The science of flying molten tungsten

In summary, my friend believes he saw a drop of molten bulb wire fly out of a lightbulb and onto the floor. He is not able to prove or disprove this theory.
  • #1

a friend of mine - a college physics professor, and me, have had a discussion about an experience he had in his early school days, and we haven't been able to prove or dissprove what he thinks he saw.
During an incandescent light burn-out (12V bulb on 220V =), he thinks he might have seen a drop of molten bulb wire (tungsten) fly (or melt its way) right throug the glass bulb housing and on to the floor, leaving the bulb intact. (but not the parquet :)
My gut feeling is, that what he saw, probably came from the outside of the bulb, but frankly, neither of us is able to make any foolproof physical calculations to rule out the "penetration hypothesis". :)

What's your oppinion on this?

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  • #2
It's easy. If the bulb remained intact, then, apart from interieur damage with high current, there was an external one - on the bulb contacts. They also may melt and give droplets of flying metal. I do not recommend doing this. Any short-cut may produce unpredictable dammage.
  • #3
I agree, but his explanation at the moment is that the droplet, smaler than the thickness of the glass, might have made it's way through, sealing the hole behind it and not leaving a noticeable mark. (He didn't investigate thoroughly...)
Sounds incredible to me, but it'd be fascinating if it was true, don't you think?
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  • #4
MathYew said:
it'd be fascinating if it was true, don't you think?

Yes, it would, but I really don't think that it happened. I believe that Bob is correct. On almost any bulb that I've seen there's a small deposit of solder at the top of the metal section right where the glass goes in. It connects the 'ground' side of the filament to the case, and could easily melt under such overload conditions.
  • #5
There's also much, much less tungsten in a lightbulb than a typical drop.
  • #6
Vanadium 50 said:
There's also much, much less tungsten in a lightbulb than a typical drop.

That doesn't have to be a problem - if the tungsten wire breaks small piece can drop out - it doesn't have to be a "drop" size.
  • #7
I just thought of another clue, which I think disproves the possibility that the spark came from the inside of the bulb... As my college put it, it flew out in an arc. Glass even if it was molten, would still be quite viscous and so, would probably stop the droplet completely.
Well whatever. I think my colleague is a good professor and a good physicist... in his field... :) Had he given this thing any thought, he'd realize, his conclusion was probably false. But I'm not the one to say...
  • #8
Well, I was thinking "drop size" was related to visibility. But now that I think of it, there's probably some complicated interplay between weight and surface tension that determines how big a drop is. It would be interesting to compare the amount of tungsten and the minimum drop size.
  • #9
I think the sizes of drops in this case would be at least partially determined by the fragmentation of the filament during the "burning-out" and would probably depend on the weak spots in material - thicknes and local resistivity. But also on a thousand of other more kinetic factors, I think. But what fascinates me personally is the physics of "melting - through" a layer of matrial. How much less (I suppose) energy is required for a hot sphere to pass through ice in comparison with the energy required to melt a column of ice of the same hight and radius... for example. Some frighteningly concrete physics. =)

FAQ: The science of flying molten tungsten

1. What is the melting point of tungsten?

The melting point of tungsten is approximately 3,422 degrees Celsius or 6,192 degrees Fahrenheit. This makes it one of the highest melting points of any metal, which is why it is often used in applications where extreme heat is involved, such as in light bulb filaments and rocket nozzles.

2. How is molten tungsten able to fly?

Molten tungsten is able to fly due to a phenomenon known as the "plasma arc." When tungsten is heated to its melting point, it becomes a plasma, which is a state of matter where the electrons are separated from the nuclei. This creates a highly conductive and energetic gas that can be manipulated by electric and magnetic fields, allowing it to fly through the air.

3. What are the applications of flying molten tungsten?

Flying molten tungsten has a variety of applications, including in welding, metal cutting, and industrial heating. It is also used in military applications, such as in armor-piercing ammunition and missile warheads. Additionally, it has potential uses in space propulsion and plasma-based energy generation.

4. Is flying molten tungsten dangerous?

Yes, flying molten tungsten can be extremely dangerous. It is a very high-temperature material and can cause severe burns if it comes into contact with skin. Additionally, the plasma arc can emit intense ultraviolet light, which can be harmful to the eyes. Proper safety precautions, such as wearing protective gear and working in a well-ventilated area, should always be taken when handling flying molten tungsten.

5. How is the science of flying molten tungsten studied?

The science of flying molten tungsten is studied through a combination of theoretical and experimental research. This includes computer simulations, laboratory experiments, and real-world applications. Scientists also study the properties of tungsten and its behavior at high temperatures to better understand how to control and manipulate it for different applications.
