Is Spaghetti a Bad Choice for a First Date Meal?

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary: I think we should go Dutch .In summary, girls have told me that just being invited for a nice meal is sufficient to get a date. Girls have also told me that if a guy is nice and takes them out for a nice dinner, that's enough to show her interest.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
I think kippers, would put me off.
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  • #2
I love garlic, but I don't think I would recommend it.
  • #3
The first time I dated a very pretty young Jewish girl in high school, her father insisted that I come inside and talk to him for a while, and tried to get me to partake of some pretty stinky stuff with him, including gefilte fish. Micki was standing right in back of him, and shook her head "no", so I politely declined. Clever girl!
  • #4
turbo-1 said:
The first time I dated a very pretty young Jewish girl in high school, her father insisted that I come inside and talk to him for a while, and tried to get me to partake of some pretty stinky stuff with him, including gefilte fish. Micki was standing right in back of him, and shook her head "no", so I politely declined. Clever girl!

Haha, what an obvious attempt to spoil a date. :smile:

Once I meet a girl who doesn't bother a garlic or onion breath, I'll marry her immediately.
  • #5
Anything that gives you gas like beans or cabbage might not be a good idea.
  • #6
Broccoli and other greens that get stuck in your teeth.
  • #7
Spaghetti and other pasta that would get tomato sauce all over your face/beard.
  • #9
Greg Bernhardt said:
you should not order anything and awkwardly stare at her while she eats.

:smile: :smile:
  • #10
Greg Bernhardt said:
you should not order anything and awkwardly stare at her while she eats.
Let's up the ante. Let her order first, then don't order anything for yourself. [Your model.] As she eats, visually follow every forkful from plate to mouth and make little chewing motions as she chews. How long before she bolts?
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  • #11
If I were on a date with a guy who ate something that was still alive, it would really put me off.

Do you have a date, Woolly?
  • #12
Your date o:)
  • #13
rootX said:
Your date o:)
Generally that's a goal.
  • #14
lisab said:
If I were on a date with a guy who ate something that was still alive, it would really put me off.

Do you have a date, Woolly?

I wish i did, but the fact is no one loves me ( sob)
  • #15
wolram said:
I wish i did, but the fact is no one loves me ( sob)

We love you!
  • #16
Love is not a prerequisite for a date. Girls have told me that just being invited for a nice meal is sufficient to get a date. Maybe those were poor hungry college girls.
  • #17
That depends on who's going to pay for it...:biggrin:
  • #18
Lisa! said:
That depends on who's going to pay for it...:biggrin:

I think we should go Dutch .

but how would a girl feel about grey bodily hair
  • #19
wolram said:
I think we should go Dutch .

but how would a girl feel about grey bodily hair
I love you Wolram. :smile:
  • #20
Why would you go to eat for a first date ? To be committed for food and have to stay there if one of you just sucks , and the other would like to be anywhere else, but not at that table? Try something casual. If it works, dinner will come naturally :P

So, don't schedule to eat at your first date :P
  • #21
mathwonk said:
Girls have told me that just being invited for a nice meal is sufficient to get a date.

My WL coach has a daughter which is 13 years old. She was in the training hall last week. She told us that some boys in class at school all the time invite the girls to soda or bring them chocolate. Then she goes on saying, that they wouldn't even hold their hands, they don't need too, because boys are fools and the dorks pay anyway.

Fast forward those girls into college. I am already laughing :P
  • #22
Hmmm... I think I'd avoid tomato soup, and...


Live Collosal Squid (catch your own!)
  • #23
rolerbe said:
Broccoli and other greens that get stuck in your teeth.

Ditto for that lemon poppyseed muffin.
  • #24
Topher925 said:
Spaghetti and other pasta that would get tomato sauce all over your face/beard.

You mean it's not like this outside of Disney?

FAQ: Is Spaghetti a Bad Choice for a First Date Meal?

1. What types of foods should I avoid on a first date?

It's best to avoid any messy or difficult-to-eat foods on a first date. This includes items like spaghetti, ribs, or anything that requires a lot of hand-eye coordination.

2. Is it okay to order something expensive on a first date?

It's generally a good idea to avoid ordering the most expensive item on the menu on a first date. It can come across as trying too hard or being too showy. Stick to something reasonably priced and within your budget.

3. Should I avoid foods that are known to cause bad breath?

While it's always a good idea to practice good oral hygiene, it's not necessary to avoid foods that may cause bad breath on a first date. Just be sure to have some mints or gum on hand if needed.

4. Can I order something messy if my date is also having a messy dish?

It's generally considered polite to mirror your date's food choices. If they are ordering something messy, it's okay for you to do the same. Just be sure to have some napkins and utensils on hand to avoid any potential awkwardness.

5. Is it okay to have dietary restrictions on a first date?

It's absolutely okay to have dietary restrictions on a first date. Just be sure to communicate them beforehand to your date and suggest a restaurant that can accommodate those restrictions. This shows consideration and planning, which can be seen as attractive qualities.
