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ricardo kuhn
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Totally "Pennytech" rotating Headlight
Hi I just stumble into this forum and I already feel totally at home, I don't have any formal engeniering education but i have years of experience as a industrial designer among other things ,like growing up in Sur America without acess to millions of resourses,,,
oh sorry for the Ingles...
anyway I have a bunch of little projects that i mostlly do for fun and I want to share some of them with you gals and guys...
again i don't even know if this is the best section of the forum to post this kind of things
this is Totally Empirical and made with very little resourses (i kind of like it that way) actually I call this project "the Moses light", since everytime i use it a path open up in front of the bike.
for a little background... motorcycles with fairings, cars, trucks have a very ovius problem with their lights sistems since they are mounted to the frame and not into the steering column, on smaller bikes you can mount the headlight to the fork legs but if the lights and instruments are heavy they make the steering response a little sloppy and heavy (imagine and basket full of bread atache to your bicycle handlebars) since all the load is at the front of the forks, plus is also the issue about the windshield and the airflow changing when the bars move generation unwanted cavitation and turbulence, needless to say i was looking for something in between that let me have a light that aims were I'm turning and i can also control so other people do not suffer from the bring shine,,, actually when I use it as a "Moses light" (on porpuse) i aim at the mirrors of the cell phone distracted drivers or whatever they are doing, so they start to pay attencion when they are driving, and become aware of my presense (on a bike you need to be "Visible" or you will dye) needless to say work like a charm and is a lot less instrusive that some super mega power lights that disperse light everywere and a million times better than a loud pipe specially if you take into consideration the Doddler effect and how the noise is at the "Wake" of the vehicle and not in front of it, another thing to consider is that motorcycles have a limited amount of electrical power so is very important to focus the small amount of energy when you need them the most..
again this is a very primitive approach to the problem, all hand build out of spare bicycle parts and pieces of Delrin plastic (my favority prototype material)
here is how it looks
going to the right
going left
now in more detail,,,
"Are you taking to ME..."
exelent when you are looking for adresses, actually this lense was already a spotlight but i modified the focal point to make the beam even narrower, just remenber the light is moving with you so it can be really narrow Beam (with a lot of reach) and still provide exelent visivility.
this is how it works, i have a "rotator" turret made at the end of a light bar that can move freelly side to side (rotate) mounted on skateboard bearing.
the little rotator tower is move by this two wires, depending on the direction you pull the wire the light will move the opposite way, it works pretty much the same way a steering works on a old sail boat.
i have two adjustable (bicycle parts) cable stop for the housings so i can micro adjust them if require, you can also notice the V-brake accordions to protect the wire from corrosion.
next to the steering column i have another guide that let the wires go into the upper triple clamp were i have another "Pulley" (Black piece on the left hand side) so far the sistem works in a one to one bases, but I'm sure other rathios will also work and provide diferent outcomes, i try some Nautilus cams and other crazy stuff like flooweres(like on a roller cam brake) but they did not bring much benefit)
as ussual I made the little box out of delrin mostlly ussing my 4.5" grinder and use some used Brass wheels from a old suntour rollercam brake to decrease the friction.
the second necesary control is the asimut adjuster so the light can be move up and down, i control this function with a small lever
here show on when the light aims low (almost to the ground in front of the bike if I want too,,,exelent for repairs on other bikes)
same lever but this time the light is aiming to the sky,,again i can control how much of a angle is require.
this is a overall view of the sistem "naked"
the light going down, the pivot for it is just another simple seat crankbolt with some locktyde, works just fine.
light up and away showing how much flexibility the sistem provide
Oviuslly is a miilion other more efficient ways to make something like this servos, hydrolics, electronics but the one i made works well enogh for what I need so i never when farder,, actually I did but is part of a patent I can not show you..
actually is shame i only have this foto, i made this for my KTm 640 adventure, six little dicroic bulbs, mount 3 each on a circle the two circles move at unison,,,Man that project was Fun fuN fun,,,
the way I see it, why make something simple if you can make it Super Dupper complicated,, at least is fun that way and for sure a great mental exercive not to mension a test for your paccience..
