Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!

In summary, a TA who was supposed to give a final exam never showed up, so the teacher is trying to convince the rest of the class to show up for a Friday final. This messes up the student's plan and they have to take an incomplete.
  • #1
Echo 6 Sierra
WOO-HOO! Spring Break!

Since I'm not going anywhere for Spring Break I'd like to live vicariously through those that are. Please tell where y'all are going for SB and what y'all are doing. Bonus for you if you are doing something BESIDES getting swervy. If I can get ANY time off from work I'll probably just toob down the Guadelupe River (58 degrees year round = red top & blue bottom) and enjoy the silence. Thank goodness it's only a one hour drive from here.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
This upcoming Wednesday I am going to be on a flight to europe, I will stay there for two weeks. In total I will have missed a week of school O.O, I wonder how that will go...
  • #3
The Child of Evo is in Cancun for 8 days. :frown: I really miss her.
  • #4
Why do those who don't drink have a negative thought towards those who do?

Note: This isn't always the case, but generally it is.

I got wasted on my reading week (early spring break), and didn't crack open one book. Not even the ones, I want to read. I figured, my brain needs a break.
  • #5
I'm home and enjoying having a sofa, (its funny, but i really hate not having a couch in my dorm.) then i'll be going to a big huge rugby thing and probably drinking too much. My friends were going to try and sneak me into a strip club on weds, but I'm thinking that... probably won't happen. We'll see. Yesterday my family had a big partied and i entertained everyone by playing guitar with this other guy. other than that, i really don't have plans... i should be going to florida... but things didn't quite work out...
  • #6
I don't even have spring break until two weeks from now. You guys are breaking early. It isn't even spring yet.
  • #7
JasonRox said:
Why do those who don't drink have a negative thought towards those who do? Note: This isn't always the case, but generally it is.
You'll get no bad mojo from me. I was just adding that flyer because some people do things like helping Habitat for Humanity, etc. over their SB. Last year one of my dear Nieces spent her entire SB with my Octegenarian Mother catering to her every need, which in my book, gives her bonus points on the tote board of life.
  • #8
I will chaperone a group of young adults counting birds as they{the birds} have there stop over on Belle Island. A dot of land in the middle of the Detroit river.
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  • #9
::Sigh:: I just got back from Nassau, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten.
  • #10
Vegas, then Cabo san Lucas, Mexico.
  • #11
I went to Mardi Gras, is that close enough?
  • #12
russ_watters said:
I went to Mardi Gras, is that close enough?

Cool! Oh, and you claimed you were just sick to explain not being around, huh? Now the truth comes out. And here we were all so concerned for you when the only sickness was a hangover, huh? :-p :rolleyes:
  • #13
Vegas, then Cabo san Lucas, Mexico.

Omg, this really sucks. Listen to this. The TA who was supposed to give the final exam never showed up (final at 8:00 am), so my teacher is trying to convince the rest of the class to show up for a friday final, which was never accounted for. I'm home right now, and have no way of making it back for the final for friday 8-11 pm, so will probably have to take an incomplete for this quarter. This really messes my whole plan up, and I now have to continue to study for a final i'll take shortly after my spring break. Has this ever happened to you guys, and if so, what can I do to avoid taking any sort of final?
  • #14
Tell the prof to shove it.

Note: See my reason to "Rant on Physics Teacher" thread.

This is when you really have to say something.
  • #15
Gza said:
Omg, this really sucks. Listen to this. The TA who was supposed to give the final exam never showed up (final at 8:00 am), so my teacher is trying to convince the rest of the class to show up for a friday final, which was never accounted for. I'm home right now, and have no way of making it back for the final for friday 8-11 pm, so will probably have to take an incomplete for this quarter. This really messes my whole plan up, and I now have to continue to study for a final i'll take shortly after my spring break. Has this ever happened to you guys, and if so, what can I do to avoid taking any sort of final?

While I wouldn't usually advocate getting out of a final, these circumstances seem like some exceptions should be made (maybe final optional for those who need it to help their grade).

What does your syllabus state regarding the final exam? If you showed up for the right date and time and it doesn't say anything about possibility of rescheduling or make-up exam dates, you probably have a good argument not to take it, though, it might be easier in the long run to just study over the break and take it when you return than to fight it. I've really never heard of a situation where nobody showed up to GIVE the exam. Even if the TA was suddenly struck ill, the exam still should have been somewhere that anyone could have come in and passed it out to the class.

FAQ: Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!

What is the purpose of "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!"?

The purpose of "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!" is to gather data and information about how people spend their spring break vacations. This information can be used for research purposes or for marketing and planning purposes.

Who can participate in "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!"?

Anyone who has gone on a spring break vacation can participate in "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!". It is open to people of all ages and backgrounds.

What kind of information is being collected in "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!"?

The survey is collecting information about the location, activities, and duration of spring break vacations. It may also ask about budget, transportation methods, and overall satisfaction with the vacation.

How will the information collected in "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!" be used?

The information collected will be used for research purposes to better understand how people spend their spring break vacations. It may also be used for marketing and planning purposes for travel companies and destinations.

Is "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!" anonymous?

Yes, "Spring Break Fun: Tell Us What You're Doing!" is anonymous. No personal information is collected, and all responses will be kept confidential. The purpose of the survey is to gather general information and not to identify specific individuals.

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