Can an Atom Exist Without Electrons?

In summary, it is possible for an atom to have no electrons in certain states, such as in the gas phase or in cationic species. Examples of this include hydrogen ions and alpha particles. However, in most cases, atoms will have a balance of protons and electrons to maintain a neutral charge.
  • #1
Gary King
is it possible for an atom to have no electrons?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Sure. This can be done quite easily in the gas phase. In solutions cationic species will be solvated by other molecules, but can be thought of as essentially "electronless."
  • #3
The easiest example to give are the Hydrogen ions that give acidity to a solution. Those [tex]H^+[/tex] atoms are just nuclei.
  • #4
Or consider the alpha particles, as in radiation particles. These are nothing more than bare helium nuclei.

  • #5
ZapperZ, I am doubtful about this. When you write the alpha particle, [itex]^{4}_{2}He[/itex], you'll see that two electrons are present as this compound is neutral and monoatomic. You'd be correct if this compound were a 2+ ion. Or is there something I don't know?
  • #6
chem_tr said:
ZapperZ, I am doubtful about this. When you write the alpha particle, [itex]^{4}_{2}He[/itex], you'll see that two electrons are present as this compound is neutral and monoatomic. You'd be correct if this compound were a 2+ ion. Or is there something I don't know?

Didn't rutherford use alpha particles in his gold foil experiment? I don't know if having electrons would have changed his result but I guess I always assumed that The alpha particles deflected off the nuclei of the atoms of the gold because they had a +2e charge. It's been over a year since I touched chemistry though and even then it was only first or second semester general chemistry so there's an exceedingly high probability I don't know what I'm talking about :).
  • #7
chem_tr said:
ZapperZ, I am doubtful about this. When you write the alpha particle, [itex]^{4}_{2}He[/itex], you'll see that two electrons are present as this compound is neutral and monoatomic. You'd be correct if this compound were a 2+ ion. Or is there something I don't know?

ALpha particles are charged, they can be denoted by [itex]^{4}_{2}He^{2+}[/itex] or just [itex]^{4}_{2}\alpha[/itex]. They are generated in the following reaction type:
[itex]^{a}_{b}X --> ^{4}_{2}\alpha+^{a-4}_{b-2}Y[/itex]

They are highly ionisating radiation, and can be defelcted in magnetic fields or accelerated in electric fields.
  • #8
Thank you for this valuable information. One small tip (not important at all), use \longrightarrow in the LaTeX image to obtain [itex]^{a}_{b}X \longrightarrow ^{4}_{2}\alpha+^{a-4}_{b-2}Y[/itex]

We understand that only small atoms can give all of their electrons; bigger atoms may be persuaded to give most of their electrons to yield unusual charges via core (nuclear) reactions, I think.
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  • #9
chem_tr said:

Thanks! I was trying to find that..

chem_tr said:
We understand that only small atoms can give all of their electrons; bigger atoms may be persuaded to give most of their electrons to yield unusual charges via core (nuclear) reactions, I think.

Yes, I suppose that it´s difficult to take out the "last" electrons of a big atom due to the high Z value (that causes very low energy values of the first atomic orbitals)
  • #10
chem_tr said:
ZapperZ, I am doubtful about this. When you write the alpha particle, [itex]^{4}_{2}He[/itex], you'll see that two electrons are present as this compound is neutral and monoatomic. You'd be correct if this compound were a 2+ ion. Or is there something I don't know?

I'm also a certified Radiological Worker 1(OSHA category here in the US) since I work in a radiation controlled area. All the radiation safety training standards have defined "alpha radiation" as the doubly-ionized He.

