- #1
- 18
- 0
Homework Statement
Convert 0xC4630000 to decimal.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
First attempt:
12(167) = 12(268435456) = 3221225472
4(166) = 4(16777216) = 67108864
6(165) = 6(1048576) = 6291456
3(164) = 3(65536) = 196608
0(163) = 0(4096) = 0
0(162) = 0(256) = 0
0(161) = 0(16) = 0
0(160) = 0(1) = 0
3221225472 + 67108864 + 6291456 + 196608 = 3294822400
Ok, google tells me this result is right. But then I tried to convert to binary and from binary to decimal.
Second attempt:
C = 1100
4 = 0100
6 = 0110
3 = 0011
0 = 0000
0 = 0000
0 = 0000
0 = 0000
So, 0xC4630000 = 1100 0100 0110 0011 0000 0000 0000 0000
231 + 230 + 226 + 222 + 221 + 217 + 216 =
= 2147483647 + 1073741824 + 67108864 + 4194304 + 2097152 + 131072 + 65536 = 3294822399
I can't understand why this is failing... Shouldn't the result be the same? Why is there a difference of 1?
Thanks in advance for any help.