Umklapp Process: K_1+K_2=K_3+G Explained

  • Thread starter ehrenfest
  • Start date
So we have a quasimomentum "conserved" in the presence of a lattice.In summary, the conservation of momentum equation associated with umklapp processes involves the conservation of quasi-momentum, which is not conserved in the presence of an external potential. This is due to the fact that quasi-momentum is dependent on the external periodic potential and is not an eigenstate of the momentum operator. However, in the presence of a lattice, there is a variable k that is "conserved" up to a reciprocal lattice vector, resulting in a quasimomentum that is "conserved" in the presence of a lattice.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Can someone please explain to me how umklapp processes K_1 +K_2 = K_3 +G where G is nonzero conserve momentum? I have read the explanation in Kittel over and over and I just don't understand. I also read so don't just give me a link to that.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
ehrenfest said:

Homework Statement

Can someone please explain to me how umklapp processes K_1 +K_2 = K_3 +G where G is nonzero conserve momentum?
your K's are not momentum--they are quasi-momentum. They enter into the theory via bloch's theorem which presumes the existence of an external periodic potential. because of this potential, eigenstates of the hamiltonian (labelled by their quasi-momentum) are not eigenstates of the momentum operator.

Quasi-momentum is not conserved.

Similarly, *in the presence of an external potential* true momentum is not conserved either.

I have read the explanation in Kittel over and over and I just don't understand. I also read so don't just give me a link to that.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

  • #3
olgranpappy said:
your K's are not momentum--they are quasi-momentum. They enter into the theory via bloch's theorem which presumes the existence of an external periodic potential. because of this potential, eigenstates of the hamiltonian (labelled by their quasi-momentum) are not eigenstates of the momentum operator.

Quasi-momentum is not conserved.

Similarly, *in the presence of an external potential* true momentum is not conserved either.

OK. So, is there a conservation of momentum equation associated with a given umklapp collision that we can write down or is that not part of the theory?
  • #4
the relevant equation is the one you wrote down where quasi-momentum is not-conservered, but is "conserved modulo a reciproal lattice vector". So, for example, if I scatter a particle of energy E and (quasi) momentum [itex]\vec p[/itex] by absorbing a phonon of energy [itex]\omega[/itex] and wave-vector [itex]\vec q[/itex], then I have for conservation of energy and (non) conservation of quasi-momentum
E_{\rm final}=E(p)+\omega(q)
\vec p_{\rm final}=\vec p + \vec q + \vec Q
where Q is a vector of the reciprocal lattice.
  • #5
Perhaps another way to look at it is that conservation of momentum is a result of translation invariance -- application of Noether's theorem. So if I have a non-uniform potential through space I should not expect momentum to be conserved. Here, we have the slightly perculiar feature that spatial translation is invariant if you do it by a lattice vector. So we have a variable k which is "conserved up to a reciprocal lattice vector".

FAQ: Umklapp Process: K_1+K_2=K_3+G Explained

What is the Umklapp Process?

The Umklapp Process is a phenomenon in solid state physics that describes the scattering of electrons in a crystal lattice. It involves the transfer of momentum between two electrons, resulting in a change in their energies and directions.

How does the Umklapp Process work?

The Umklapp Process involves two electrons with wave vectors K1 and K2 colliding and combining to form two new electrons with wave vectors K3 and G. K3 represents the change in momentum and G represents the reciprocal lattice vector. This process results in a change in the energy and direction of the electrons.

What is the significance of the Umklapp Process?

The Umklapp Process is important because it is responsible for certain properties of materials, such as electrical conductivity and heat conduction. It also plays a role in the formation of energy bands in crystals.

Can the Umklapp Process be observed experimentally?

Yes, the Umklapp Process can be observed experimentally through various techniques such as X-ray diffraction and neutron scattering. These experiments can provide valuable information about the properties of materials and their crystal structures.

How does the Umklapp Process relate to other processes in solid state physics?

The Umklapp Process is one of several scattering processes that can occur in a crystal lattice, along with phonon-phonon scattering and impurity scattering. These processes all play a role in determining the overall behavior and properties of materials.
