Recent content by MFrymus

  1. M

    Environmental Science: Exploring Our Impact on Marine Life

    Yeah... I meant to delete this question actually. I didn't realize that in Maine biology that yout study the same stuff as environmental sciences, but focused on the marine life. So, yeah. It looks like Maine bio is best. Thanks
  2. M

    Environmental Science: Exploring Our Impact on Marine Life

    I'm interested in studying the Earth. Its our human impact that is effecting the species, and ourselves. The way things are heading, its more extinction of animal species and ourselves. My goal is, whichever job it may be; I want my career (Masters degree) to focus on researching & protecting...
  3. M

    What do they do? (Mechanical / Aerospace)

    I wasn't really referring to it bring glamorous literally... But from the sounds of it, it does sound like it MAY be something of my interest IF I score the right job with the right company.
  4. M

    Earth Science / Marine Biology

    I would like to work with the marine species and mammals. So, yes. I believe its more Maine Biology than Oceanography. Guelph is a choice as its close to home. I would definitely like to move to the East especially since its on the Ocean. But, its a money issue. I would have to see tuition...
  5. M

    What do they do? (Mechanical / Aerospace)

    This is my second field of interest. It was my first as I've always wanted a job that was related to the space industry. But, now I'm not sure if I want to be doing engineering at all... I love the problem solving of engineering, and the designing aspect. However, looking through youtube, and...
  6. M

    Earth Science / Marine Biology

    I'm in search for a career that is 'earth' related. I also have interests in the ocean. So, my choices come down to; Earth Sciences & Marine Biology / Oceanography. Was looking for a career in the space industry, or renewable energy, but found most of it to be engineering based. And I don't...
  7. M

    B.Sc. vs B.Eng. - Comparing Canadian University Engineering Options

    I'm trying to apply to the Canadian Universities for Engineering, but I'm seeing there are both B.Sc and B.Eng options. I've googled and googled. With mixed reviews and no solid answers! Its frustrating me. What is the difference between B.Sc. and a B.Eng.? I'm not a theoretical person. More...
  8. M

    Apply as Adult or Current Student? (Can. Univ.)

    I completed high school, and received diploma in '09. Currently I am in adult school advancing my high school credits. I am able to apply as either an Adult or as a Current Student. But, I don't know which I should choose; I have been told that I am able to apply as either, and each has its...
  9. M

    Engineering Engineering Physics or Mechanical?

    There is a University that interests me that offers a Bachelors Degree for this: Carleton University - Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineering I thought about this program, but I don't know... I will probably focus on Renewable energy in my Masters Degree. But as a bachelors, a company would...
  10. M

    Engineering Engineering Physics or Mechanical?

    My thoughts were to take Engineering Physics as a bachelor's degree and then follow up on a Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. The reason so is to allow me to understand the basic fundamentals of mechanical engineering in Engineering Physics, but also learning about the other things...
  11. M

    Engineering Engineering Physics or Mechanical?

    Being from Canada, applications for Universities are soon due! I am back in school upgrading my high school courses from a few years ago. Wanting to start a new career. I am interested in a field of engineering. I am going for a Masters Degree that will allow me to work on green/renewable...