Time-independence of seperable solutions of the Schrödinger eqn

In summary, the person arrived at a time-independent probability density by solving the differential equation and multiplying with the complex conjugate.
  • #1
Hey there clever folk,

So I am taking a class in Quantum Mechanics, and I've just completed an assignment about seperable solutions to the schrödinger equation.

One of the questions was to show that seperable solutions give rise to time-independent probability densities.

So I was having the equation [tex]\left|{\psi(x,t)}\right|^2=\left|{T(t)}\right|^2\left|{\psi(x)}\right|^2[/tex]

So the time dependence will be determined only by the function of t. What I did was simply to solve the differential equation I had earlier to find T, and then simply multiply T by its complex conjugate. However, one of the later questions were to actual derive T(t) so I began wondering if there were another way (perhaps quicker) way to show that the complex conjugate product of T(t) would be time independent.

What I arrived at was that since

[tex]i\hbar\frac{d}{dt}T(t) = E T(t)[/tex]

[tex] T(t) = \frac{i\hbar}{E}\frac{d}{dt}T(t)[/tex]

[tex] T^*(t) = \frac{-i\hbar}{E}\frac{d}{dt}T^*(t)[/tex]

[tex] T(t) \cdot T^*(t) = \frac{\hbar^2}{E^2}\frac{d}{dt}T^*(t)\frac{d}{dt}T(t)[/tex]

Therefore I was down to that the time dependence or independence had to be determined from the product


Am I on a completely wild goose hunt? Or is there something about it? When I arrived here I was like "I don't think I have heard about that a product of complex conjugate derivatives cancel".

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  • #2
You almost had it but went in the wrong direction halfway through. Go back to the step where you had ##\frac{dT}{dt} = \frac{-iE}{\hbar}T## and solve the DE (it's trivial). The result will be a unitary time evolution.
  • #3
I'd suggest the obvious. Start with (d/dt)|T(t)|2 and see if you can show it is zero.
  • #4
Thank you for the answers.

@WannabeNewton, I actually did that already :) And by multiplying with the complex conjugate, everything with t disappeared, so that was great. However, in the assignments, a later question was to solve the differential equation and get the function of T(t). So I was wondering if the people behind the assignments had another way in mind, to show the time independence of the probability density, or some kind of reasoning :)

@Bill_K, I'll try to give it a shot :)

FAQ: Time-independence of seperable solutions of the Schrödinger eqn

1. What is the Schrödinger equation and why is it important?

The Schrödinger equation is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics that describes the evolution of a quantum system over time. It is important because it allows us to make predictions about the behavior of particles on a microscopic level and has been successfully used to explain a wide range of physical phenomena.

2. What does it mean for a solution to be time-independent?

A time-independent solution of the Schrödinger equation means that the solution does not change with time. This means that the state of the system remains the same regardless of when it is observed.

3. What are separable solutions and why are they important?

Separable solutions of the Schrödinger equation are solutions that can be expressed as a product of functions of different variables. They are important because they allow us to simplify the equation and make it easier to solve.

4. How does the time-independence of separable solutions affect the behavior of a quantum system?

If a solution is time-independent, it means that the state of the system does not change with time. This can have significant implications for the behavior of the system, as it may exhibit properties such as stability or periodicity.

5. Can all solutions of the Schrödinger equation be separated into time-independent and time-dependent parts?

No, not all solutions of the Schrödinger equation can be separated into time-independent and time-dependent parts. This is because some systems may have interactions that cannot be described as a product of two functions. In these cases, the solutions cannot be separated and are considered to be time-dependent.

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