Why Do People Engage in Tailgating Behavior on the Road?

  • Thread starter Hurkyl
  • Start date
In summary: The only logical thing to do when someone is tailgating is to slow down considerably, so that their stopping distance will be within the recommended range. Try 20 MPH on an interstate highway. If they are still tailgating, go to 10 MPH. Then, when they try to pass you, the only logical thing at that moment will be to accelerate to 60 MPH as quickly as possible, since they are no longer tailgaiting and there is no further reason for you to move slowly.
  • #71
Ivan Seeking said:

That is awesome! They have some other cool stuff as well "fighter jet thrill" *boyhood excitement races through rocketboy*
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #72
Hurkyl said:
I would like to point out that if I'm "blocking" you in the left lane, that either means I am in the process of passing a group of cars, or I have been pinned into the left lane (e.g. by someone speeding up as I was passing). In the latter case, tailgating would be counter-productive ...

you're right, tailgating isn't going to help anything, a more productive solution is to pass on the shoulder! :biggrin:
  • #73
Kurdt said:
I drive a McLaren Mercedes SLR which has carbon ceramic disk brakes and can stop in half the recommended distance. Thats why I tail gate.

I do tail gate but I have this thing where I have to be as close as possible to the car in front. Even when the traffic has stopped I only leave a couple of inches between cars. I don't know why, just one of the many weird compulsions i have.


  • #74
Cyrus said:
Im always packing when I drive baby. I need a special permit to carry around that concealed weapon.

Undoubtly, a small caliber with a short barrel. :smile:
  • #75
Integral said:


Sheesh! I was only joking about the McLaren SLR. :rolleyes:
  • #76
The use of tailgating is to get the slow drivers out of the fast (left) lane of traffic. Personally I don't tailgate much myself, someone would have to be going pretty slow for me to do that. What I normally do is drive my comfortable distance behind someone, and usually within a couple of minutes someone will start getting close to me. I'll just switch one lane to the right, let the people that want to tailgate past, get behind them and let them clear the way. Traffic (not just for me, but the dozens piled up behind the one slow guy) then speeds up tremendously. People going faster than the speed limit (even around 20 mph faster on a 70mph roadway) don't really bother me (I usually get out of the faster lane if I'm in it to let them pass), it's the person yabbering away on the cellphone or falling asleep or just plain not paying attention that cause me problems.

Edit: If traffic starts to pile up behind me (therefore making ME the slow guy in the fast lane), I usually just step on it, going up to 15-20mph over the limit to get around any obstacles in the right lane, then switch over to let the faster traffic past. Everybody wins in that situation.
  • #77
Greg Freeman said:
it's the person yabbering away on the cellphone or falling asleep or just plain not paying attention that cause me problems.

Same here. They'll drive you nuts because they're completely oblivious that they're impeding traffic driving under the speed limit or an inconsistent speed (that's more annoying than the slow drivers, because it's harder to just pass them), and usually in the middle or left lane (if they want to go that slow, they belong in the far right lane with flashers on like all the trucks with full loads that can't get up the mountains). If they're especially oblivious, that's why they put horns in cars...to wake them up and let the person on the other end of the phone know they can't talk and drive at the same time too.

If everyone would get in their car and focus on their driving rather than everything else...phone, radio, screaming kids (you'd think with all the carseat and seatbelt laws that kids would be less of a distraction than they were when I was a kid crawling around the car fighting with my sister because she crossed the invisible line on the seat onto my side), eating lunch, putting on makeup, shaving, organizing schedules, etc...then we might not have such problems.
  • #78
Greg Freeman said:
The use of tailgating is to get the slow drivers out of the fast (left) lane of traffic.
There's a recipe for you. Pick the worst drivers on the road, and put yourself in danger of hitting them. This is Darwin Award material at its best.
  • #79
P4PPY said:
I once did a small psych test on the cause of tailgating. The results were interesting.

It seemed that drivers would gauge their speeds based on the car in front of them subconsciously. Instead of looking at their speedometer, they would just follow the car in front of them and their vision would judge the speed. This happened more and more at faster speeds and longer durations of travel time.

The reason behind the tailgating was when the car in front of them would slow down or speed up gradually. The mind would not calculate in the safest distance as the speeds increased. It would only tell your mind to accelerate or decelerate depending on the speed of the car in front… not the distance.
Brake lights were the only thing that would “wake” the mind up.

If you really want to mess with someone though… use your E-Brake to slow down. Your brake lights don’t come on… and the vehicle will slow down at a faster rate than normal. (Just don’t lock the rear tires up). The car behind you (if in a state of subconscious driving) will bump into your tailgate without even knowing what happened.

I notice this a lot. I drive a standard, and most of my deceleration is from engine braking because I'm trying to save money on future brake repair, and I'm trying to save gas (you burn less gas if you gradually slow down and never need to come to a complete stop at intersections, opposite of truck owners who race toward red lights).
While engine braking, people tailgate like crazy. They have absolutely no clue how fast they're going, how fast I'm going, what a good distance is, or even that there is a red light ahead of them. I drive a small car, too, so it's not like they're physically incapable of seeing what's up ahead; they're just retards.

