Why Psychic Powers Don't Exist: Evolution & Physics

  • Thread starter alphy
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In summary, the existence of psychic powers is still a debatable topic despite the potential advantage it would give in the battle for survival. It is argued that if such powers do exist, evolution would have heavily selected for them to be one of our main senses. However, the fact that aggressive testing of humans has only revealed small or no psychic effects may suggest that it is a recent trait that has not yet been selected for. It is also possible that humans have already developed other senses, such as sight and hearing, which provide a greater return and thus did not need to rely on psychic abilities. Ultimately, the existence and development of psychic powers remains a mystery and subject to debate.
  • #1
It's strange that psychic powers if they exist should be at all debatable. If they exist they should be obvious. Think of the incredible advantage such powers would give any creature in the battle for survival. Certainly this would be something that evolution would select for - heavily. So given even a tiny bit of psi existing, it would eventually be developed by evolution to be one of our main senses, if not the main one. It seems strange that the most aggressive testing of humans now reveals tiny psychic effects (according to believers) or none at all. If it exists it should be something that we use continually.

Or here's another way of looking at it. We did develop incredible psychic powers through evolution: the ability to sense objects at a distance (sight and hearing), the ability to detect the proximity of objects (smell), etc.

To a rock, if it could think, those would seem like amazing, magical abilities - psychic powers even. But these abilities were physically possible and so we developed them. We have not developed clairvoyance or other psychic abilities because they are not possible. So, in a way, we are as fully psychically developed as possible!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I knew you were going to type this, alphy.

- Warren
  • #3
I think you have it pretty well covered, alphy.
  • #4
Unless evolution is wrong, of course. :smile:
  • #5
Actually, I think the classic counterargument is that either the psy effect is an emerging new characteristic, or the government is conspiring somehow to hide it.
  • #6
Originally posted by alphy
It's strange that psychic powers if they exist should be at all debatable. If they exist they should be obvious. Think of the incredible advantage such powers would give any creature in the battle for survival. Certainly this would be something that evolution would select for - heavily. So given even a tiny bit of psi existing, it would eventually be developed by evolution to be one of our main senses, if not the main one. It seems strange that the most aggressive testing of humans now reveals tiny psychic effects (according to believers) or none at all. If it exists it should be something that we use continually.

It could simply be that it is a very recent trait and thus has not been selected for yet. In contemporary society, of course, it is uncertain to what extent any traits are really getting selected in human beings with regards to survival value, since society itself is pretty good at keeping us alive-- even those of us with genetic deficiencies who would normally be 'selected against' in nature.
  • #7
I would say it is so small because we have other senses that were much easier to develop and yielded a much greater return. It's kind of like why many Americans are supposedly out of shape. Why would we be in good physical health when manual labor is almost a thing of the past? (Riding instead of walking) We no longer develop the physical ability. The machines that do the work for us are our 'sight' and 'hearing' if you think about it on an evolutionary scale. Those people who cannot take advantage of machines are at a disadvantage in todays society. On the other hand, who knows, maybe at one time humans DID have fairly developed psychic abilities and have simply shrunk down.

FAQ: Why Psychic Powers Don't Exist: Evolution & Physics

1. What is the evidence that supports the claim that psychic powers do not exist?

There is no scientific evidence that supports the existence of psychic powers. In fact, numerous studies have been conducted and have consistently failed to find any evidence of psychic abilities. Additionally, the laws of physics and evolution do not support the idea of psychic powers.

2. Can't psychic powers be explained by quantum mechanics?

No, psychic powers cannot be explained by quantum mechanics. While some may try to use quantum mechanics to explain psychic abilities, there is no scientific basis for this and it is not supported by the principles of quantum mechanics. In fact, quantum mechanics only applies at the atomic level, not at the level of human consciousness or abilities.

3. What about anecdotal evidence or personal experiences of psychic powers?

Anecdotal evidence and personal experiences are not reliable forms of evidence in science. They may seem convincing, but they are often influenced by personal biases and can be easily influenced by external factors. Additionally, these experiences cannot be replicated or tested in a controlled environment, which is necessary for scientific validity.

4. How do evolution and physics play a role in disproving psychic powers?

Evolution and physics play a crucial role in disproving psychic powers. According to the theory of evolution, humans have evolved through natural selection and adaptation, which has resulted in our current physical and mental abilities. Psychic powers, on the other hand, would require supernatural or paranormal abilities that go against the laws of physics. Therefore, the principles of evolution and physics do not support the existence of psychic powers.

5. Why do some people still believe in psychic powers despite the lack of scientific evidence?

There are a variety of reasons why some people may still believe in psychic powers. These may include personal experiences that they cannot explain, cultural or societal beliefs, and a desire for answers or control in uncertain situations. However, it is important to approach these beliefs critically and examine the lack of scientific evidence before accepting them as true.

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