How Does Scoring 90 on a Brain-Wiring Test Compare to Average?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary: Hand gestures help a lot.You know you're getting close when the road kind of narrows down into two lanes, then when you get to the split you want the road that head off, oh ... about a 120 degrees to the left, then up this big hill ...In summary, the test is a measure of autistic-gayness spectrum and it has something to do with a theoretical autistic-gayness spectrum. The test-taker scored a 50 and is in the middle of the spectrum. If they get bored with the test, they can score a 120 for being a man or a -15 for being a woman.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
I scored 90.
Physics news on
  • #2
wolram said:
I scored 90.
Is there something you meant to post? :-p
  • #3
wolram said:
I scored 90.


My score is 75 ... yay I'm not gay!
  • #4
Evo said:
Is there something you meant to post? :-p

Now i have lost the test, it was there a minute ago honest, that one is down the plug hole for sure as i came across it by accident.
  • #5
wolram said:
Now i have lost the test, it was there a minute ago honest, that one is down the plug hole for sure as i came across it by accident.
You can find it in your "history".
  • #6
wolram said:
I scored 90.

65. Pretty much an average guy.
  • #7
Evo said:
You can find it in your "history".

Yay, cleaver clogs :biggrin:

Here it is,
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  • #8
I got 160, so I'm smack dab in the middle.
  • #9
Both posted tests are the exact same test, but Wolram's explains how the points were assigned.

Funny, I almost made a comment about the question about whether the testee was male or female in light of the disclaimer that there were no right or wrong answers, only preferences. Turns out the answer you give to that question affects your test score.
  • #10
BobG said:
Both posted tests are the exact same test, but Wolram's explains how the points were assigned.

Funny, I almost made a comment about the question about whether the testee was male or female in light of the disclaimer that there were no right or wrong answers, only preferences. Turns out the answer you give to that question affects your test score.

Wow BobG you are even more manlier than I am. Honestly I have no idea on the credentials of this test-it apparently has something to do with a theoretical autistic-gayness spectrum.
  • #11
170 right in the middle
  • #12
what is my score if i get bored with it after 12 questions?
  • #13
Scored a 50.

Manly man coming through!
  • #14
60. I'm a steaming hot volcano of manliness.
  • #15
CaptainQuasar said:
60. I'm a steaming hot volcano of manliness.
Hot stuff coming through?
  • #16
The hottest. Like, Planck time after the Big Bang hot.
  • #17
CaptainQuasar said:
The hottest. Like, Planck time after the Big Bang hot.
Or perhaps like Simpsons S08E15's "" "..
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  • #18
I got a 140.
  • #19
Hmmm... I scored a 90 too. :rolleyes: Does that mean I lose my high-heeled sister-shoes and become one of the guys?
  • #20
Hahaha "A friend has something mechanical that won't work. You would: Sympathize and discuss how they feel about it"

THAT will solve the problem...
  • #21
physics girl phd said:
Hmmm... I scored a 90 too. :rolleyes: Does that mean I lose my high-heeled sister-shoes and become one of the guys?

Oh, don't worry, those orthopedic shoes with support hose that the PF sisterhood wears don't have very high heels anyway. :rolleyes: I think it just means you're a physicist.

Some just seemed odd. For example, the one about how you'd give directions if someone CALLED you for directions. How would you draw them a map over the phone? :rolleyes:
  • #22
I got -15 for being a man, and 20 if I was a woman.
  • #23
I scored 180
  • #24
Kurdt said:
I got -15 for being a man, and 20 if I was a woman.

Whoa. That's intimidating. You must sweat testosterone.
  • #25
physics girl phd said:
Hmmm... I scored a 90 too. :rolleyes: Does that mean I lose my high-heeled sister-shoes and become one of the guys?

Yep, learn how to stretch a 10 min coffee break to 20 mins, scratch yer bum and say, it will take at least 4hrs boss.
  • #26
wolram said:
Yep, learn how to stretch a 10 min coffee break to 20 mins, scratch yer bum and say, it will take at least 4hrs boss.

physics girl scratches bum, grabs coffee and sits at the computer for four hours looking at Jimmy Choos online to regain sister-sense... :biggrin:
  • #27
Moonbear said:
Oh, don't worry, those orthopedic shoes with support hose that the PF sisterhood wears don't have very high heels anyway. :rolleyes: I think it just means you're a physicist.