[PLAIN]http://patineto.smugmug.com/photos/35965-M-1.jpg[/QUOTE][/URL] well I hope you mega geeks enjoy my little passion and don't judge me to hard for being a "hack" with the years i found that knoing to much about something actually slow you down if not restrict you to a fualt, so i preefer to glide about the math and get it done...
i just hope the Fotos will load up
Hi I just stumble into this forum and I already feel totally at home, I don't have any formal engeniering education but i have years of experience as a industrial designer among other things ,like growing up in Sur America without acess to millions of resourses,,,
oh sorry for the Ingles...
anyway I have a bunch of little projects that i mostlly do for fun and I want to share some of them with you gals and guys...
again i don't even know if this is the best section of the forum to post this kind of things
this is Totally Empirical and made with very little resourses (i kind of like it that way) actually I call this project "the Moses light", since everytime i use it a path open up in front of the bike.
for a little background... motorcycles with fairings, cars, trucks have a very ovius problem with their lights sistems since they are mounted to the frame and not into the steering column, on smaller bikes you can mount the headlight to the fork legs but if the lights and instruments are heavy they make the steering response a little sloppy and heavy (imagine and basket full of bread atache to your bicycle handlebars) since all the load is at the front of the forks, plus is also the issue about the windshield and the airflow changing when the bars move generation unwanted cavitation and turbulence, needless to say i was looking for something in between that let me have a light that aims were I'm turning and i can also control so other people do not suffer from the bring shine,,, actually when I use it as a "Moses light" (on porpuse) i aim at the mirrors of the cell phone distracted drivers or whatever they are doing, so they start to pay attencion when they are driving, and become aware of my presense (on a bike you need to be "Visible" or you will dye) needless to say work like a charm and is a lot less instrusive that some super mega power lights that disperse light everywere and a million times better than a loud pipe specially if you take into consideration the Doddler effect and how the noise is at the "Wake" of the vehicle and not in front of it, another thing to consider is that motorcycles have a limited amount of electrical power so is very important to focus the small amount of energy when you need them the most..
again this is a very primitive approach to the problem, all hand build out of spare bicycle parts and pieces of Delrin plastic (my favority prototype material)
here is how it looks
going to the right
going left
now in more detail,,,
"Are you taking to ME..."
exelent when you are looking for adresses, actually this lense was already a spotlight but i modified the focal point to make the beam even narrower, just remenber the light is moving with you so it can be really narrow Beam (with a lot of reach) and still provide exelent visivility.
this is how it works, i have a "rotator" turret made at the end of a light bar that can move freelly side to side (rotate) mounted on skateboard bearing.
the little rotator tower is move by this two wires, depending on the direction you pull the wire the light will move the opposite way, it works pretty much the same way a steering works on a old sail boat.
i have two adjustable (bicycle parts) cable stop for the housings so i can micro adjust them if require, you can also notice the V-brake accordions to protect the wire from corrosion.
next to the steering column i have another guide that let the wires go into the upper triple clamp were i have another "Pulley" (Black piece on the left hand side) so far the sistem works in a one to one bases, but I'm sure other rathios will also work and provide diferent outcomes, i try some Nautilus cams and other crazy stuff like flooweres(like on a roller cam brake) but they did not bring much benefit)
as ussual I made the little box out of delrin mostlly ussing my 4.5" grinder and use some used Brass wheels from a old suntour rollercam brake to decrease the friction.
the second necesary control is the asimut adjuster so the light can be move up and down, i control this function with a small lever
here show on when the light aims low (almost to the ground in front of the bike if I want too,,,exelent for repairs on other bikes)
same lever but this time the light is aiming to the sky,,again i can control how much of a angle is require.
this is a overall view of the sistem "naked"
the light going down, the pivot for it is just another simple seat crankbolt with some locktyde, works just fine.
light up and away showing how much flexibility the sistem provide
Oviuslly is a miilion other more efficient ways to make something like this servos, hydrolics, electronics but the one i made works well enogh for what I need so i never when farder,, actually I did but is part of a patent I can not show you..
actually is shame i only have this foto, i made this for my KTm 640 adventure, six little dicroic bulbs, mount 3 each on a circle the two circles move at unison,,,Man that project was Fun fuN fun,,,
the way I see it, why make something simple if you can make it Super Dupper complicated,, at least is fun that way and for sure a great mental exercive not to mension a test for your paccience..
[PLAIN]http://patineto.smugmug.com/photos/35965-M-1.jpg[/QUOTE][/URL] well I hope you mega geeks enjoy my little passion and don't judge me to hard for being a "hack" with the years i found that knoing to much about something actually slow you down if not restrict you to a fualt, so i preefer to glide about the math and get it done...
i just hope the Fotos will load up
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