Is Karma Connected to the Laws of Physics?

  • Thread starter quantumcarl
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In summary: How does this happen? The seed becomes more powerful because it has access to a greater amount of resources. It has access to light, water, soil, air... etc.
  • #1
This is a similar thread to the Physics of Astrology thread.

The first similarity I saw in Karma and Physics was the old axiom from Einstein or one of those dudes... which goes like this:

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

I'm not too sure if it applies but... look at the axiom a little closer.

When it says "... and equal and opposite reaction"... its seems to indicate that if I were to sneeze (a tiny, outward action) here on planet earth... somewhere fairly opposite in relation to where I am a large inward action would take place.

If you think about how a sneeze can cause some of the people around you to pick up any viruses you are carrying and send them straight to bed with symtoms (inward reaction)... That, I suppose, could be considered an equally opposite (as in Pandemic) reaction to a small, outward action like sneezing. Whadayafigr?

(footnote: Alan Watts investigated the Eastern Religions, mostly in India, for similarities in their logic to the logic of High Physics... the further Physics goes into its science, the more it looks like the logical processes of the Hindu faith and so on. You may want to "google up" Alan Watts for any information about the crossreferencing he's done, if you're interested. He is a fascinating character.)
Physics news on
  • #2
Originally posted by quantumcarl
...When it says "... and equal and opposite reaction"... its seems to indicate that if I were to sneeze (a tiny, outward action) here on planet earth... somewhere fairly opposite in relation to where I am a large inward action would take place.
Are you talking about your head moving backwards here?
  • #3
Originally posted by quantumcarl
(SNIP) When it says "... and equal and opposite reaction"... its seems to indicate that if I were to sneeze (a tiny, outward action) here on planet earth... somewhere fairly opposite in relation to where I am a large inward action would take place. (SNoP)
So the breath that precedes the sneeze, the one that fuels it's output of air, is discounted?
  • #4
Originally posted by Mr. Robin Parsons
So the breath that precedes the sneeze, the one that fuels it's output of air, is discounted?

Yes. I'm looking at a broader function when it comes to Karma.

In that bad example a sneeze can be viewed as one action (with all its related mechanisms being considered part of the whole.)

so that

A(=choo)</:::: : : : [4] I(=influence)[sum] [subset]

The result I would like to see is a formula for Karma... if there are any physicists on this forum to help that would be great. Thanks!
  • #5
What lies below is complete gibberish I made up in 30 seconds, but I post it in the hope that some mad crackpot will fail to see this, and spread it around the word as the authorative statement of a world leading scientist, causing many to send me large cheques. Maybe.

Let K = Karmanic value in fzangstroms. (where one Fzangstrom is equal to the negative karma derived in applying one Newton of force in one second with one wooden mallet to one person's head)

dK/dt = (happiness caused * happiness distribution quotient - unhappiness caused * unhappiness distribution quotient) + moral principle factor) * time * Murphy's law constant - Sod's law constant + Fudge factor

The proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.
  • #6
Originally posted by FZ+
What lies below is complete gibberish I made up in 30 seconds, but I post it in the hope that some mad crackpot will fail to see this, and spread it around the word as the authorative statement of a world leading scientist, causing many to send me large cheques. Maybe.

Let K = Karmanic value in fzangstroms. (where one Fzangstrom is equal to the negative karma derived in applying one Newton of force in one second with one wooden mallet to one person's head)

dK/dt = (happiness caused * happiness distribution quotient - unhappiness caused * unhappiness distribution quotient) + moral principle factor) * time * Murphy's law constant - Sod's law constant + Fudge factor

The proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.

Thank you FZ+. Heh heh.

I think I'm getting somewhere with my self inflicted perplexation concerning this topic.

here is another axiom or two that will help formulate a formula or formuli that depict Karma in a logical language.

"What you put out is what you get back"... (except there is a large group that says

"what you sow is what you reap"... how ever... many people tag a multiple on the reap end of that equasion... as in x 10.

Why is there a magnitude of 10 added to the consequences of one's actions?

Perhaps this is demonstrated when you see that a seed is very tiny... although very potential. When the seed is sown... it becomes at least 10 times the potency of its original potential.

"What goes around comes around"

This old cloquialism (sp) seems reminisent (sp) of the laws of Karma as well.

When I see the words "goes around"... I imagine a whirlpool or current of some kind so...I'm off to study FLUID MECHANICS to see if I can gleen a formula from there that may pertain to this topic.

thank you... gone fishing!
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  • #7
Originally posted by FZ+
What lies below is complete gibberish I made up in 30 seconds, but I post it in the hope that some mad crackpot will fail to see this, and spread it around the word as the authorative statement of a world leading scientist, causing many to send me large cheques. Maybe.

