Time Dilation Exp: Answers to Questions on A & B's Experiences

In summary, person A, standing still while person B is riding a train at near the speed of light, would experience time dilation where 1 year for B would correspond to 50 years for A. This means that A would think 50 years have passed. B would see A aging very quickly and the clock on the train would appear to be in slow motion. However, the train itself would not be in slow motion due to the constant speed of light. The concept of time dilation is supported by the equation of c x time = distance, where the distance between A and B is constant. In B's rotating reference frame, things are more difficult to analyze.
  • #1
Guilherme Mesquita
Hello everyone,

The questions I am about to ask have probably been explained already, but even after everything I've read I still cannot understand how this experiment would play out and how to answer these questions. So without further ado here is the experiment:

Imagine you have person A standing still while person B is riding a train in a small circular route around him (they can see each other) at near the speed of light.
For B, he has been traveling for 1 year. Let's consider (if we can) that the ratio of time dilation is: 1 year for B corresponds to 50 years for A.

1) How much time does A think has passed?
2) If the answer is 50 years, then B must have seen A aging very quickly no? Which is to say, would B see the life of A like in fast forward motion?
3) Would A see the clock on the train in slow motion?
4) If the answer is yes, is the train also in slow motion (doesn't make much sense)?

I apologize for the ignorance, and I appreciate the time and answers!
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  • #2
1) 50 years.

2) Yes. Yes.

3) Yes.

4) No.
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  • #3
PeroK said:
1) 50 years.

2) Yes. Yes.

3) Yes.

4) No.

Thank you for the answer, but it is a bit confusing that the speed of the train slows the mechanical process of the clock being seen by A but not the train itself. Could you explain why?
  • #4
Guilherme Mesquita said:
Thank you for the answer, but it is a bit confusing that the speed of the train slows the mechanical process of the clock being seen by A but not the train itself. Could you explain why?

The speed of the train is given. That is what A observes/measures. That is the defining factor of the problem. The speed of the train can't cause the speed of the train to reduce. That would make no sense.

Do you understand the concept of time dilation?
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  • #5
PeroK said:
The speed of the train is given. That is what A observes/measures. That is the defining factor of the problem. The speed of the train can't cause the speed of the train to reduce. That would make no sense.

Do you understand the concept of time dilation?

I do know (maybe not understand) what the concept is and I'm somewhat clarified by a few experiments that show, in conjunction with the equation of c x time = distance, how, for example, from observing B shooting a light beam to a mirror and back to him, A would measure a greater distance traveled by light from her point of view, due to B being in movement. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with c (speed of light) being constant, if c was 1 (i know it isnt) and distance for B was 4 and for A was 5, that only leads to unknown variable T, which leads to being higher to one and lower to the other (4 and 5), therefore proving time dilation?
  • #6
Guilherme Mesquita said:
I do know (maybe not understand) what the concept is and I'm somewhat clarified by a few experiments that show, in conjunction with the equation of c x time = distance, how, for example, from observing B shooting a light beam to a mirror and back to him, A would measure a greater distance traveled by light from her point of view, due to B being in movement. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with c (speed of light) being constant, if c was 1 (i know it isnt) and distance for B was 4 and for A was 5, that only leads to unknown variable T, which leads to being higher to one and lower to the other (4 and 5), therefore proving time dilation?
That's more or less the idea.

In your scenario we could assume A is in an inertial reference frame and B is moving at constant speed in a circle. For A, therefore, B's time is dilated.

Everything else follows from the fact that the distance between A and B is constant.

As B is in a rotating, hence non-inertial, reference frame it is more difficult to analyse things from B's frame. There are, in fact, some recent threads about this problem if you search for them.

I'm going offline now, but I'm sure others will help if you have more questions.
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  • #7
PeroK said:
That's more or less the idea.

In your scenario we could assume A is in an inertial reference frame and B is moving at constant speed in a circle. For A, therefore, B's time is dilated.

Everything else follows from the fact that the distance between A and B is constant.

As B is in a rotating, hence non-inertial, reference frame it is more difficult to analyse things from B's frame. There are, in fact, some recent threads about this problem if you search for them.

I'm going offline now, but I'm sure others will help if you have more questions.

Thank you very much for the information. It is indeed the point of reference of B that has caught my attention the most since what I've read usually only tells how A perceives B's time to slow down which, eventhough is a strange idea, I've grown "accustomed" to it, while the fact that B would see A's life going fast forward is a bit more mind-boggling for me now.
  • #8
The "I see you go slow, you see me go slow" phenomenon follows from Einstein's postulate that the laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. We're both in inertial frames, so we must both see the same effects in the other from symmetry.

But the situation you have here is not symmetric. The person on the train is not in an inertial frame, and will rapidly notice that they are splattered all over the "outside" wall of the train. So there can't be a requirement of symmetry. In this case, it turns out that the situation matches the naive "I see you go slow, you see me go fast" that people wrongly expect of relativity.
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  • #9
Guilherme Mesquita said:
Thank you for the answer, but it is a bit confusing that the speed of the train slows the mechanical process of the clock being seen by A but not the train itself. Could you explain why?

Do you mean why, if a clock is in motion relative to a person, that the person will observe the clock running slow?

One way for you to understand this is to ask yourself why you'd expect the clock to not run slow. What Einstein showed was that if the clock doesn't run slow then the speed of light will have to depend on the speed of the light source. Experiments have shown the speed of light does not depend on the speed of the source, and that the clock does run slow.
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FAQ: Time Dilation Exp: Answers to Questions on A & B's Experiences

What is time dilation?

Time dilation is a phenomenon in which time appears to pass at different rates for observers in different frames of reference. This means that time can appear to pass slower or faster depending on factors such as speed and gravitational forces.

How does time dilation occur?

Time dilation occurs due to the effects of special relativity, which states that the laws of physics are the same for all observers in uniform motion. This means that time can appear to slow down for an observer moving at high speeds or in a strong gravitational field.

What is the difference between time dilation and time travel?

Time dilation and time travel are related concepts, but they are not the same. Time dilation is a real phenomenon that has been observed and can be explained by the theory of relativity. Time travel, on the other hand, is a concept that has not yet been proven to be possible and is often explored in science fiction.

Can time dilation be tested or observed?

Yes, time dilation has been tested and observed in various experiments. For example, atomic clocks on airplanes and orbiting satellites have been found to tick at slightly different rates due to their different speeds and distances from Earth's gravitational field.

How does time dilation affect everyday life?

For most people in everyday life, the effects of time dilation are very small and not noticeable. However, for astronauts or those working with highly accurate technology, such as GPS systems, the effects of time dilation must be taken into account for accurate measurements and calculations.

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