Telepathy , telepathy is possible, some people can use it?

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In summary, the conversation discussed the possibility of telepathy and whether it is real or not. Some people claim to have telepathic abilities, but there is no scientific evidence to support it. Vinko Rajic and Uri Geller are known for their claims of telepathy, but they have not participated in any controlled experiments to prove it. The conversation also mentioned the similarities between telepathy and symptoms of schizophrenia. The discussion concluded that more research should be done on the topic to determine the truth behind telepathy and its potential dangers.
  • #1
Telepathy , telepathy is possible, some people can use it?

I am medicine student , today I received email from one person that "can use telepathy".
Is it possible that telepathy works on the distance of few kilometer, correct and all the time?
I can not find any official document on any existing person today that can use telepathy
but I found Vinko Rajic and Uri Geller and they are talking that they can use telepathy.
Why they do not make research on it? Many Schizophrenic are coming with similar story.
Can it be that some Schizophrenics are just receiving from some other head?
James Randi offer 1000000$ for evidence, but Vinko and Uri can use telepathy or maybe NOT?

There is not scientific evidence for telepathy. Why this telepathy madness?
At Edinburgh University, experts conducted controlled experiments to see if telepathy is possible.
Vinko maybe can give evidence for it but why they do not make an experiment with Vinko or Uri Geller?

Why are Schneider's symptoms of the first rank for Schizophrenia exact the same as Vinko's telepathy?
Is CIA's remove viewing project just a bluff because telepath's like Vinko can never find out who actually
is sending to them , also receiver or sender can never localize each other.

I think it is in interests of science and human kind to make some really research on Vinko and Uri.
New "Mad Monk" like Grigori Rasputin can happen again, some pararanormal people are very dangerous.
Physics news on
  • #2

Did you know that there's a difference between Physics and Psychics?
  • #3

i hear chiropractic is looking for a few enterprising fellows
  • #4

Paging Evo, you are needed on isle 7.

James Randi offer 1000000$ for evidence, but Vinko and Uri can use telepathy or maybe NOT?

That sort of answers your own question. I don't see anyone collecting on Randi's offer, do you?
  • #5

Too much wrong, there's no place to even start, so the answer is ...


FAQ: Telepathy , telepathy is possible, some people can use it?

1. Is telepathy real?

The existence of telepathy has not been scientifically proven. While some people claim to have experienced telepathy, there is no concrete evidence to support its existence.

2. Can anyone learn to use telepathy?

There is currently no scientific evidence to suggest that telepathy can be learned or developed. It is often considered a pseudoscience and is not recognized as a legitimate ability by the scientific community.

3. How does telepathy work?

There is no scientific explanation for how telepathy would work. It is often described as the ability to communicate thoughts or ideas without the use of verbal or physical cues, but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

4. Are there any scientific studies on telepathy?

There have been numerous studies on telepathy, but the results have been inconclusive. Many of these studies have been criticized for their lack of controlled experiments and reliable data.

5. Can telepathy be used to communicate with animals?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that telepathy can be used to communicate with animals. While some people may claim to have experienced telepathic communication with animals, this has not been scientifically proven.
