What is the Best 2D Physics Engine for a Real-Time Simulation Program?

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I'm trying to write a 2D program that uses simple physics. I was wondering what would be the best 2D physics engine to use in my case, and if it even matter what engine I choose. I also want my simulation to run in real time, so at least 30 fps on a decent home computer. I prefer a fast physics engine over a precise one.

In my program, I would simulate 2D soft bodies made from springs, and how they are affected by fluid drag. The fluid drag model would be as simple as possible, and would not consider turbulences. However, I want my simulation to have as much objects as possible, so I need my code to be fast and efficient.

By the way, I have experience with c# programming, so that would be my to go language. If not c#, so any other non-dynamic languages, as I really don't like the dynamic ones (but if you have an amazing physics engine working with a dynamic language, I wouldn't resist).

Thank you for your time!
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