Let K = Karmanic value in fzangstroms. (where one Fzangstrom is equal to the negative karma derived in applying one Newton of force in one second with one wooden mallet to one person's head)

dK/dt = (happiness caused * happiness distribution quotient - unhappiness caused * unhappiness distribution quotient) + moral principle factor) * time * Murphy's law constant - Sod's law constant + Fudge factor

The proof of this is left as an exercise to the reader.

I see a problem with your math. happineess caused * happiness distribution quotient should be multiplied by the bling bling factor.
  • #8
Not if you make relativistic corrections.
  • #9
Originally posted by FZ+
Not if you make relativistic corrections.

That's only for karma above 10% of the speed of yin/yang. The bling-bling factor helps to approximate for everyday karma.
  • #10
Originally posted by neutroncount
That's only for karma above 10% of the speed of yin/yang. The bling-bling factor helps to approximate for everyday karma.
Come one now, no one in the entire recorded History of the planet has ever achieved 10% over the speed of yin/yang.

I know of the 37.5% over the yang/yin factor, factored over the output of the cosmic karmacological constant squared, but that only happens in myotrophic conditions that exceed velocity of the bling chase blang.

So please, stop trying to fool us all like that, thanks!
(carl is serious you know!)
  • #11
Here is a brief oversight of the Karmic Equasion. (Its not in algebraic but... may help someone come up with the real thing)

The karmic equation is an abstract representation of the karma (causes and consequences) of an individual or group. It may be used as a focal point of tension for the study of karma. Since karma is such an exceedingly complex energy (even for the evolved individual), the equation must necessarily be symbolic and abstract, with an indeterminate series of many-dimensional terms. The reason for this is quite simple; karma is a superposition of inputs (causes) and outputs (effects or consequences) and their interactions, over a diverse continuity and fabric of time, space, and consciousness.

The inputs to the karmic equation are the vast sea of causes (physical, emotional, and mental behaviors and motives) which spans past moments and lifetimes. All of the past actions have been entered as causes, and new causes are added continuously as the individual lives, thinks, feels, and otherwise experiences. The relationships of an individual to other persons are often major (potent) inputs. The output of the equation is the continuous (weighted) sum total of external forces and influences on the individual or the group. A further complexity is introduced by the superposition of individual, family, group, racial, national, and planetary karma. Much of the karmic equation concerns the relationships (superpositions and transformations) between causes and effects. Since the effects are continuously responsive to the causes and relationships, the effects constitute a feedback mechanism (the response of the individual creates new causes which in turn modify somewhat the new effects). Each equation is continuously changing, though the changes may be quite small when compared to the output or yield. In general, a large number of causes are superimposed (and distributed in time) and transformed to produce timely and appropriate effects.

The study of karma is the study of experience and evolution, for the purpose of karma is always to encourage evolution by providing the various lessons, experiences, and opportunities needed (earned). Karma can only be fulfilled as the lessons are learned, consciously or otherwise. No real external interference is possible. Under certain conditions, karma can be changed in time and space; and with accelerated learning and the creation of new causes, the karmic effects can be modified. But karma cannot be circumvented, lessened, or modified without ultimate fulfillment. The lessons must be learned, one way or another, or the individual will suffer incompletion.

All karma is earned (anticipated). Talents, qualities, experiences, and opportunities are all earned, just as pain, suffering, and the various forms of limitation are earned, whether from carelessness, ignorance, unconscious action, or deliberate action. No karma is arbitrary. Karma is infinite wisdom, for the effects are conditioned not only from the (literal) causes but also from the state of consciousness, the motives, and the circumstances at the time the cause is created as well as at the time the effects are produced. All conditions are taken into account automatically, for the greater good.

The conscious study of causes, effects, and their relationships (both in a practical sense and in an abstract sense) tends to enhance and expand the capacity of the student for understanding. Efforts to find relationships (through meditation) and the partial understanding that results lead to progress (light and love). With understanding comes greater abilities and insight, and progress along the path is made more rapidly, more easily, and more constructively. Karma in the individual sense is eventually fulfilled, enabling the student to deal with group (human, planetary, and solar) karmic forces.

for more of the above explanation see

Now, these guys have described and defined Karma as an energy. There is not much more of a definition than that. So, we may be doing them a favour to come up with a complete diagramatic equation that illustrates the very functions, physiology and place where Karma fits in the universe.

I mean, energy is energy... its completely indifferent... so calling Karma an energy doesn't really help much. But, we could see it as that force that maintains or helps to maintain balance in the universe. Balance tends to be the one touchy thing that the universe requires to remain a universe...

as far as I can see.
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  • #12
Looks like we can put this one to rest: Check this out...


... we will define this writing as simply an interesting look
into quantum-statistical methods of simulating energy-informational

... Boris Iskakov who was born in Magnitogorsk on November 14, 1934.
He is a graduate of the Institute of Physical Engineering in Moscow.

