Endocrine System: Questions for Bio Test

  • Thread starter student007
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In summary: The endocrine system includes glands that produce hormones, which are responsible for regulating many activities in the body. The exocrine glands include the pancreas, which secretes pancreatic juices. The endocrine system also includes the hypothalamus, which controls many processes like hunger and thirst. The endocrine system is important for regulating many activities, like Na levels in the blood.
  • #1
I have a bio test tomorrow on the endocrine and nervous systems, and i have a few questions.
1) Are the endocrine glands and the exocrine glands both part of the endocrine system?
2) For exocrine glands, do the glands just secrete the hormones through ducts or tubes, or do they actually use these hormones (e.g. tear and sweat glands)?
3) How does ADH regulate Na levels if it only controls water permeability? (if there's more water in the blood, would the Na conc. just decrease?)
4) How does depolarization work, that is, is there a Na/K pump after every K and Na "door"? (i.e. the impulse travels like so: K(open)Na(closed)-->K(closed)Na (open) --> Na/K pump...and this repeats)

Test is tommorrow - thanks.
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  • #2
Show us some of your thoughts on all your questions (like you did for question 3) and then we can try and steer you in the right direction. For the yes/no answers, it will help to explain your reasoning. :smile:
(see forum's https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=28)

Q3: you said: "if there's more water in the blood, would the Na conc. just decrease?"
Comment: what happens when the solvent (water) concentration increases but the ion (sodium) concentration remains constant? how does this change in liquid volume affect the forces inside the vessel (capillaries, veins, arteries, etc...)?
  • #3
well, for: 1) i would say yes because they both secrete hormones
2) no idea. because our notes only focus on endocrine glands
3) if water conc increases, then sodium conc. decreases because it pretty much becomes diluted.
4) i would think that there is sodium/potassium pump after each pair of channels, so that the concentration of K and Na can return back to normal before depolairzation continues, but I'm not sure.
  • #4
1) No, exocrine glands don't secrete hormones, therefore are not part of the endocrine system. They secrete other substances, like pancreatic juices through ducts, whereas endocrine glands do not have ducts and secrete horomones right into the bloodsystem. Note that the pancreas is an exocrine and an endocrine gland, it secretes both hormones right into the bloodstream and other substances (juices) through ducts.
2) Exocrine glands don't secrete hormones. They secrete other substances through ducts. If you have a test on the nervous system and endocrine system, you should not be asked about exocrine glands ACCEPT, you will likely get this Q:

Which gland is exocrine and endocrine? Answer: Pancreas.
  • #5
student007 said:
3) How does ADH regulate Na levels if it only controls water permeability? (if there's more water in the blood, would the Na conc. just decrease?)

elevated level of salt will osmotically pull water from the surrounding tissues, thereby raising the blood pressure. likewise, raising the volume of water in the blood will cause Na to diffuse into the blood.
  • #6
4): Depolarization: the idea is that the axons are aligned with Na+/K- pumps such that
when the all-or-none firing principle occurs these pumps activate letting mostly Na+ in
(can't remeber but i believe K- out-pumps don't open till around -40 thus leading to the quick rise in the peak) once the 0 threshold or was it +30 threshold is reached. the Na+
in-pumps close(i odn't think the K- pumps close at the peak..but you should search for google for that)

Hyperpolarization: once teh Na+ in-pumps close the Na+ out-pumps open and the reverse process hyperpolarization begins. K- out-pumps close. and K-inpumps open as

the refractory period: is caused when hyperpolarization overshoots the resting...that is to much Na+ is let in so there's a time in which some Na+ or Cl- is exchanged..sorry my neurophysiology is long lost.

you should also loook into Cl- pumps I believ they flow opposite to K- and are less concentration(thus minimal)

FAQ: Endocrine System: Questions for Bio Test

1. What is the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is a collection of glands in the body that produce hormones. These hormones travel through the bloodstream and regulate various bodily functions such as metabolism, growth and development, and response to stress.

2. What are the main glands in the endocrine system?

The main glands in the endocrine system include the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreas, and ovaries/testes. These glands release hormones that help regulate different bodily processes.

3. What are the functions of the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in the body. It helps regulate metabolism, growth and development, reproduction, response to stress, and many other bodily functions. It also plays a role in the communication between different cells and organs in the body.

4. How do hormones travel through the body?

Hormones travel through the body via the bloodstream. They are released by the glands and then carried to their target cells or organs, where they bind to specific receptors and initiate a response.

5. What are some disorders of the endocrine system?

Some common disorders of the endocrine system include diabetes, thyroid disorders, and adrenal gland disorders. These can result from overproduction or underproduction of hormones, or from issues with hormone receptors or feedback mechanisms in the body.
