The Devil Is Everywhere: A List of Surprising Places

  • Thread starter timejim
  • Start date
In summary, the devil is present in various forms such as political leaders, liars, DWI operators, false religious leaders, cursing tongues, and child molesters. However, it is ultimately within mankind's hearts and minds. The conversation also includes discussions about a misbehaving dog and a promiscuous cat, with jokes and offers to adopt the offspring.
  • #1
In a bottle of booze, a marijuana cig., shot of coke, dose of heroin, he hides within some political leaders, in the mouth of a liar, a DWI operator, a false religious leader, a cursing tongue, a child molester, on and on. The Devil is in more places than a human can name. Any dittos?
Physics news on
  • #2
THe true devil lies in man's hearts.
  • #3
in the hearts of mankind? no.

in the minds of mankind? no.

in the minds of scared people? yes.
  • #4
I work for the devil
  • #5
In the details.

  • #6
the devyl is in whatever YOU think is evyl...personally...theres not too many devyls round here...course...given that all my friends call me twisted...that could be why i don't see many...

  • #7
In my back pocket.
  • #8
Here's looking at you kids!
  • #9
The devil is in division and conquerors
  • #10

  • #11
The devil is my henchman.
  • #12
It's the labrador retriever that my daughter just "had to have" that has chewed every piece of furniture in the house, all of the kitchen appliances, every phone, shoe, book, lamp, window sills, my new backyard fence I put up for her, and to top it off one night, ate a hole through the middle of the living room wall big enough for her entire head to fit through and proceeded to chew through the other side.

Anyone want a dog?
  • #13
Originally posted by Evo
Anyone want a dog?
Actually, I think this may be one of the giant mutant termites that has gone missing from the colony we bred here at area 51. Expect vsitors in dark suits soon, who will check it out.
  • #14
Originally posted by Evo
It's the labrador retriever that my daughter just "had to have" that has chewed every piece of furniture in the house, all of the kitchen appliances, every phone, shoe, book, lamp, window sills, my new backyard fence I put up for her, and to top it off one night, ate a hole through the middle of the living room wall big enough for her entire head to fit through and proceeded to chew through the other side.

Anyone want a dog?

I assume that you have no sales experience?

Sure Evo, I would really like to have your dog! May we interest you in a drooling Zoobie? She only draws blood once a day or so...per capita. Also, there is nothing like waking up with ten needles stuck in your feet.

I'm just guessing here, but it sounds like you have a dog a little too high strung for the environment.
  • #15
Originally posted by Evo
It's the labrador retriever that my daughter just "had to have" that has chewed every piece of furniture in the house, all of the kitchen appliances, every phone, shoe, book, lamp, window sills, my new backyard fence I put up for her, and to top it off one night, ate a hole through the middle of the living room wall big enough for her entire head to fit through and proceeded to chew through the other side.

Anyone want a dog?
You crack me up.
  • #16
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I assume that you have no sales experience?
You weren't enticed? :frown:

Sure Evo, I would really like to have your dog! May we interest you in a drooling Zoobie? She only draws blood once a day or so...per capita. Also, there is nothing like waking up with ten needles stuck in your feet. [/B]
It's a DEAL! The dog will be flying your way shortly, I will send details... I just need to find a container that it can't eat it's way through, (titanium pet carrier?) I mean if it got out, it would just chew through the side of the plane.

I'm just guessing here, but it sounds like you have a dog a little too high strung for the environment. [/B]
Uhm, as in the planet earth?
  • #17
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Actually, I think this may be one of the giant mutant termites that has gone missing from the colony we bred here at area 51. Expect vsitors in dark suits soon, who will check it out.
Come to mention it...I always wondered about the erie pulsing green glow it gives off...
  • #18
Originally posted by Evo
Come to mention it...I always wondered about the erie pulsing green glow it gives off...
Ivan wants to know "From which END?"
  • #19
Originally posted by Tsunami
Ivan wants to know "From which END?"
ROFL! The glow comes from the mouth, we won't discuss what comes out of the other end...

Which reminds me of the time my other dog ate some tamale wrappers (corn husks) and what he left in the yard the next day all too closely resembled the originals.
  • #20
Originally posted by Evo
Which reminds me of the time my other dog ate some tamale wrappers (corn husks) and what he left in the yard the next day all too closely resembled the originals.

Hey everyone, be careful if you ever eat at Evo's house! Check the tamales very carefully!

btw, this morning Tsunami and I realized that Zoobie is a little slut. She has all the local male cats coming over for God knows what! She's still a little too young to be fixed...its a race!

