Video about modifying a new Ryobi electric hand planer

  • #1
Stephen Tashi
Science Advisor
This is an interesting video where a shipwright shows how to modify a new Ryobi electric hand planer to correct some of its defects.
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  • #2
Nice video thanks for sharing it here. I've often wanted to mod my tools but either don't have the experience or the confidence so I use duct tape for a simple jig. I've yet to drill holes and mount stuff to really mod it.

I also saw a recent video where someone used a battery operated drill to power a gocart and there are other examples of the sort on youtube:

  • #3
Lol, Ryobi sent him the new one for an unboxing and he immediately starts taking it apart and removing features he doesn't want. I wonder how Ryobi felt about that?
  • #4
Great video, but why am I all of a sudden missing George Carlin so much ? :smile:
  • #5
russ_watters said:
Lol, Ryobi sent him the new one for an unboxing and he immediately starts taking it apart and removing features he doesn't want. I wonder how Ryobi felt about that?
I hope they were paying attention, as some of the modifications are good product feedback. Some of their "features" were really more like bugs, such as the planer blades being too wide and not being the same depth from side to side.

The kickstand feature would be useful for someone who is more of an amateur, which the guy in the video clearly isn't.
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