Why c=1 in relativistic equations

  • Thread starter bernhard.rothenstein
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In summary, because units are written in terms of energy and c, including c in the equations makes the equations less cluttered and easier to read. However, you cannot calculate the power of c in these equations, so it is not really an advantage.
  • #1
As I see many Auhors present relativistic equations considering c=1. Has that certain advantages? Where from could I find out the power of c at the different points of the equation.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
bernhard.rothenstein said:
Where from could I find out the power of c at the different points of the equation.
Dimensional analysis...
  • #3
bernhard.rothenstein said:
As I see many Auhors present relativistic equations considering c=1. Has that certain advantages? Where from could I find out the power of c at the different points of the equation.
The advantage is that it gives less clutter in the equations. But as you say you cannot read the implied powers of c when applicable.

I suppose for educational purposes it would be wise to include c.
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  • #4

neutrino said:
Dimensional analysis...
Which dimensional analysis if I do not know where is c located?:smile:
  • #5
bernhard.rothenstein said:
Which dimensional analysis if I do not know where is c located?:smile:

for example in particle physics we rewrite all units in terms of energy and c and h_bar. And it is very nice to get rid of the c's and h_bar's when you do forumulas and so on. If you for example have:

cross section = konstant*(energy^(-2))

we know cross section has dimensions: area = length^2

and the konstant is alaways dimensionless.

so from basic relationships we write length as E times/divided by some c's and/or h_bar. Then we add the proper c's and h_bar's so we have equal on both sides of the equation. Then we do the numerical stuff..

The same holds for each branchs of physics that uses some kind of "natural units".
  • #6
If all components fo a vector have the same unit, then there is no
conversion constant needed. Since t,x,y,z are four components of a vector,
using the same unit for each means no conversion constant is needed.
This is done in astronomy. I good exercise for students
"for educational purposes", is to ask them to calculate c in light years per year, using SI units.
  • #7
to me, this is just as issue of what Natural Units (the variant of which that i prefer are Planck Units) are about and why they are used. if Planck units are used exclusively, there simply is no c to worry about where it is or what power it is. same for G and [itex]\hbar[/itex]. in fact, all equations of physical law become non-dimensionalized.

instead of

[tex] E = m c^2 [/tex]

we have

[tex] E = m [/tex]

which is really a nondimensionalized way of saying

[tex] \frac{E}{E_P} = \frac{m}{m_P} [/tex].

we could normalize all expressions of physical quantity against their corresponding Planck unit and the have no dimensional analysis to worry about. all equations would be dimensionally correct. they might still be meaningless garbage, but dimensionally correct.
  • #8
Meir Achuz said:
If all components fo a vector have the same unit, then there is no
conversion constant needed. Since t,x,y,z are four components of a vector,
using the same unit for each means no conversion constant is needed.
This is done in astronomy. I good exercise for students
"for educational purposes", is to ask them to calculate c in light years per year, using SI units.

what a silly exercise

[tex]c = \frac{1 light year}{60s \times 60s \times 24h \times 7d \times 52w} \times \frac{60s \times 60s \times 24h \times 7d \times 52w}{1 year} =1 \frac{light year}{year}[/tex]
  • #9
The correct answer is "why bother?".
The same answer holds in all of relativity and in high energy physics.

FAQ: Why c=1 in relativistic equations

1. Why is c=1 in relativistic equations?

In special relativity, the speed of light (c) is considered to be a fundamental constant and it plays a crucial role in the equations that describe the relationship between space and time. By setting c=1, we are essentially using a unit of measurement where the speed of light is equal to 1. This simplifies the equations and allows for easier calculations.

2. How does setting c=1 affect the equations?

Setting c=1 allows us to use a unit of measurement called "natural units" where the speed of light is equal to 1. This makes the equations more elegant and easier to work with, as well as highlighting the fundamental role that the speed of light plays in the universe.

3. Does setting c=1 change the actual speed of light?

No, setting c=1 is simply a mathematical convention and does not change the actual speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum. It is important to note that c=1 is only used in the context of special relativity and does not apply to other areas of physics.

4. What are the benefits of using c=1 in relativistic equations?

Using c=1 in relativistic equations allows for simpler and more elegant calculations, as well as highlighting the fundamental role of the speed of light in the universe. It also allows for a better understanding of the relationship between space and time, as well as the concept of mass-energy equivalence.

5. Are there any other constants that are set to 1 in physics equations?

Yes, in addition to c=1 in special relativity, there are other fundamental constants that are set to 1 in certain physics equations. For example, in quantum mechanics, the reduced Planck's constant (ħ) is often set to 1 in equations involving particles and their wave functions.

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