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I think it's time to write a short essay why I am really disappointed about string theory.
It is not because ST is wrong (we don't know if it is wrong; and we have no proof that other theories such as the SM are right).
It is not because it is complicated (the electroweak model is complicated as well), and it is not because I do not understand it (there are not many people who should claim that a theory is wrong simply b/c they do not understand)
It has something to do with its potential and with keeping (or neglecting) promises.
As far as I can see string theory (whatever this means - ST, F-, M-, ...) is the only candidate with the potential to unify all interactions including gravity. Other approaches may seem more straightforward, less complicated or exotic, closer to the well-known realm of the SM, ... but none is able to unify all interactions.
What I like about string theory.
I think the greatest achievement of string theory (provided that it's true; afaik we do not have a sound proof, whether it's true) is that string theory turns most (all?) possible theories including gravity from theories into solutions. If the ideas regarding SUGRA, swampland etc. are correct, then there is a huge class of theories (in the classical sense) that can be "derived" from string theory. And perhaps even the opposite is true: theories which cannot be "derived" from string theory will turn out to be inconsistent.
From that point of view I should be a fan of string theory, shouldn't I?
So here's what I don't like about string theory.
I don't like that string theory comes with an enormous mathematical and physical apparatus, w/o being able to give us a hint why we should believe in this apparatus (10/11 dim., SUSY, CY, ...). For me there is only one good reason to become a believer, namely to follow my argument from above - that string theory defines a unique framework from which all candidate theories can emerge. So it's about a promises!
So essentially I like string theory b/c it makes these promises - and I don't like string theory b/c it only makes these promises!
Here are some questions for which I would like to see progress [I only list problems that are not inherent to string theory; I don't care how to count CY spaces b/c this is not a physical question; I don't care about the definition of the higher genus measure for the amplitudes in superspace as this is not relevant physically - it is a problem not created by nature but by the string theory formalism; I don't care about AdS/CFT b/c this is not our universe; so I will list questions asked by nature]
Of course I am prepared for answers regarding landscapes (Susskind) and mathematical universes (Tegmark). But frankly: I will never accept these arguments. This is regarding string theory, therefore I expect answers in the context of string theory (if my daughter has to go upstairs in order to shampoo I don't accept discussions regarding justice; that does not mean that I am unintersted in justice - I am - but not in the context of telling a six-year old girls to go upstairs in order to shampoo!)
So my expectation is that string theory does something very natural: be aware of the true problems of nature, provide ideas how to address them, provide a status or summary regarding progress and obstacles.
Instead of listing obstacles (which may sound biased or even rude) I would like to ask the string theory audience here in this forum for their assessment.
A last remark for all those who are still with me and did not stop reading: this is all about progress in physics and waiting for illumination. It is not about fighting against a theory - doing that would require less thinking and writing ...
Regards & Thanks
It is not because ST is wrong (we don't know if it is wrong; and we have no proof that other theories such as the SM are right).
It is not because it is complicated (the electroweak model is complicated as well), and it is not because I do not understand it (there are not many people who should claim that a theory is wrong simply b/c they do not understand)
It has something to do with its potential and with keeping (or neglecting) promises.
As far as I can see string theory (whatever this means - ST, F-, M-, ...) is the only candidate with the potential to unify all interactions including gravity. Other approaches may seem more straightforward, less complicated or exotic, closer to the well-known realm of the SM, ... but none is able to unify all interactions.
- Loop Quantum Gravity (which I really like and which I understand quite well) is a very promising candidate for QG - but as far as I can see only for QG. Topological braiding of q-deformed spin-networks from which all elementary particles can emerge is a brilliant idea - but up to know wishful thinking.
- Non-commutative geometry does not expalin why there is a unique nc structure (or I have overlooked this as I am not an expert in this subject)
- Asymptotic safety is fine for QG, but it does not explain the symmetry structure, masses, coupling constants, mixing angles etc. of the SM.
- SUGRA is neither unique nor finite (perhaps finite order by order, but not for the whole series) - nor elegant if restricted to four dimensions
What I like about string theory.
I think the greatest achievement of string theory (provided that it's true; afaik we do not have a sound proof, whether it's true) is that string theory turns most (all?) possible theories including gravity from theories into solutions. If the ideas regarding SUGRA, swampland etc. are correct, then there is a huge class of theories (in the classical sense) that can be "derived" from string theory. And perhaps even the opposite is true: theories which cannot be "derived" from string theory will turn out to be inconsistent.
From that point of view I should be a fan of string theory, shouldn't I?
So here's what I don't like about string theory.
I don't like that string theory comes with an enormous mathematical and physical apparatus, w/o being able to give us a hint why we should believe in this apparatus (10/11 dim., SUSY, CY, ...). For me there is only one good reason to become a believer, namely to follow my argument from above - that string theory defines a unique framework from which all candidate theories can emerge. So it's about a promises!
So essentially I like string theory b/c it makes these promises - and I don't like string theory b/c it only makes these promises!
Here are some questions for which I would like to see progress [I only list problems that are not inherent to string theory; I don't care how to count CY spaces b/c this is not a physical question; I don't care about the definition of the higher genus measure for the amplitudes in superspace as this is not relevant physically - it is a problem not created by nature but by the string theory formalism; I don't care about AdS/CFT b/c this is not our universe; so I will list questions asked by nature]
- Why do we live in a 3+1 dimensional space-time?
- How is the big bang singularity resolved?
- Why do we see the matter content and interactions we see? (why three fermion generations, why the symmetry group of the standard model, why the Higgs (or not?), ...?
do we live in a 3+1 dimensional space-time? - What is the mechanism breaking symmetries and selecting the true vacuum? (which according to string theory defines the above mentioned interactions and structures)
- What is the microscopically picture regarding dynamical spacetime including black holes, entropy of the gravitational field etc.?
Of course I am prepared for answers regarding landscapes (Susskind) and mathematical universes (Tegmark). But frankly: I will never accept these arguments. This is regarding string theory, therefore I expect answers in the context of string theory (if my daughter has to go upstairs in order to shampoo I don't accept discussions regarding justice; that does not mean that I am unintersted in justice - I am - but not in the context of telling a six-year old girls to go upstairs in order to shampoo!)
So my expectation is that string theory does something very natural: be aware of the true problems of nature, provide ideas how to address them, provide a status or summary regarding progress and obstacles.
Instead of listing obstacles (which may sound biased or even rude) I would like to ask the string theory audience here in this forum for their assessment.
- What are the major achievements of string theory?
- Are there predictions subject to (accessable to) experimental verification / falsification both in principle and in practice? Are there physical phenoma which (once observed) would kill string theory?
- Are there predictions specific for the string theory context (nothing that may follow from SUSY as SUSY could be true even w/o string theory)
- What are the short-term / long-term research programs?
- What are the major obstacles inherent to string theory preventing the theory from delivering on its promises?
- What will be the final theory in terms of strings - a theory, or a framework to create theories?
A last remark for all those who are still with me and did not stop reading: this is all about progress in physics and waiting for illumination. It is not about fighting against a theory - doing that would require less thinking and writing ...
Regards & Thanks
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