You're all getting kittens! Please PM me your mailing addresses... especially Zoobyshoe's.
  • #21
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
She has all the local male cats coming over for God knows what! She's still a little too young to be fixed...its a race!
Have you considered a chastity belt for little zoobie?
  • #22
Originally posted by Evo
Have you considered a chastity belt for little zoobie?

We only have one and I don't think Tsunami will let it go.
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  • #23
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
We only have one and I don't think Tsunami will let it go.
Well, in that case Tsunami can always place zoobie inside hers, but then there would be, uhm, *never mind*.
  • #24
Originally posted by Evo
Well, in that case Tsunami can always place zoobie inside hers, but then there would be, uhm, *never mind*.

um, er...uh, might be a little uncomfortable at that.
  • #25
Originally posted by Evo
Well, in that case Tsunami can always place zoobie inside hers, but then there would be, uhm, *never mind*.
WOOHOO! That could have been...FUN? Unfortunately, I lost the stupid thing in the lake the last time I went skiing. (Thank GOD! THE single most gawd-awful UNCOMFORTABLE thing Ivan has ever come up with... The next toy you get like THAT one, dear... YOU GET TO WEAR IT! )
  • #26
Is it any wonder that there has never been anything equivalent for men? At least none that I know of.
  • #27
Yeah! And who was the d**khead who invented the MAMMOGRAM machine? He really needs to experience a 'scrotogram' with the same device, don't you think? (I used to entertain my patients with this idea as I positioned them for their exams - every single one of them thought it was a GREAT idea! Most of them wanted to schedule their husbands for the exam right away!)
  • #28
Originally posted by Tsunami
Yeah! And who was the d**khead who invented the MAMMOGRAM machine? He really needs to experience a 'scrotogram' with the same device, don't you think?
ROFLMAO! Men cannot endure pain as well as women. My ex nearly fainted every time *I* had a contraction when I was in labor. Ok, he did nearly lose his hand due to the vise grip I had on it, but it couldn't have been nearly as excrutiating as what I was going through. :wink:
  • #29
Originally posted by Evo
ROFLMAO! Men cannot endure pain as well as women. My ex nearly fainted every time *I* had a contraction when I was in labor. Ok, he did nearly lose his hand due to the vise grip I had on it, but it couldn't have been nearly as excrutiating as what I was going through. :wink:

Giving birth: It's like trying to stretch your lower lip over the back of your head --- Carol Burnett
  • #30
Originally posted by Evo
Is it any wonder that there has never been anything equivalent for men? At least none that I know of.

Okay...I suggest Prostate exams for comparison.
  • #31
Originally posted by Tsunami
Yeah! And who was the d**khead who invented the MAMMOGRAM machine? He really needs to experience a 'scrotogram' with the same device, don't you think? (I used to entertain my patients with this idea as I positioned them for their exams - every single one of them thought it was a GREAT idea! Most of them wanted to schedule their husbands for the exam right away!)

I assume that was dorkhead?

IIRC, you have mentioned a few exams that involve men's frontal most private part and the insertion of a "garden hose"; IIR the language correctly.
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  • #32
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
I assume that was dorkhead?

IIRC, you have mentioned a few exams that involve men's frontal most private part and the insertion of a "garden hose"; IIR the language correctly.

Yeah. Right. Dorkhead.
I'll bet the whole idea of this 'scrotogram' thing made all you male-type PFer's want to just suck your toes right up through your nose, didn't it?

FAQ: The Devil Is Everywhere: A List of Surprising Places

1. What inspired you to create a list of surprising places where the devil can be found?

I have always been fascinated by the concept of good and evil and how it manifests in our world. As a scientist, I wanted to explore the idea of the devil being present in unexpected places and how it can affect our perceptions and beliefs.

2. How did you research and compile the list of places where the devil can be found?

I conducted extensive research by studying various religious texts, folklore, and cultural beliefs from different parts of the world. I also consulted with experts in theology and demonology to gain a deeper understanding of the devil's presence in different cultures.

3. Are there any common themes or patterns in the places where the devil can be found?

Yes, there are some common themes that emerged from my research. The devil is often associated with temptation, deception, and chaos. It is also believed to thrive in places of darkness, such as caves, forests, and abandoned buildings.

4. Can you give some examples of surprising places where the devil can be found?

Some surprising places where the devil can be found include the Garden of Eden, where it tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and the crossroads, where it is believed to make deals with humans in exchange for their souls. It is also said to reside in certain animals, such as black cats and snakes.

5. What do you hope readers will take away from your list of surprising places where the devil can be found?

I hope that this list will challenge readers to think critically about the concept of good and evil and how it is perceived in different cultures. It also serves as a reminder that the devil can be found in unexpected places, and it is up to us to recognize and resist its presence.

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