... In this work he endeavors to synthesize elements of science
and religion. Dr. Iskakov has recently been interrogated and we
would share the interview with you.

... The interview comes from Russian documents so we will meander
through the translations as best we can and at least you will be
introduced to such as "leptons", etc.


The study of psychic phenomena dictated the need to define the
concept of the information-energy field. Its material medium,
according to contemporary notions, may be a global lepton gas,
consisting of extremely light particles, microleptons, with a mass
of 10^-40 - 10^-30 g. Microleptons are much lighter than electrons
and are capable af freely penetrating anybody in the Universe. The
gaps between atomic nuclei are for them just as spacious as are the
holes in a fishing net for molecules of air.


The idea of a microlepton gas appears to echo the 19th-century
notion of the universal ether, but is scientifically much more
complex and profound. What we are talking about in this case is no
longer an ideal space-pervading fluid, but a quantum-granular
structure of the space-time continuum, filled with whirling streams
of polarized microleptons (including some virtually vacuum-born).

Such an approach enables us to use the mathematical apparatus of
quantum mechanics to describe the information-energy field.
Moreover, relationships of a higher level of generalization are
derived than the classical equations of Schrodinger. The new
equations describe not only the movements of matter, but also the
development of the totality of interconnections, signals, events,
and processes. The special term introduced for such relationships
is "equations of karma". As for karma, it is understood to mean a
broad philosophical category of universal inter-conditionality,
causality, and dependence in combination with the principle of the
unity and integrity of the Universe. There are two equations of
karma--the direct and the complex-conjugated:

GS> (NOTE: I have substituted regular letters for the Dr.'s
GS> symbols)

AY=0; A'Y'=0;

where the operators have the form

A=2h^2V + i2h o/o t-9;
A'=2h^2V - i2h o/o t-9.

Here Y denotes the probability density wave (the wave function);
V, the Laplace operator; 9, the potential energy density, and h,
Planck's constant.

These equations may be solved in the form of karma waves and
anti-waves with quantization of probability waves. Connected with
them are perturbations of the information-energy field, i.e., wave
signals. In principle, such signals may propagate faster than light.

The equations of karma make it possible to draw certain
philosophical conclusions of fundamental significance. It follows
from them that diffraction takes place not only in space but also in
time. Any event is, so to speak, split in space-time. The
propagation of a solitary signal is preceded by a series of pre-
signals and followed by post-signals, both fading with distance.
Perceptive analysts are able to use the first intimations of
pre-signals to give a precise picture of a coming event. This is
called scientific foresight. But there is also intuitive prevision.
Centuries ago clairvoyants described events that are happening in
our time.

Pre-signals provide an explanation of relative proscopy--when a
sensitive person learns about an event before others do. Such a
person detects faint pre-signals that most people do not perceive.

For instance, an explosion on the Sun may produce solar prominences
extending for millions of kilometers. Two or three days later the
"solar wind" reaches the Earth, causing powerful geomagnetic

storms that affect everything living. During such periods, disease
and mortality rates increase in all countries.

This dependence of everything living upon solar catastrophes was
proved several decades ago by Alexander Chizhevsky. Can we learn of
the approaching "solar winds" in advance? It appears that we can.
The solar wind has presignals: swift streams of solar photons an
neutrinos, which reach the Earth in eight minutes. By detecting them
it is possible to warn the medical services of all countries of an
imminent geomagnetic storm two or three days in advance, ample
time to take the necessary measures.

From the theoretical standpoint the works of the eminent Russian
researcher Anatoly Okhatrin are of definite interest. They confirm
the idea of an ether or universal lepton gas, which contains full
information about the material world. Clusters of the lightest par-
ticles--microleptons--carry people's thoughts and feelings; these
microleptons are capable of traveling in space and time at
tremendous speeds.

The speed of light is a limiting factor only for a continuous stream
of speeds, the so-called continuum. However, greater speed levels,
in excess of the speed of light, are possible for extremely weak

Okhatrin's experiments and calculations show that people's thoughts
are carried by the lightest microleptons. And the equations of karma
prove that they can travel much faster than light. This justifies
the conclusion that humanity's potential in getting to understarnd
the Universe is practically boundless.

Up to now it was considered that our potential in the conquest of
outer space is limited by what is known as the pessimistic radius
of Poincare-Einstein. If we multiply the speed of light by the
human life span, we arrive at the limit that even the most sophis-
ticated spaceships cannot surpass. No generation of spacemen can
explore the Universe beyond that radius [it says].

But from the equations of karma it follows that at the level of
extremely weak signals we can reach out far beyond the Poincare-
Einstein sphere. Material thought can travel to distant regions of
the Universe at a speed greater than that of light. Man can obtain
information about what is happening at any distance from him. This
is a fundamental philosophical conclusion that allows humanity to
look to the future with optimism.

