EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

  • Thread starter Dauden
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In summary: Higher education has definitely moved forward with eTextbooks. Publishers are more than happy to have their books available in electronic format since it's much more secure than having a printing press in the forest.
  • #1
I was thinking about getting the Kindle or some other eReader. Does anyone know how it handles displaying pictures, charts, graphs, equations, and such? I would definitely be getting mathematics books and the like. If it's not able to handle it, I'll just stick with good ole fashion paper books.
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  • #2
A Kindle as in e-ink reader or just regular tablet on which you could read your math books?
  • #3
get an ipad. do more maths.
  • #4
Ipad is overkill. Just use a giant 'TI-89', that is a e-ink reader, root it and use it as you wish.
  • #5
It's a huge hassle to mess with the ipad's battery life while using it as a textbook. I have a kindle and it has a long life, clear picture, easily less strain on the eyes (provided you don't get some fancy color one). The only down side is, not many textbooks are available for it. If you already have a pdf of your books then it would work. Some of the figures will appear un-readable if they have really fine lines though.
  • #6
Willowz said:
Ipad is overkill. Just use a giant 'TI-89', that is a e-ink reader, root it and use it as you wish.

interesting solution.
  • #7
I'm pretty sure the TI-89 uses an LCD screen.

I've been looking into both the B&W and color Kindles and Nooks as a Christmas present for myself. However, while the color ones can surf the net, they don't do it with anywhere near the elegance of an iPad.

I've been giving the iPad 2 some serious thought. I can't see paying a grand for a new Windows laptop when a decked-out iPad 2 with all the accessories would run me about the same. It wouldn't come with Word and Excel, but with Pages and Numbers...

Has higher education moved forward with textbooks in electronic format? Or are publishers whining about security and not being able to use their forest-killing printing presses?

If I got an iPad 2, there'd be a lot less things I'd have to carry around. I wonder if there's an app that'll allow me to photograph the pages of a textbook before putting it in a reduced-size (OCR-based) format like a reader. Apple would probably call it Binder.

FAQ: EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

What is an EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

An EReader Tablet for Science/Math books is an electronic device designed specifically for reading and storing digital versions of scientific and mathematical textbooks and other educational materials. It allows for easy access to a large library of books in a compact and portable device.

What are the benefits of using an EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

EReader Tablets offer a number of benefits for students and scientists. They are lightweight and portable, making it easy to carry multiple textbooks and reference materials in one device. They also have features such as highlighting, note-taking, and search functions, making it easier to study and navigate through complex scientific and mathematical content. Additionally, EReader Tablets often have a longer battery life than traditional tablets, making them ideal for long study sessions.

What type of content can be accessed on an EReader Tablet for Science/Math books?

EReader Tablets can access a wide range of content, including textbooks, reference materials, scientific journals, and other educational resources. Many EReader Tablets also have access to online libraries and databases, allowing for a vast amount of content to be stored and accessed in one device.

Can an EReader Tablet for Science/Math books be used for note-taking and annotation?

Yes, most EReader Tablets have features that allow for note-taking and annotation on digital textbooks and documents. This makes it easy to highlight important information, take notes, and organize your study materials in one place.

Are EReader Tablets for Science/Math books compatible with different file formats?

EReader Tablets are designed to be compatible with a variety of file formats, including PDF, EPUB, and MOBI. This allows for a wide range of digital textbooks and materials to be accessed and read on the device.

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