What Is the Correct Approach to Solving uxx = utt Using Separation of Variables?

In summary, a partial differential equation is a type of mathematical equation that involves multiple independent variables and partial derivatives. It is commonly used to describe phenomena that involve changes over time and space, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics. Partial differential equations are essential in many fields of science and engineering, and their solutions can provide valuable insights and predictions. They are often solved using advanced mathematical techniques such as separation of variables, Fourier series, and numerical methods. Understanding and solving partial differential equations is crucial for many real-world applications and continues to be an active area of research.
  • #1

Homework Statement

solve uxx = utt

The Attempt at a Solution

using the method of separation of variables I get

X''(x) - λ*X(x) = 0
T''(t) - λ*Τ(t) = 0

For λ = 0 I get X(x) = Ax + B where A and B are constants
T(t) = Dt + E where D and E are constants

hence u(x,t) = (Ax + B)*(Dt + E)

for λ>0 I get u(x,t) = [PLAIN]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8068/asdqu.gif [/URL] where c1,c2,C1,C2 constants

for λ = -b^2<0 I get (E*cos(bx) + F*sin(bx))*(G*cos(bt) + H*sin(bt)) where E,F,G,H constants

hence the solution

is from the superposition principle

u(x,t) = (Ax + B)*(Dt + E) + [PLAIN]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8068/asdqu.gif [/URL] + (E*cos(bx) + F*sin(bx))*(G*cos(bt) + H*sin(bt))please is this correct? i think its wrong, because I am not sure about the last part

also our professor has only the [PLAIN]http://img690.imageshack.us/img690/8068/asdqu.gif [/URL] as a reply, but i think its wrong, because we have to check for all λ to find all the possible solutions
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  • #2
λ is fixed. You either have λ > 0 or λ < 0, so you have either the solution
with exp[√(λ) x] or the one with the sines and cosines. Apart from that, you are correct but for one (I assume) typo: it's not exp[√(λx)] but exp[√(λ) x].

(PS: Of course you could also have λ = 0, but that appears seldom in reality.)
  • #3
Note that given any function f, f(x-t) or f(x+t) satisfies this equation.
  • #4
Are you given any boundary conditions?
  • #5
thanks for your answers, no there are no boundary conditions

there is another exercise with boundary conditions and I get a simple result..
  • #6
Without boundary or initial conditions, the most general possible solution is Af(x-t)+ Bf(x+t) where f is any twice differentiable function of a single variable, A and B constants, as phyzguy said.

That can be written in the form Jncik gives initially by summing over all possible values of [itex]\lambda[/itex].

FAQ: What Is the Correct Approach to Solving uxx = utt Using Separation of Variables?

What is a partial differential equation (PDE)?

A partial differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives. It is used to describe the relationship between these variables and how they change over time or space.

What is the difference between a PDE and an ordinary differential equation?

The main difference between a PDE and an ordinary differential equation (ODE) is that a PDE involves multiple variables and their partial derivatives, while an ODE only involves one independent variable and its derivatives. PDEs are used to describe phenomena in multiple dimensions, such as heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and quantum mechanics.

What are some common methods for solving PDEs?

There are several methods for solving PDEs, including separation of variables, method of characteristics, finite difference methods, and finite element methods. The choice of method depends on the specific PDE and its boundary conditions.

What are the applications of PDEs in science and engineering?

PDEs have a wide range of applications in science and engineering, including describing physical phenomena such as heat transfer, fluid flow, and quantum mechanics. They are also used in mathematical modeling for predicting and analyzing complex systems in fields such as economics, biology, and ecology.

How do PDEs contribute to our understanding of the natural world?

PDEs are an essential tool for scientists and engineers to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems in the natural world. They allow us to model and simulate natural phenomena, which can help us make predictions and develop solutions to real-world problems.
