Teleportation-possible or not?

  • Thread starter scilover89
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of teleportation and its potential contradiction with physics laws and theories. Some believe it is possible through manipulating dimensions, while others argue that it goes against current accepted physical theories. The idea of adding dimensions to explain this phenomenon is also mentioned. The concept of local conservation laws and the Heisenburg uncertainty principle are also brought up in the conversation.
  • #1
Let say our dimension is a 4Dimension graph, and every position is a coordinate. If a matter disappear in its original coordinate and reappear in another coordinate(without travelling), does this contradic with any physics laws or theories? In other word, are there any physics facts that show that teleportation is impossible?
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  • #2
scilover89 said:
Let say our dimension is a 4Dimension graph, and every position is a coordinate. If a matter disappear in its original coordinate and reappear in another coordinate(without travelling), does this contradic with any physics laws or theories? In other word, are there any physics facts that show that teleportation is impossible?

No, I see it everyday when I drive :biggrin: . When I drive my car, I often see a vehicle in front of mine turning into the left street and disappearing suddenly due to a building. Sometimes later : , I discover an indentical vehicle appearing suddenly in another different street.
Therefore, I have many times some questions concerning these curious events:
* Is the 1st car teleported to this new place (time,position)?
* Is this new car simply another car?
* Are the two events correlated?

  • #3
acctually I do believe they are trying to do this only one problem you would have to change the make up of your body into enrgy or plasma and well then put it back all normal :confused: .would cut the cost and time waiting in line at the airport tho!
  • #4
scilover89 said:
If a matter disappear in its original coordinate and reappear in another coordinate(without travelling), does this contradic with any physics laws or theories?

Yes, it contradicts local conservation laws, and without them, let's say that there are some troubles in the actual view on theoretical physics (at least the "confirmed" part, quantum field theory). The one that comes to mind is local conservation of charge, which gives rise to the Ward identity, which is needed to avoid certain problems in QED.

That doesn't mean that it is not possible to invent a theory where no such laws hold, but in answer to the question: it does contradict current accepted physical theories.

The simplest way out is by looping out in another dimension. As such, you DO have local conservation, but in the reduced dimensional manifold, the thing "disappears" and then "reappears".

  • #5
vanesch said:
The simplest way out is by looping out in another dimension. As such, you DO have local conservation, but in the reduced dimensional manifold, the thing "disappears" and then "reappears".


yes indeed, for example take a small rope. At large distance scales (suppose you are looking from 10 meters away) you see only 'a line' , which is one dimensional. But if you look closer, you actually see a long cilinder of which the surface is a two dimensional curved surface. Now, suppose there is an ant walking on that rope along circular paths (a helical motion). At large distance scales, you'd think that this ant is just walking along the rope but at small distance scales, the ant is making circular orbits. This is an example of how a dimension can be 'added' when changing the distance scale at which you look at things. This idea is widely used in String Theory.

  • #6

In this site, there is another way to explain this. If you look from one direction at the rope, the flea appears to disappear and then reappear as it moves along it's circular orbit. The person standing on the rope will always be visible because he can only move in one dimension. This is another example of how this phenomenon depends on both the size of the object that you are looking at and the distance from which you look at it.

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  • #7
Thanks for the information, but what is local conservation laws?
  • #8
Why hasnt anyone brought up the Heisenburg uncertainty principle?

FAQ: Teleportation-possible or not?

1. Is teleportation possible?

Currently, teleportation as seen in science fiction is not possible. However, there have been successful experiments with quantum teleportation, which involves transmitting information about a particle's quantum state from one location to another.

2. How does quantum teleportation work?

Quantum teleportation involves entangling two particles, or linking their quantum states. Information about one particle's quantum state is then transmitted to the other particle, causing it to take on the same state as the first particle. This allows for the transfer of information without the physical movement of particles.

3. Can humans be teleported?

At this time, teleporting humans is not possible. The technology and understanding of quantum teleportation is still in its early stages and it is not yet feasible to teleport complex and conscious beings like humans.

4. What are the potential applications of teleportation?

If we can successfully develop and harness quantum teleportation, it could have a wide range of applications in fields such as communication, computing, and transportation. It could also greatly impact space exploration by allowing for the transmission of information and possibly even matter across vast distances.

5. What are the ethical implications of teleportation?

As with any new technology, there are ethical considerations that need to be addressed. Teleportation could raise questions about privacy, identity, and the potential consequences of transferring matter. It is important for proper regulations and guidelines to be established before teleportation technology is widely used.

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