Is It Time to Rename the 'Computer'?

  • Thread starter Tregg Smith
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In summary, Many people feel that the term "computer" no longer accurately describes the main functions that most users engage in, such as information gathering, socializing, and entertainment. The term implies complex calculations and computations, but in reality, computers are used for much simpler tasks. However, the name itself is not a major concern and there are no clear alternatives at the moment.
  • #1
Tregg Smith
I feel the term computer no longer fits what most people do with the thing. Deep inside it's juggling a lot of numbers but on the surface for most users it's about humanity's favorites: information gathering, socializing and gossip, porn, shopping, file sharing, time wasteing etc. These things are far from actual computing. I've been thinking about it but nothing as yet comes to mind. Would anybody care to contribute?
Computer science news on
  • #2
Well to compute is to calculate and at the base level, that is all they do.

Name seems fine to be.
  • #3
Inverted Maxwellian Demon

Maxwellian Angel?
  • #4
Tregg Smith said:

Porn Machine

But seriously, I think the name is the last thing we should be worried about changing.
  • #5

I understand the need for accurate and descriptive terminology in our field. It is clear that the term "computer" may no longer accurately represent the wide range of tasks and activities that these devices are used for in our society. However, it is important to note that the underlying function of computers, which is processing and manipulating data through algorithms and instructions, remains the same.

Perhaps a more fitting term could be "information processor" or "data manipulator", as these emphasize the core function of these devices. However, it may also be beneficial to have more specific terms for different types of activities, such as "social networker" for those who primarily use computers for socializing, or "data miner" for those who use computers for information gathering.

Ultimately, the evolution of technology and its uses will continue to challenge our language and terminology. It is important for us as scientists to adapt and evolve our terminology as well, in order to accurately reflect the ever-changing landscape of technology. I encourage further discussion and collaboration on this topic to find a more fitting term for these devices.

FAQ: Is It Time to Rename the 'Computer'?

What is the purpose of "Computer? We need a new name"?

The purpose of "Computer? We need a new name" is to raise awareness and spark discussion about the limitations and potential biases in the use of the term "computer" in technology and society.

Why do we need a new name for "computer"?

We need a new name for "computer" because the term carries connotations and associations that may not accurately reflect the advancements and diversity in technology today. It also perpetuates certain stereotypes and excludes certain groups from feeling included in the technology industry.

What are some alternative names for "computer"?

Some alternative names for "computer" that have been proposed include "logic engine", "information processor", "digital assistant", "technology device", and "data processor". These names aim to be more inclusive and reflective of the capabilities and functions of modern technology.

Will changing the name of "computer" have any impact on society?

While a name change may seem insignificant, it can have a significant impact on how we perceive and interact with technology. By choosing a more inclusive and accurate name, we can challenge and break down certain stereotypes and biases associated with the term "computer" and promote a more diverse and inclusive technology industry.

What can I do to support the movement for a new name for "computer"?

You can support the movement for a new name for "computer" by engaging in discussions and sharing your thoughts on the topic, advocating for more inclusive language in technology, and supporting companies and organizations that are actively working towards diversity and inclusion in the industry.
