Which [Aerospace] subject should I focus on to study for the future?

In summary, the speaker has recently received a government scholarship to study Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. level abroad. They are seeking guidance on which subject to study, as they have a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and want to make the most informed decision. They have listed ten subjects they are interested in, but are specifically looking for insight on which subject may have more demand and promise for their future career. However, they acknowledge that ultimately, they need to choose a subject they are passionate about in order to successfully complete their degree.
  • #1
Huseyin Onel
Hello everybody, I've registered to the forum to ask for some guidence and this is my first message in the forum so, yeah!

Recently, I've earned a government scholarship to study Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering at M.Sc. and Ph.D. level abroad (preferably UK, decided by the Ministry). I have a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering in Turkey and I've tought it would be the best to have others' thoughts and visions to help me decide which subject I'm going to study on.

I've came first in the scholarship test, so I'm going to be assigned to the first choice I'll make, out of ten subjects. Which are;

Rotary Wing Aircraft Design
Micro Air Vehicles
Aircraft Electronics and Control
Aeroplane Design
Aircraft and Rocket Thrust Systems
Aircraft and Satellite Structures
Aircraft and Satellite Manufacturing Materials
Orbit Mechanics

I'm interested in Aerodynamics, Rotary Wing Aircraft Design and Aircraft and Rocket Thrust Systems more than others. But in every engineering branch, there are some specific subjects which trends more than others, needs more research, has more demand in the sector and academy and generally promises more for the future or has a wider work area. Can you please share your experience and vision with me for me to decide which subject would be the best for my both academic and probable private sector career after completing Ph.D.?

Thanks in advance. Your ideas are so valuable for me!
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  • #2
I don't really think any of us can answer that question for you. A Ph.D. is a huge commitment and you really need to enjoy the topic you study or you will burn out in a hurry. In other words, it really doesn't matter what everyone here says, because if it isn't something that you like, then you won't likely finish your degree anyway.

FAQ: Which [Aerospace] subject should I focus on to study for the future?

What are the current trends in the aerospace industry?

The current trends in the aerospace industry include the development of new and advanced technologies, such as supersonic and hypersonic flight, electric propulsion systems, and reusable spacecraft. There is also a growing focus on sustainability and reducing the environmental impact of air travel.

Which aerospace subject has the most job opportunities?

Aerospace engineering, particularly in the fields of aircraft design and spacecraft design, has the most job opportunities in the aerospace industry. Other in-demand roles include avionics, propulsion, and systems engineering.

Is it better to focus on a specific aerospace subject or have a broad knowledge of the industry?

It ultimately depends on your career goals and interests. Having a broad knowledge of the industry can be beneficial for a career in management or consulting, while specializing in a specific subject can lead to more technical roles. It's important to consider your strengths and passions when deciding which path to pursue.

Are there any emerging aerospace subjects that will be in high demand in the future?

Some emerging aerospace subjects that are expected to be in high demand in the future include space tourism, space mining, and the use of drones for commercial and military purposes. There is also a growing interest in developing technologies for long-duration space travel and colonization.

What skills are essential for success in the aerospace industry?

Some essential skills for success in the aerospace industry include strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, teamwork and communication skills, and a strong understanding of math and science. Adaptability, creativity, and a passion for innovation are also highly valued in this industry.

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