Waves and Vibrations -- Vector Diagram

  • #1
Blue Kangaroo

Homework Statement

A lightly damped oscillator (mass, m, and spring constant,s, damping constant, b, with one end fixed) under
external harmonic force (F0cosωt).(i.e., Standard mass-spring system with lubricated damper, and driven by an external harmonic force.) Since it is lightly damped,γ<2ω0.
Express the equation of motion (2nd order differential equation) for this forced oscillator

Draw a vector diagram representing the equation of motion in general. Then, derive and express the resultant amplitude A and phase shift Φ. Make sure to draw arrows for vectors and the direction of the angle, φ.

Homework Equations

Fo/mcosωt = ψ +γψ + ωo2ψ

I'm not sure how to put dots to signify derivatives, but the first ψ is the 2nd derivative and the second one is the first derivative.

The Attempt at a Solution

I think the equation of motion is just as I wrote it previously. I need a little help with the vector diagram. I'm just having a little trouble understanding them. My professor is jusr OK and I don't really care for the book. I've uploaded some work I did on scratch paper, so if anyone could point out mistakes or give me some tips, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


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  • #2
Your diagram looks OK to me. It would be nice to include arrow heads on all the vectors, and the diagram should be closed (the ω2A vector should meet up with the tip of the Fo/m vector).

Use simple geometry or trig on your diagram to express the length of the vector ωo2A in terms of the length of the vector ω2A and a projection of the Fo/m vector. Likewise, try to find a way to express the length of the γωA vector in terms of the Fo/m vector.

[EDIT: It looks like you already have equations that you can solve for the amplitude A and phase angle. For the phase angle, it might be easier to work with the tangent of the angle rather than the cosine. Anyway, it looks like you have already essentially solved it. Do you have a specific question regarding the solution?]
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  • #3
So I have (Fo/m)sinΦ=γωA and tanΦ=γω/(ω^2o2) It seems to me like I'm missing some final piece to the puzzle. I think I may be too tired and just need to sleep on it.
  • #4
Blue Kangaroo said:
This is essentially the solution for the phase angle.

To get the amplitude, solve your equation


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  • #5
So I came up with A=(Fo/m)/(ω^202+ωγ). Thanks for the help, TSny. There is a part C and more to this, but hopefully I can get them on my own now.
  • #6
Check your result for A. It’s not quite right.
  • #7
I noticed my mistake. A should be (Fo/m)(1/(ω2o22ω2)0.5
  • #8
Blue Kangaroo said:
I noticed my mistake. A should be (Fo/m)(1/(ω2o22ω2)0.5
Very close, but still not quite it.


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  • #9
Got it now, A=(Fo/m)((ω2o2)22ω2)0.5

Now just one more question: How can the diagram, along with A and Φ. I know in light damping γ<2ωo, but I'm not quite sure how that helps me here.
  • #10
Blue Kangaroo said:
Got it now, A=(Fo/m)((ω2o2)22ω2)0.5
Yes, looks good.

Now just one more question: How can the diagram, along with A and Φ. I know in light damping γ<2ωo, but I'm not quite sure how that helps me here.
I'm sorry, I do not understand the question. Can you reword it?
  • #11
Sorry about that, I somehow left out a bunch of words, I'm not quite sure how I did that. Reading it now, it doesn't make a lick of sense.

How can the diagram, along with the resultant A and Φ, be approximated if this is a very lightly damped system?

I know that for light damping γ<2ωo
  • #12
I don't feel confident in how to approach part c. It seems to me that even if the damping is small, you would need to distinguish between three cases:
(1) driving frequency ω very near the resonant frequency
(2) driving frequency ω far from resonance
(3) driving frequency intermediate between cases (1) and (2)

The only simplification that I see off hand is that the resonant frequency is close to the natural frequency ωo when the damping is small.

Maybe someone else will be able to help here.

Just to make sure we understanding the question, it might help to type out the question for part c exactly as it was given to you (word for word).
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  • #13
OK, here is the problem word for word.

If this is a very lightly damped system, how can the above diagram and resultant amplitude A and phase shift φ be approximated? Then, modify the above vector diagram in (b)

I should have read further. This was the next line

Draw a vector diagram when ω<<ωo. Then derive and express the resultant amplitude A and phase shift φ.
I've uploaded some scratch work I did. I know my writing isn't great, but as a quadriplegic it's the best I can do.


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  • #14
Blue Kangaroo said:
I should have read further. This was the next line

Draw a vector diagram when ω<<ωo. Then derive and express the resultant amplitude A and phase shift φ.
OK, so you have the situation where you have weak damping and the driving frequency is well below resonance.

Before thinking about the approximation, there is something you can do that simplifies the vector diagram even when you are not making an approximation. Note that the two vectors ω2A and ω02A are always in opposite directions. So, you can always combine them into one vector as shown:


And so the diagram reduces to a right triangle:


For the case where ω<< ω0, how would you approximate the blue vector (ω02 - ω2)A?

For weak damping, how should the length of ωγA compare to the length of the blue vector?


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  • #15
TSny said:
OK, so you have the situation where you have weak damping and the driving frequency is well below resonance.

Before thinking about the approximation, there is something you can do that simplifies the vector diagram even when you are not making an approximation. Note that the two vectors ω2A and ω02A are always in opposite directions. So, you can always combine them into one vector as shown:

View attachment 214056

And so the diagram reduces to a right triangle:

View attachment 214057

For the case where ω<< ω0, how would you approximate the blue vector (ω02 - ω2)A?

For weak damping, how should the length of ωγA compare to the length of the blue vector?
In that case, I believe I would approximate (ω^2o2) as just ω^2oA. Also ωγA should be much shorter than the blue vector.
  • #16
Blue Kangaroo said:
In that case, I believe I would approximate (ω^2o2) as just ω^2oA. Also ωγA should be much shorter than the blue vector.
Yes. From a sketch of the figure corresponding to these two conditions, you can use a small angle approximation to get simple expressions for A and ∅.
  • #17
I came up with Φ=γω/(ω^2o2) and A=(Fo/m)/(ω^2o2).
  • #18
Yes. That’s what I get, too. Hope that’s what they wanted.
You can simplify the denominator for A and Φ
  • #19
Because ω<<ωo, can I say the denominator is just ω^2o?
  • #20
Blue Kangaroo said:
Because ω<<ωo, can I say the denominator is just ω^2o?
I think so. By dropping ω2 compared to ω02, your answers are still accurate to first order in the small quantity ω/ω0.
  • #21
Alright, thanks for all your help. There are more parts to this, but I will get them on my own.
  • #22
OK. Sounds good. I enjoyed this problem as I had never seen these vector diagrams in the context of driven harmonic motion before.

  • #23
Just out of curiosity, where else may I see them in the future?
  • #24
Blue Kangaroo said:
Just out of curiosity, where else may I see them in the future?
These types of vector diagrams are widely used in analyzing alternating electrical circuits and in the study of wave interference. The vectors are often called "phasors". If you do a web search on phasors, you will find a lot of material.