Understanding Existence and Uniqueness

In summary, the proof shows that for every non-zero complex number α, there exists a unique complex number β such that αβ = 1. This is done by assuming the field axioms for ℝ and the properties of complex numbers, and using basic algebraic manipulations. The uniqueness part is proved by using what was shown in the existence part and the fact that every non-zero complex number has a unique inverse. The proof could be simplified by directly showing that αβ = 1 and mentioning that the expression is well-defined for non-zero α.
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Homework Statement

Show that for every α ∈ ℂ with α ≠ 0, there exists a unique β ∈ ℂ such that αβ = 1

Homework Equations

Definition[/B]: ## \mathbb {F^n} ##

## \mathbb {F^n} ## is the set of all lists of length n of elements of ## \mathbb {F} ## :
## \mathbb {F} ## = {## (x_1,...,x_n) : x_j ∈ \mathbb {F} for j = 1,...,n ##}

Definition: addition in ## \mathbb {F^n} ##
## (x_1,...,x_n) + (y_1,...,y_n) = (x_1 + y_1,..., x_n + y_n) ##

Definition: scalar multiplication in ## \mathbb {F^n} ##
##λ(x_1,...,x_n) = (λx_1,...,λx_n) ##
##λ ∈ \mathbb {F}, (x_1,...,x_n) ∈ \mathbb {F^n}##

And the 7 other properties of fields: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_(mathematics)#Classic_definition

The Attempt at a Solution

## α ∈ ℂ → α = a + ui## ##a, u ∈ ℝ ##
##β ∈ ℂ → β = b + vi## ##b, v ∈ ℝ ##
##∃γ∈ℂ## such that ##γ = \frac{1}{α} = \frac {1}{a+ui} = c + di## ## c,d ∈ ℝ ##



By multiplicative identity
: $$ \frac {1}{a+ui}\frac {(a-ui)}{(a-ui)} = \frac {(a-ui)}{(a^2 + u^2)} = \frac {(a)}{(a^2 + u^2)} +\frac {(-u)}{(a^2 + u^2)}i $$

By definition of real numbers:
$$ = s + ti$$ $$s, t ∈ ℝ $$
By definition of complex numbers:
$$ = ψ ∈ ℂ $$

Let ## b = \frac {a}{a^2 + u^2}, v = \frac {-u}{a^2 + u^2}##, then

By substitution: $$ β = b + vi = \frac {a}{a^2 + u^2} + \frac {(-u)}{a^2 + u^2}i = \frac {1}{a+ui}$$

$$ → αβ = (a+ui)\frac {1}{(a+ui)} = 1$$


Suppose ∃δ∈ℂ such that αδ = 1

$$ αβ = 1 $$ and $$ αδ = 1 $$

By transitivity of equality:

$$αβ = αδ $$
By cancellation:
$$ β = δ $$My question is, have I correctly proved the uniqueness part? Was I also doing a bit too much with the existence portion of the proof? This very simple exercise comes from Axler's Linear Algebra Done Right. I always felt a bit iffy proving uniqueness in linear algebra, and wish to brush up the subject again.
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  • #2
I'm not sure this is correct. If you assume the field axioms for ##\mathbb{C}##, then you have a unique inverse for any non-zero element, which is what you are trying to prove.

I suggest you can assume the field axioms for ##\mathbb{R}## and what you have proved already for ##\mathbb{C}## - commutivity, associativity, distributive law etc. But, I don't know exactly how your book approaches this.

For the uniqueness part, I'm not sure you can invoke a "cancellation" law. But, once you have proved existence, you might think about how you show uniqueness. Hint: similar to cancellation but using what you have shown already in this proof.

Finally, you took a lot of algebra to show that ##\frac{a - bi}{a^2 + b^2} (a+bi) = 1##. You could simply have shown that directly and thereby proved existence. Note that you need to say something about why ##\frac{a - bi}{a^2 + b^2}## is well-defined. Hint: why does this not apply to ##0##?

FAQ: Understanding Existence and Uniqueness

What is the meaning of existence and uniqueness in science?

In science, existence refers to the state of being real and present in the physical world. Uniqueness, on the other hand, refers to the quality of being one-of-a-kind or different from everything else. In mathematics and physics, the concept of existence and uniqueness often relates to the existence of solutions to certain equations or models.

Why is understanding existence and uniqueness important in science?

Understanding existence and uniqueness is crucial in science because it allows us to make accurate predictions and explanations about the natural world. By studying the unique properties of objects and phenomena, we can gain a deeper understanding of their behavior and make more informed decisions based on scientific evidence.

What are some examples of existence and uniqueness in science?

One example of existence and uniqueness in science is the Big Bang theory, which explains the origin of the universe as a unique event in time and space. Another example is the existence of different species on Earth, each with their own unique characteristics and adaptations.

How do scientists determine the existence and uniqueness of a phenomenon or object?

Scientists use various methods and tools to determine the existence and uniqueness of a phenomenon or object. This may include conducting experiments, making observations, collecting data, and analyzing mathematical models. By comparing and contrasting different findings, scientists can determine the existence and uniqueness of a particular phenomenon or object.

Can existence and uniqueness be proven in science?

In science, nothing can be proven with absolute certainty. However, through rigorous testing and evidence-based reasoning, scientists can confirm the existence and uniqueness of a phenomenon or object. This is often done by conducting multiple experiments and replicating results to ensure the validity of the findings.