  • #11
Okay, thank you for the information. I didn't know that alpha particle is doubly ionized. So it is different from ordinary helium gas, our high-school-level chemistry courses state that alpha particle is the same as helium, and this doesn't seem to be correct.
  • #12
The alpha particle is a helium NUCLEUS, not a helium atom.
  • #13
An Atom is: as defined from
"A unit of matter, the smallest unit of an element, having all the characteristics of that element and consisting of a dense, central, positively charged nucleus surrounded by a system of electrons. The entire structure has an approximate diameter of 10-8 centimeter and characteristically remains undivided in chemical reactions except for limited removal, transfer, or exchange of certain electrons."
so, in my opinion, No, it is not possible for an atom to have no elections becuase first of all it wouldn't be uncharged (which although is not included in the defintion above, needs to be true, other wise it is an ion), and second of all, it wouldn't share all the same characteristics of the element it should belong to, for example, the alpha particle above you all were talking about will not share the same properties as a helium atom will.
  • #14
mrjeffy321 said:
first of all it wouldn't be uncharged (which although is not included in the defintion above, needs to be true, other wise it is an ion),

Of course. That´s the correct way of calling it. Nobody doubts that an ion is a completely different system than the neutral species, and that an hellium nucleus is NOT an helium atom.
  • #15
well the question was whether it was possible for an atom to have no electrons, not whether protons (and possible neutrons) could exist without electrons.
  • #16
mrjeffy321 said:
well the question was whether it was possible for an atom to have no electrons, not whether protons (and possible neutrons) could exist without electrons.

An atom without electrons IS just a lump of protons and neutrons! When you strip away all the electrons, you are left with just the nucleus. You were given two specific examples already.

  • #17
ZapperZ is right, but only few examples can be mentioned about this. The most famous one is hydrogen ion, [itex]\displaystyle H^+[/itex] and the other is alpha particle, [itex]\displaystyle ^{4}_{2}He^{2+}[/itex].

However, there are not many; the other alternatives are so unstable that we can conclude these two are the only easily available. Please consider [itex]\displaystyle Li^{3+},Be^{4+},B^{5+}[/itex]. Very high amounts of energy have to be given to provide these unusual oxidation states.
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  • #18
Simple definitions might work here. The number of electrons surrounding the nucleus determine whether or not an atom is electrically charged or neutral. If an atom contains equal numbers of protons and electrons, it is described as being electrically neutral [and elemental]. If it has an unequal number of protons and electrons, it is an ion. An atom totally stripped of electrons is, technically speaking, a positively charged ion.
  • #19
chem_tr said:
However, there are not many; the other alternatives are so unstable that we can conclude these two are the only easily available. Please consider [itex]\displaystyle Li^{3+},Be^{4+},B^{5+}[/itex]. Very high amounts of energy have to be given to provide these unusual oxidation states.

Yes, we are talking about fully charged plasmas, theese species are available in high energy physics labs.

Perhaps, those that you mentioned could be produced by laser ablation (firing laser directly to the solid or to a MALDI)in spectroscopy labs but i´m not sure.
  • #20
altered-gravity said:
Perhaps, those that you mentioned could be produced by laser ablation (firing laser directly to the solid or to a MALDI)in spectroscopy labs but i´m not sure.

In a temporary basis, yes, they may occur in a very short time span, and spectroscopy may give indications of their presence. But it is not too easy, as we know.
  • #21
altered-gravity said:
Yes, we are talking about fully charged plasmas, theese species are available in high energy physics labs.

Perhaps, those that you mentioned could be produced by laser ablation (firing laser directly to the solid or to a MALDI)in spectroscopy labs but i´m not sure.

Laser ablation typically does NOT produce plasma ions. If they do, they would not be used as a technique for thin film depostion since the stoichiometry of the film may be different than the target. There are, of course, exception to this as done at the National Ignition Facility. Here, the plasma is form via extremely intense laser source.

  • #22
ZapperZ said:
Laser ablation typically does NOT produce plasma ions. If they do, they would not be used as a technique for thin film depostion since the stoichiometry of the film may be different than the target. There are, of course, exception to this as done at the National Ignition Facility. Here, the plasma is form via extremely intense laser source.

Really? Now I´m confused. I´ve always thougth that the ablation plume was plasma. It´s a mixture of ions, neutrals, electrons.. A college of mine worked in a Pb ionisation experiment with laser ablation mass spectrometer and we always talked about ablation plume as plasma-like. Laser source was a standard commercial pulsed Nd:YAG (freq. doubled). Of course they were not "fully charged" species, Pb2+, Pb3+, neutrals and others.

