What is most influential candidate quantum cosmology today?

In summary, the most influential candidate for quantum cosmology today is one that (a) reproduces known observation, (b) offers speculative ideas in the Planck epoch, and (c) has been professionally researched and published in peer-reviewed journals between 2007-2009. Currently, the two main contenders are string theory inspired braneworld and ekpyrotic brane collisions, and loop quantum cosmology. Both have the potential to reproduce known observation, but it is believed that loop quantum cosmology may make predictions on CMB. However, there is still debate over which theory is more dominant, with some leaning towards LQG and others towards string theory. Overall, string theory still holds more citations and funding, but there are

What is the most influential candidate quantum cosmology today?

  • string theory inspired scenarios (i.e ekpyrotic brane collisions)

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  • other (please specify)

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  • #1
What is the most influential candidate quantum cosmology today?

By influential it (a) reproduces known observation, (b) offers speculative ideas in the Planck epoch, (c) professionally researched and published in peer-reviewed journals. I suppose the time line should be 2007-2009

The two I am aware of are string theory inspired braneworld and ekpyrotic brane collisions and loop quantum cosmology.

Is it true that loop quantum cosmology reproduces known observation, including Friedmann–Robertson–Walker equation, and is string theory inspired quantum cosmologies able to do so?

From what I've heard, prior to 2007, quantum cosmology was dominated by string theory but after 2007 it has been dominated by loop quantum cosmology.

It is hoped LQC may make predictions on CMB. Can string theory quantum cosmology also make such predictions?

While LQC is a symmetry-reduced version of LQG, and makes assumptions like homogeneity and isotropy, the Friedmann–Robertson–Walker equation makes the same assumptions, and is in general agreement with observation.If there is a third please write-in, thanks.
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Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
I am not qualified to answer this and lean more towards LQG but I think String has more citations and funding. I have heard many sting theorists, like susskind, dance around how string theory can be tested. whereas rovelli and smolin say they are making falsifiable claims and give examples. I think string "culture" is still the most prominent though waning.
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FAQ: What is most influential candidate quantum cosmology today?

1. What is quantum cosmology?

Quantum cosmology is a theoretical framework that combines the principles of quantum mechanics and cosmology to study the origin and evolution of the universe.

2. How is quantum cosmology different from classical cosmology?

Classical cosmology uses classical physics to describe the evolution of the universe, while quantum cosmology incorporates the principles of quantum mechanics, which allows for a more fundamental and probabilistic understanding of the universe.

3. Who are the most influential candidates in quantum cosmology today?

Some of the most influential candidates in quantum cosmology today include Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, and Alan Guth.

4. What are the current theories in quantum cosmology?

Some of the current theories in quantum cosmology include the Hartle-Hawking state, the wave function of the universe, and the ekpyrotic model.

5. What are the implications of quantum cosmology for our understanding of the universe?

Quantum cosmology offers a deeper understanding of the universe by providing insights into the fundamental laws that govern its behavior. It also helps us to understand the early stages of the universe and the potential for multiple universes.
