Why Does Smoke Rise? An Exploration of Physics Principles

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  • Thread starter jaumzaum
  • Start date
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    Rise Smoke
  • #1
If we consider that the heating of the products created in the combustion of paper to be an almost adiabatic process (as it's extremely fast), then
$$T^{1.4} P^{-0.4} = const. $$
If we double the temperature, we multiply the pressure by 11.3
The density of an ideal gas is
$$ \rho=PM/RT$$
If we double the temperature, the density would be multiplied by 5.7

So why would the smoke rises if it became more dense?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
jaumzaum said:
If we double the temperature, we multiply the pressure by 11.3
How can that be if the combustion isn't happening in an enclosure?
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Likes Dale and etotheipi
  • #3
Flame is roughly a steady state process taking place at atmospheric pressure. The smoke particles are carried upward in the warm air which rises because is is less dense than cooler room air.
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Likes hmmm27, Dale, etotheipi and 1 other person
  • #4
jaumzaum said:
we multiply the pressure by 11.3
Not if it is an open flame at atmospheric pressure
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Likes etotheipi