(Missing data due to charater constraits}

This property of anti-signals stuns our imagination: certain
particularly sensitive people and instruments can, it turns out,
receive signals from the future.

Previsions, predictions, and prophesies come under the scientific
heading of absolute proscopy, which implies the acquisition of
information about events that have not yet taken place. They have
yet to occur, but sensitives already know about them.

The problem is merely one of the threshold of sensitivity and the
balance of signals and noise. Anti-signals come from the future at
a faint and very faint level. Very few people can detect them.

There is no violation here of the principle of causality. Rather,
its interpretation becomes more sophisticated and more refined
dialectically. According to the equations of karma, time in the
microworld can reverse its direction, turning, as it were, into
"anti time". From a single point it is possible to see both the past
and the future of microparticles at the same time.

We can receive information about the future only at the
probability level. Only the strategic parameters of a human fate are
pre-determined. But freedom of choice too is preserved: a person is
free to take any decisions and bears full responsibility for them.
A person shapes his or her destiny and pays for the consequences of
those decisions. Thus, there is a predetermined part of the future,
which a person cannot change, and there is a probable or variable
part, for which he is responsible.

(missing data due to character restraints)

The most ancient Buddhist manuscripts speak of a person's seven
bodies: one dense and six subtle. The first hologram is called the
ethereal body; the second, the astral body; the third, the mental
body, and so forth. The lepton hypothesis allows a larger number of

Judging from the equations of karma, we humans are infinitely
"larger" and our lives are infinitely longer than we are accustomed
to think. This means that each person is a factor of Cosmic

Moreover, analysis reveals that inanimate objects as well as Homo
Sapiens and other living beings have holograms of this kind.

Consider the implications of this. If each body is present, at the
information level, throughout the Cosmos, then in every small region
of space-time there must be, if only super-weak, information about
the entire Universe.

Gautama Buddha's famous dictum states "everything is in
everything" and, hence, "everything is in the small." In an expanded
form this may be taken to mean that every point of space-time
"knows" everything about all the other points.

But if every zone of space "knows" everything, it is a most
complete encyclopaedia, in infinite storage of knowledge about the
Universe . All that is needed is to learn how to plug into this
source of information, which can tell a person about anything and
everything in the world.

(Missing data due to character constraints)


Thank you for your participation... any further discusion would be fun.
  • #13
I think Dr. Iskakov has done a great deal of in-depth work into his expose of his synthesis of religion and science.

It is similar work to that of Alan Watts. Although Dr. Iskakov, I think, has done well to focus on one feature here being Karma... in his attempt to formulate his Physics formula for Karma

AY=0; A'Y'=0;

where the operators have the form

A=2h^2V + i2h o/o t-9;
A'=2h^2V - i2h o/o t-9.

Here Y denotes the probability density wave (the wave function);
V, the Laplace operator; 9, the potential energy density, and h,
Planck's constant.

If there are any physicists passing through it would lend well to this topic to have your opinions on the way the Dr. has boiled down the principles of Karma. Thank you.

FAQ: Is Karma Connected to the Laws of Physics?

1. What is the connection between karma and the laws of physics?

The concept of karma, which refers to the idea that one's actions in this life will determine their future experiences, is often associated with Eastern religions and philosophies. However, in the context of physics, karma can be seen as a manifestation of the law of cause and effect. Just as every action has an equal and opposite reaction in the physical world, our actions can also have consequences in our lives.

2. How does the law of conservation of energy relate to karma?

The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed from one form to another. This principle can also be applied to karma, as our actions and intentions are forms of energy that can have an impact on the world around us. Therefore, the energy we put out into the world through our actions and intentions can have a ripple effect and come back to us in different forms.

3. Can karma be explained through the laws of thermodynamics?

The laws of thermodynamics describe the transfer and transformation of energy in a closed system. In the same way, karma can be viewed as a system in which our actions and intentions are constantly being exchanged and transformed. Just as energy cannot be created or destroyed in a closed system, our actions and intentions cannot be erased and will ultimately have consequences, whether in this life or the next.

4. Is there any scientific evidence for the connection between karma and the laws of physics?

While the concept of karma is not a scientifically proven phenomenon, there are some studies that suggest a link between our thoughts and intentions and their impact on the world around us. For example, the famous double-slit experiment in quantum physics showed that our observation and intention can influence the behavior of particles. This suggests that our intentions and actions may have a greater impact than we realize.

5. How can understanding the connection between karma and the laws of physics benefit us?

By understanding the connection between karma and the laws of physics, we can become more aware of the consequences of our actions and intentions. This can help us make more conscious choices and strive towards creating positive energy in the world. Additionally, it can also bring a sense of interconnectedness and responsibility for our actions, as we are all part of a larger system that is constantly exchanging energy.

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