Why does a stone tied to a string not fall?

In summary, the conversation discusses why a stone, when tied to a string and spun, does not fall despite having a horizontal velocity and centripetal force. It is explained that this is due to the balance between the gravitational force and centripetal force, as the string is at an angle and supports the stone's weight. This results in a zero vertical acceleration for the stone.
  • #1
when we tie a stone to a string and spin it,it does not seem to fall.why does it happen?i mean to say that,no matter how great its horizontal velocity and centripetal force is,the vertical component of the acceleration won't be affected.it means that the stone should keep falling no matter how hard it is spun.why does it happen then?
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  • #2
Here the falling force (gravitational) is being balanced by centripetal force. Hence do not fall.
  • #3
The string can never be completely horizontal, instead it's at some angle, and the vertical component of tension equals the weight of the stone (assuming steady state). It might be easier to understand this if you imagine that the stone is moving slowly, with the string nearly vertical, following the shape of a cone as the stone moves in a horizontal circle.
  • #4
rcgldr said:
The string can never be completely horizontal, instead it's at some angle, and the vertical component of tension equals the weight of the stone (assuming steady state). It might be easier to understand this if you imagine that the stone is moving slowly, with the string nearly vertical, following the shape of a cone as the stone moves in a horizontal circle.

rcgldr, you are right
but, utkarsh5 is asking about
when the stone is spinning in a horizontal circle why doesn't it fall, means what makes the stone to gain height.
  • #5
asitiaf said:
rcgldr, you are right
but, utkarsh5 is asking about
when the stone is spinning in a horizontal circle why doesn't it fall, means what makes the stone to gain height.
rcgldr gave the right answer. When the stone is making a horizontal circle, the string pulls at an angle, supporting the stone's weight as well as providing the centripetal force. The vertical acceleration of the stone is zero.
  • #6
thank you for your answers!now i understand the concept!thank you!