Why dont birds get electocuted when they are on power lines?

In summary, the physical arrangement of power transmission lines involves multiple wires spaced apart, with typical AC voltages distributed between them. The reason for this spacing is to prevent a complete circuit and potential difference, which could result in electrocution for anyone touching the wires and the ground.
  • #1
3. The Attempt at a Solution [/b
Maybe because charge passes through the powerlines and doesn't stay at one spot?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
How are power transmission lines physically arranged? How many wires are there, and how far apart are they spaced? What are the typical AC voltages involved, and how are the voltages distributed between the wires? Why are the wires in the AC transmission lines spaced apart like that?
  • #3
No... the circuit isn't complete. There is no potential difference. If, however, a man standing on the ground touched the same wires, he would be electrocuted, as the potential on the ground is zero and a potential difference existas across the man.