When Do Viruses Die? The Lifespan of Common Viruses Outside of a Host

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In summary, a virus cannot 'die' as such, because it is a prion, and not considered to be truly alive.
  • #1
I heard that virus attacks our body, but when does a virus die ?
E.g a HIV, do you know when it deis ? when is a white cell able to eat it ? or none of hiv's are eaten by any white cells ?
Thanku :wink:
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  • #3
A virus is not a prion. A prion is a protein, a virus is a collection of proteins with nucleic acid carrying genetic material.
  • #4
Viruses "die" (become inactivated...destroyed...whatever) when they are damaged enough such that they can no longer reproduce...whether it be through a white blood cell, chemical oxidation, UV light damage...whatever. The thing with HIV is that it attacks the body's immune system (rather than trying to hide from it/outpace it while attacking some other cells in the body).
  • #5
Sorry for chiming in not at a right time, can somone tell me when will an HIV cell die ? :wink:
  • #6
it dies when it is damaged enough :wink:
  • #7
Felixiass said:
can somone tell me when will an HIV cell die ?

what exactly is an "HIV cell"? Do you mean a cell that has been infected with HIV?
  • #8
It is not incorrect at all.
  • #9
So let's say a person with HIV bleeds all over the shopping mall floor. Someone wipes it up and cleans it with disinfectant, but the virus will still remain on the floor. Of course, the virus is inactive without a host to propagate in. Some unfortunate kid runs around and falls down, scraping his knee right where the HIV virus is. Will the kid get HIV?

How long will HIV stay for in a potentially active state when left alone with no host?
  • #10
I haven't heard of a virus lasting more than a day (as extreme cases) (something I read on Hep A/Hep C) without a host in non-ideal/everyday conditions. I read an article on HIV that stated it wouldn't last more than 20 minutes outside of host. I could be wrong, and there are definitely people with more information on the topic, but from what I have read, it doesn't last longer than that.

But if the blood was cleaned up, it is extremely unlikely that any transmission of HIV occurring.
  • #11
bross7 said:
I haven't heard of a virus lasting more than a day (as extreme cases) (something I read on Hep A/Hep C) without a host in non-ideal/everyday conditions. I read an article on HIV that stated it wouldn't last more than 20 minutes outside of host. I could be wrong, and there are definitely people with more information on the topic, but from what I have read, it doesn't last longer than that.

But if the blood was cleaned up, it is extremely unlikely that any transmission of HIV occurring.

The CDC says that Hepatitis B can survive more than a week outside of the body:


I would not be surprised at all if there are viruses that can survive substantially longer. Afterall, we can consider viruses for all intents and purposes to be a big protein (ignoring the nucleic acids protected inside), and proteins can remain in a stable subunit configuration for a LONG time, especially if they were "meant" to be that way as most virus envelopes are.

Also, this is assuming the virus particles will be subject to UV radiation, heat, etc. If you take a virus, blot it on something like paper, put it in a plastic protector, it would last nearly indefinately.

FAQ: When Do Viruses Die? The Lifespan of Common Viruses Outside of a Host

1. When does a virus die?

A virus can technically never "die" as it is not considered a living organism. However, it can become inactive and unable to replicate under certain conditions.

2. How long can a virus survive outside of a host?

The lifespan of a virus outside of a host depends on various factors such as temperature, humidity, and exposure to UV light. Some viruses can survive for a few hours, while others can survive for days or even months.

3. Can a virus die on its own without any intervention?

Yes, a virus can become inactive and unable to replicate on its own without any intervention. This process is known as "deactivation" and can occur due to changes in environmental conditions or mutations in the virus itself.

4. Can a virus die if it is frozen?

Freezing a virus can potentially deactivate it, but it depends on the type of virus and the temperature at which it is frozen. Some viruses can survive being frozen for long periods of time and reactivate once they are thawed.

5. How does a virus die in the human body?

When a virus infects a human body, the immune system responds by producing antibodies that target and destroy the virus. Additionally, some viruses have a limited lifespan and are unable to replicate indefinitely, causing them to naturally die off within the body.
