice, avoid unnecessary technical jargon, and organize information logically. It is also helpful to seek feedback from others and to continuously update your knowledge and skills in the subject matter you are writing about.

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