What's interesting is that you can also tell who's a retard by looking at brake lights. Today on the way to work, there was a small car to my left, followed by a guy in a truck. The small car gets up to the standard ~68km/h (8 over the speed limit), and the guy in the truck is tailgating him. I'm going a bit slower than that, so I'm getting a back view of this, and I see the truck guy is applying his brakes every few seconds. Closer, tailgating, braking, closer, braking.
My brother does this too. I once let him drive my car on the highway, and he kept using his brakes to slow down. He would get a big gap, accelerate hard, brake, big gap, accelerate, brake. If your friend starts complaining that he needs to fix his brakes every 10k miles, it's probably because he sucks at driving, and it has nothing to do with the mechanical integrity of the car.
  • #80
rocketboy said:
That is awesome! They have some other cool stuff as well "fighter jet thrill" *boyhood excitement races through rocketboy*


I was planning to do Migs over Moscow by now but business got slow, so I needed to wait for a time [back up now though]. In the mean time we are looking at the Hollywood and Vegas flights.

...stay on topic... it is a cure for tailgaters! :biggrin:
  • #81
ShawnD said:
I notice this a lot. I drive a standard, and most of my deceleration is from engine braking because I'm trying to save money on future brake repair, and I'm trying to save gas (you burn less gas if you gradually slow down and never need to come to a complete stop at intersections, opposite of truck owners who race toward red lights).
While engine braking, people tailgate like crazy. They have absolutely no clue how fast they're going, how fast I'm going, what a good distance is, or even that there is a red light ahead of them. I drive a small car, too, so it's not like they're physically incapable of seeing what's up ahead; they're just retards.

What's interesting is that you can also tell who's a retard by looking at brake lights. Today on the way to work, there was a small car to my left, followed by a guy in a truck. The small car gets up to the standard ~68km/h (8 over the speed limit), and the guy in the truck is tailgating him. I'm going a bit slower than that, so I'm getting a back view of this, and I see the truck guy is applying his brakes every few seconds. Closer, tailgating, braking, closer, braking.
My brother does this too. I once let him drive my car on the highway, and he kept using his brakes to slow down. He would get a big gap, accelerate hard, brake, big gap, accelerate, brake. If your friend starts complaining that he needs to fix his brakes every 10k miles, it's probably because he sucks at driving, and it has nothing to do with the mechanical integrity of the car.

Your car must suck, because I brake my honda accord very hard constantly and it works just fine.
  • #82
I have to use compression braking in the Camino, or my brakes are sqealing like stuck pigs within 4 blocks of home. It generates an awful lot of heat slowing down those 33" Trailblazers. I've always done it in any vehicle because of better control, but it's essential in that one.
  • #83
lisab said:
What makes me crazy is when I'm on a two-lane highway and I'm following the car ahead of me at a reasonable distance, going the same speed. That car ahead of me is doing the same, as is the car ahead of him, and so on, and so on.

Car after car after car, all moving along at the same speed on a winding, two-lane road.

Why, why does the guy in back of me ride my bumper?

Because tailgating you magically causes the car 20 spots ahead of you to speed up and clear traffic, obviously :]

Seriously, though, the only time it's okay to tailgate is to alert oblivious people that they're blocking the passing lane. And then, it should only be done for a short burst (it's the sight of you approaching them quickly that causes them to wake up and move over; they're liable to simply tune you out if you follow at a constant distance, no matter how close). Also traffic situations where you will get cut off by aggressive drivers if you leave any room in front of you... although that's not quite "tailgating" (as I understand the term) but simply "following too closely."

One phenomenon that absolutely baffles me are the people who will continue to tailgate a slow driver in the left lane even after the right lane(s) have become open, rather than just pass them on the right. Maybe these people are big sticklers for the no-right-lane-passing rule (which is a complete joke where I live). More likely they're just oblivious and don't even realize what they're doing (which is the cause of 99% of bad driving out there).

Although it bears mentioning that, where I live, there seem to be a lot of not-so-fast drivers that habitually drive in the fast lane (we have 4-lane freeways). No amount of tailgating or right-lane-passing or cuting-off will change their behavior: they apparently think that the leftmost lane is the slow lane. It's always disheartening when you see a slow-moving car enter an empty freeway and immediately change all the way over to the fast lane. The really baffling ones are the people who are attentive and courteous that they'll move over to let faster traffic pass them, but then immediately merge back into the fast lane and resume driving slowly...
  • #84
One thing I hate is passing lanes on highways with only one lane of traffic each way. In theory they are great and I always move to the right unless I am going to pass someone, and it never fails someone driving in the left lane who is planning on passing me will drive just behind me (but in the left lane) until the right lane is nearly about to run out and I need to move back over, then they decide to pass me. Seriously if you are going to pass me step on it and do it, don't dawdle in the passing lane and hinder my ability to merge back in when my lane is going to run out!

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