Truss analysis, determining internal forces

In summary, the problem involves analyzing the internal forces and potential failure points of a truss structure. The method of joints is used to analyze the structure, but the presence of a strong segment and unspecified joint conditions make it difficult to solve with equilibrium equations alone. Further clarity on support conditions and joint rigidity is needed to proceed with the analysis.
  • #1

Homework Statement


I've been given the above truss and have to analyze it's internal forces as part of the problem, the other part of the problem is to analyze for which lengths members will fail, in what order and for which force F, however this is not the part that I find difficult.

In the actual problem statement it says the following: * Do not analyze segment AB it is assumed strong enough do to the support and AB can only extend or contract along its length.

Homework Equations

[itex]\sum F_x = 0[/itex]
[itex]\sum F_y = 0[/itex]
[itex]\sum M = 0[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I know how to work the method of joints, but first off from the statement (marked with * above) I gather that I should introduce a support at either point A or B which gives reaction forces and then also makes it a statically determinate truss structure, then I think the following happens (please correct me if I'm wrong):

part CB : in compression
part AB : in compression
part AD : in tension
part CD : in tension
part BD : in compression
part AC : in tension

Then analysis per joint gives me the follow equations:
A - [itex]\sum F_x = F_{ad} + F_{ac} \cdot cos(45) = 0[/itex]

- [itex]\sum F_y = -F_{ab} + F_{ac} \cdot sin(45) = 0[/itex]

B - [itex]\sum F_x = Rb_x - F_{bc} - F_{bd} \cdot cos(45) = 0 [/itex]

- [itex]\sum F_y = Rb_y - F_{ab} + F_{bd} \cdot sin(45) = 0 [/itex]

C - [itex]\sum F_x = F_{bc} - F_{ac} \cdot cos(45) = 0 [/itex]

- [itex]\sum F_y = -F - F_{cd} - F_{ac} \cdot sin(45) = 0 [/itex]

D - [itex]\sum F_x = -F_{ad} + F_{bd} \cdot cos(45) = 0 [/itex]

- [itex]\sum F_y = F_{cd} - F{bd} \cdot sin(45) = 0 [/itex]

I now have 8 equations with 8 variables (although F is also given as a variable, I can end up with equation based on F for this purpose) and this should be solvable, but I have no idea how to start, at which point and if the assumption for a support is valid and or logical (or simplifying).

Any help is greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
Firstly, you need to define the support conditions more precisely as either hinged or as rollers. If they are both hinged, then the structure is externally redundant and cannot be solved with equilibrium equations alone. Secondly, the nature of the joints is not clear. If they are assumed pinned joints, then the structure is once redundant internally and cannot be solved with equilibrium equations alone. If the joints have any rigidity then you have bending moments and shear forces in addition to axial compressions and tensions.

FAQ: Truss analysis, determining internal forces

What is a truss?

A truss is a structural framework composed of interconnected elements, usually made of straight members arranged into triangles. It is designed to support loads and distribute forces evenly, making it a common choice for bridges, roofs, and other structures.

How is truss analysis performed?

Truss analysis involves determining the internal forces and reactions in each member of the truss structure. This is typically done using mathematical equations and principles of statics, such as equilibrium and compatibility of deformations.

What are the different types of internal forces in a truss?

The internal forces in a truss include tension, compression, and shear. Tension forces act to pull the two ends of a member away from each other, while compression forces push the two ends towards each other. Shear forces, on the other hand, act parallel to the length of a member.

What factors affect the internal forces in a truss?

The internal forces in a truss are affected by the loads applied to the structure, the geometry and arrangement of the truss members, and the support conditions at the joints. The type and magnitude of the loads, as well as the stiffness and strength of the truss members, can also impact the internal forces.

Why is truss analysis important?

Truss analysis is important in ensuring the structural integrity and safety of truss structures. By determining the internal forces, engineers can design and construct trusses that can effectively support the intended loads and withstand external forces, such as wind and earthquakes.

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