Gluons: Are They Massless? | A Deeper Look

In summary: But let's not get ahead of ourselves. The important point to remember is that the gluon is an elementary particle, and as such, it is subject to the same rules as all other elementary particles. We cannot categorically say that it is massless or that it has a very small mass. What we can say is that all experimental evidence points towards a very small mass, if any at all. So in summary, while it is not known for certain that the gluon is actually massless, all measurements indicate that its mass must be very small.
  • #1
It is also not known for certain that the gluon is actually massless, it is only supposed; all that is certain from measurement is that if it is not zero then its mass must be very small.
I read this from wiki, I don't trust that site a lot.
Is this true?
can someone elaborate on this?
Physics news on
  • #2
that statement simply is saying that experimentally we are not 100% sure whether gluons are massless... a fair comment. It is like saying that although we believe that an electron is "truly a point particle" but experimentally we only have an upper bound on its radius. Hence we could say: "all that is certain from measurement is that if the radius of an electron is not zero then it must be very small."

So, nothing is wrong about the quoted statement if it was actually said in the above spirit.
  • #3
Now bear with me for a minute, isn't supposed that gluon's are just like photons, but the main difference that gluon's interact with each other, and carry the force charge(i'm just talking about similarity as both of them are scalar right? or am I wrong?)?
And something else, isn't supposed since there is unbroken gauge invariance, it requires the gauge boson(the gluon's) to be massless?
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  • #4
and your point is?
  • #5
If they have mass , even a small mass wouldn't that lead to a broken gauge invariance??
  • #6
I think there are two issues here. One is whether we believe in our theory and the other is whether our experiments can actually "proof" it. I've got the feeling that the wiki article is speaking in the point of view of an experimentalist. let's take a simpler example... do you believe in Conservation of Energy? Now, there is no experiments on Earth that you can do that will "proof" to you that the conservation law is actually correct, as much as there is no way you can find the true size of an electron... hence, if I want to be cautious, I may say that "It is also not known for certain that conservation of Energy actually happens, it is only supposed; all that is certain from measurement is that any deviation must be very small."
  • #7
Maybe I'm been confused about something else explain this to me:
Isn't because the W,Z bosons have mass, leads to broken gauge variance, which in the end lead to a CP violation in weak interaction?
So my point is if that's true, isn't supposed that we should see in some sort of an experiment a violation of a certain symmetry in color interaction?

Edit: Ahh, I see what you maybe pointing to, there is no actually way now to determine in an experiment if there is a symmetry violation in color interaction??
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  • #8
Point is, how or when do you restore gauge invariance?
  • #9
I don't know
  • #10
If gluons did have mass, one would have to ask which color ends up being favored with which quark flavors... I am more comfortable with the idea of gluons being massless just because it would make things less complicated, and would remain analogous to the massless photon. Not only that, but the glueballs in the lattice would look a bit different, I imagine.
  • #11
Particle Data group statement on gluon mass:

Mass m=0. Theoretical value. A mass as large as a few MeV may not be precluded. [F.J. Yndurain, 95 PL B345 524],B345,524
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  • #12
It is also not known for certain that the gluon is actually massless, it is only supposed; all that is certain from measurement is that if it is not zero then its mass must be very small.well, interesting question.

There exists a gluon field (analogous to the photon field),, unlike the photon field, there are excitations that are highly self interacting,,, there exist ultra high energy excitations of the field which are much like photons - they are massless particles and do not self-interact,, however low energy excitations are very different,, they are strongly self interacting, and the concept of a single gluon is not meaningful,, it is not a stable particle - it is not an elementary excitation of the field..

in this low energy regime, theory suggest the existence of glueballs,, which are special boundstates of "gluons",, bound in such a way that the entire particle is nuetral (non-interacting via the strong force).
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  • #13
simic4 said:
well, interesting question.

There exists a gluon field (analogous to the photon field),, unlike the photon field, there are excitations that are highly self interacting,,, there exist ultra high energy excitations of the field which are much like photons - they are massless particles and do not self-interact,, however low energy excitations are very different,, they are strongly self interacting, and the concept of a single gluon is not meaningful,, it is not a stable particle - it is not an elementary excitation of the field..

in this low energy regime, theory suggest the existence of glueballs,, which are special boundstates of "gluons",, bound in such a way that the entire particle is nuetral (non-interacting via the strong force).

I have studied these "glueballs", especially the scalar one, in considerable depth. They are indeed very interesting.

FAQ: Gluons: Are They Massless? | A Deeper Look

1. What are gluons?

Gluons are subatomic particles that are responsible for holding together quarks, which are the building blocks of protons and neutrons. They are a type of boson, which means they have integer spin and are carriers of fundamental forces.

2. Are gluons massless?

According to the Standard Model of particle physics, gluons are considered to be massless. This means they have no rest mass and travel at the speed of light. However, some theories suggest that gluons may have a small amount of mass due to the interaction with the Higgs field.

3. How do gluons interact with other particles?

Gluons interact with other particles through the strong nuclear force, which is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. They carry a color charge (red, green, or blue) and can exchange color charges with other particles, such as quarks, to create a strong bond between them.

4. Can gluons exist independently?

No, gluons cannot exist independently. They are always bound to other particles, such as quarks or other gluons, due to the nature of the strong nuclear force. This force becomes stronger as particles are further apart, making it impossible for gluons to exist in isolation.

5. How are gluons studied and observed?

Gluons are studied and observed through high-energy particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. By smashing protons together at high speeds, scientists can create conditions similar to those in the early universe where gluons were abundant. Their presence can also be detected indirectly through the particles they interact with during these collisions.

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