Some just seemed odd. For example, the one about how you'd give directions if someone CALLED you for directions. How would you draw them a map over the phone? :rolleyes:

Fax it to them over the phone line. Geez, some people. :rolleyes:

Hand gestures help a lot.

You know you're getting close when the road kind of narrows down into two lanes, then when you get to the split you want the road that head off, oh ... about a 120 degrees to the left, then up this big hill ...

See, wasn't that much clearer? It even when works on internet forums!

We need hand gesture smilies!
  • #28
Some of the questions are wrong, like the one about where you would sit in a movie theater. Everyone knows that there is a correct place to sit and it isn't right or left, it is in the center. Others asked about remembering names and faces, but the answers never had the way my brain works: I remember faces, but not names.

Anyway, I scored 75.
  • #29
Kurdt said:
I got -15 for being a man, and 20 if I was a woman.

You picked 7 A's, 3 B's, and 20 C's.
  • #30
I got 130. Maybe it's the influence of all those mind-bending chemistry, physics, and math classes...?

I took the test that GCT posted. The explanation of the scoring said that the lower the score that a woman gets, the greater the likelihood that she's a lesbian, and the higher the score that a man gets, the greater the likelihood that he's gay.

Hmm...based on my own experience, I question that. When I was in college, a hot topic between me and the very few other female physics majors was our "fringe benefits" (access to lots of available males). It was a perk we had that, say, English or Drama majors didn't have. I think most of those women would score pretty low on that test, but I'm pretty sure we were all heteros.
  • #31
lisab said:
I got 130. Maybe it's the influence of all those mind-bending chemistry, physics, and math classes...?

I took the test that GCT posted. The explanation of the scoring said that the lower the score that a woman gets, the greater the likelihood that she's a lesbian, and the higher the score that a man gets, the greater the likelihood that he's gay.

Hmm...based on my own experience, I question that. When I was in college, a hot topic between me and the very few other female physics majors was our "fringe benefits" (access to lots of available males). It was a perk we had that, say, English or Drama majors didn't have. I think most of those women would score pretty low on that test, but I'm pretty sure we were all heteros.

Oh, come on, everybody knows a real woman (especially a blonde one) would sympathise and discuss how they feel about it when a friend has something mechanical that won't work. Only a lesbian would actually fix something like a broken toilet handle or tighten a door knob on a door.

The only bad question on the whole test was:
"You've found a parking space but it's tight and you must reverse into it. You would:"

A real woman (especially a blonde one) would bang into the adjacent cars seven times while backing in, only to discover she can't open her car doors.

You can trust this test. It was written by a real man (one that can't spell and was lousy at writing essays, which makes it even more reliable).
  • #32
I scored a 140. I park anywhere geometrically possible, can point to north, etc... Not sure what got me that close to feminine.
  • #33
I got a 180 :biggrin:
  • #34
Please consider the source for this test (which the author provides):

and know that not everyone agrees with these ideas.

Barbara and Allan Pease traveled the world collating the dramatic findings of new research on the brain, investigating evolutionary biology, analysing psychologists research, studying social change and annoying the locals. The result is WHY MEN DON'T LISTEN AND WOMEN CAN'T READ MAPS, the sometimes shocking, always illuminating, frequently hilarious look at where the battle line is drawn between the sexes, why it was drawn and how to cross it. Revealed: Why men really can't do more than one thing at a time Why women make such a mess of parallel parking Why men should never lie to women Why women talk so much and men so little WHAT MEN AND WOMEN REALLY WANT A must-read for everyone - you will learn as much about yourself and how to improve your relationships, as you will about the opposite sex.

I picked up this book at an airport before a trip, read it, and threw it away afterwards. The authors heavily cherry pick from studies that support their ideas, and naturally, ignore the ones that don't. There's quite a bit from them about how girls can succeed in arithmetic, but not higher math, so be careful when you evaluate the opinions of this couple who are making a nice living off this book.

Also note that these people tout themselves as "Australia's most successful publishing team":
but that's about it. I cannot find further credentials for them in psychology or other disciplines. They are motivational speakers.
  • #35
Math Is Hard said:
Please consider the source for this test (which the author provides):

and know that not everyone agrees with these ideas.

Right it's heavily prejudiced. I scored 90, but that's probably for the multi task questions. Really if men couldn't do more than one thing at the time, all pilots would be female.

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