Lagrangian and eulerian descriptions of phenomena

In summary, Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of phenomena involve different perspectives for writing differential equations, with one focusing on a field perspective and the other on a particle perspective. While both viewpoints are equivalent, certain problems may be easier to solve using one over the other. In fluid mechanics, the Eulerian description is preferred as it is a more natural way to describe deformation and flow. The Lagrangian viewpoint involves following a material point in time, while the Eulerian viewpoint involves watching a static point in space. Additionally, in terms of computer accessories, there are various connectors and adaptors available that can be found at or
  • #1
lagrangian and eulerian descriptions of phenomena...

hello everyone,

some differential equations are written in terms of a field perspective, some from the point of view of a particle moving through the field...
Navier-stokes eqns can be derived from Newton' s 2nd law applied to a particle.

What advantage is there in viewing things from a particle point of view( Lagrangian view)?
I guess classica mechanics is based on this view.
Physics news on
  • #2

The two viewpoints are equivalent, but some problems are easier to write down in one particular choice of coordinates. For example, if you want to describe the flow of fluid through a channel, IIRC the Lagrangian viewpoint means you pick a control volume dV and watch the fluid flow through it (i.e. stand on the river bank and watch a static point in space), while the Eulerian view means you choose a fluid element dv and watch it deform over time (i.e. follow a material point in time).

In continuum mechanics, especially fluid mechanics, the Eulerian description is preferred because it's a more natural way to describe how deformation and flow carry momentum and energy, by using the total derivative D/Dt =[itex]\frac{\partial}{\partial t} + v\bullet \nabla [/itex].
  • #3

Isn't it the other way around? Euler stays put, while Lagrange moves around with the particle?
  • #4
I found that connector you were looking for

I found that connector you were looking for
Cindy, is this the thing you were looking for?[/URL]

It's on the list of computer accessories and parts. They have the DVI video thing to convert that jap monitor to work with your other computer. Just about any other kind of wire adaptor, usb connectors, monitor extension wires, ps2 extention wires, and all kinds of female and male swap connectors and things that I think would help your shop. If that above link don't work then goto [url][/url] and click on computer accessories. Let me know if that is what you need and give me your email address again.
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  • #5

Heirot said:
Isn't it the other way around? Euler stays put, while Lagrange moves around with the particle?

It could be- I always forget which is which :)

FAQ: Lagrangian and eulerian descriptions of phenomena

What is the difference between Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions of phenomena?

The main difference between Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions is the frame of reference used to describe the phenomena. In Lagrangian description, the motion of individual particles is tracked and described in relation to their initial position. In Eulerian description, the properties of a fluid or gas are described at fixed points in space as it flows through them.

When should a Lagrangian description be used?

A Lagrangian description is useful when studying the motion of individual particles, such as in solid mechanics or celestial mechanics. It is also used in fluid mechanics when the flow is highly viscous or turbulent, making it difficult to track individual particles.

When is an Eulerian description preferred?

An Eulerian description is preferred when studying the overall behavior of a fluid or gas, such as in meteorology or oceanography. It is also used in fluid mechanics when the flow is steady and laminar, making it easier to track properties at fixed points.

Can Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions be used together?

Yes, in many cases, both Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions are used together to get a complete understanding of a phenomenon. For example, in fluid mechanics, the motion of individual particles can be described using Lagrangian methods, while the overall properties of the fluid can be described using Eulerian methods.

Are there any limitations to Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions?

Both Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions have their own limitations. Lagrangian descriptions can become complicated when dealing with large numbers of particles, while Eulerian descriptions may not accurately capture the behavior of individual particles. Additionally, both descriptions may not be applicable in certain situations, such as in highly compressible or non-Newtonian fluids.

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