Am I wrong? If you can clarify this to me I will be grateful. Thanks
  • #23
altered-gravity said:
Really? Now I´m confused. I´ve always thougth that the ablation plume was plasma. It´s a mixture of ions, neutrals, electrons.. A college of mine worked in a Pb ionisation experiment with laser ablation mass spectrometer and we always talked about ablation plume as plasma-like. Laser source was a standard commercial pulsed Nd:YAG (freq. doubled). Of course they were not "fully charged" species, Pb2+, Pb3+, neutrals and others.

Am I wrong? If you can clarify this to me I will be grateful. Thanks

Humm... I think you may be correct. The laser ablation technique uses a typical eximer laser that do not create a plasma vapor of the ablated material. Thus you preserve the composition of the target material in the thin film that formed. I am using a Nd:YAG laser right now, but not for ablation purposes. Unfortunately, sometime we do "ablate" our photocathode if we set the intensity wrong. But in this case, I have no idea if we created a "plasma" of the ablated material.

  • #24
ZapperZ said:
Thus you preserve the composition of the target material in the thin film that formed

Very interesting.. and useful in micro-machining.

Thanks for your time again, your advice is allways wellcome.
  • #25
Couldn't an apha particle be considdered an atom, if so that's a good example. It has two protons, two nuetrons, and no electrons.
  • #26
Pull an electron off of the hydrogen atom
  • #27
In nuclear physics and engineering, I believe the convention has been that protons (p) and alpha particles ([tex]\alpha[/tex]) are considered 'subatomic'.

Ions are atoms with more or less than Z electrons - cations (+, have an electron deficiency) and anions (-, have an excess of electrons).

Alpha particles quickly slow down in matter and neutralize to He very quickly.

Even in plasmas, there is constant recombination and ionization.

Negative charges are never too far from positive charges.
  • #28
Gary King said:
is it possible for an atom to have no electrons?

NO. Not by the definition of 'atom'.

You can have neutrons, protons, deuterium/tritium nucleii, alpha particles, etc. which have no electrons, but you wouldn't call any of them an atom.

If your question is really "Is it possible to ionize an atom and remove all its electrons?" the answer to that would be something like "Yes, though it would be extremely difficult for medium to large atoms."
  • #29
Newbie here. Not a physics guy, so don't blast me. But I have read they are able to bereave atoms in the lab in the completely ionized state. What about the sun or nebulaes--that is believed to be ionized gas isn't it? So there could theoretically be some atoms with no electrons naturally, correct?
  • #30
AFJ said:
So there could theoretically be some atoms with no electrons naturally, correct?

See Gokul's answer just above your post, it addresses your question perfectly.
  • #31
chem_tr said:
ZapperZ, I am doubtful about this. When you write the alpha particle, [itex]^{4}_{2}He[/itex], you'll see that two electrons are present as this compound is neutral and monoatomic. You'd be correct if this compound were a 2+ ion. Or is there something I don't know?

Surely the symbol you quoted refers to The overall number of Nucleons, and the fact that there are two protons, the rest being neutrons, hence 2 protons and 2 neutrons?
  • #32
I think it is a very trivial and useless question. Everyone I know considers an "atom" to be the bound state of a nucleus (Z) and some number of electrons. It is trivially obvious that bare nuclei can and DO exist, so if you want to call them atoms, go ahead!

FAQ: Can an Atom Exist Without Electrons?

1. Can an atom exist without electrons?

Yes, an atom can exist without electrons. This type of atom is known as an ion, which has either gained or lost electrons, resulting in a net positive or negative charge.

2. What is the role of electrons in an atom?

Electrons play a crucial role in an atom as they determine its chemical and physical properties. They are negatively charged particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom, and their arrangement and number determine an element's properties.

3. How do atoms without electrons behave?

Atoms without electrons behave differently depending on whether they have gained or lost electrons. Positively charged ions tend to attract other particles, while negatively charged ions tend to repel them.

4. Can an atom exist without a nucleus?

No, an atom cannot exist without a nucleus. The nucleus is the central part of an atom that contains protons and neutrons. These particles are essential for the stability and identity of an atom.

5. Is it possible for an atom to have more than one electron?

Yes, it is possible for an atom to have more than one electron. In fact, most atoms have more than one electron. The number of electrons in an atom depends on the element and its atomic number.

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