Spontaneous vs Stimulated Emission

In summary, stimulated emission is when an excited atom/electron spontaneously relaxes down to a lower energy level, while stimulated emission occurs when a photon is emitted from an atom/electron due to interaction with an electromagnetic field. The author in a quantum optics context considers initial and final states with different numbers of photons in the electromagnetic field, and defines spontaneous emission as emission into a vacuum mode and stimulated emission as emission into an already populated mode. However, both processes involve interactions with the electromagnetic field, leading to some confusion. Einstein's 1917 paper introduces two processes, one where an atom radiates energy regardless of external fields, and another where the atom's energy is changed through interaction with an external field. The difference between spontaneous and stimulated emission
  • #1
center o bass
Hi! I wanted to check if I have got the correct interpretation of stimulated vs spontaneous emission.

It seems like stimulated emission is defined as a process for which an excited atom/electron spontaneously relaxes down to a lower energy level.

Stimulated emission on the other hand seems to be defined as the emission of a photon from at atom/electron due to the interaction of that atom/electron with a surrounding electromagnetic field.

However, now I'm reading some quantum optics where the electromagnetic field is quantized.

1) Here the author considers initial and final states of the form [itex]|i\rangle = |A, 0\rangle, \quad |f\rangle = |B, 1_{\vec{k}, a}\rangle [/itex] where A and B is the initial and final states of the atom and 0 and [itex]1_{\vec{k}, a}[/itex] are the initial and final number of photons in the electromagnetic field (wave vector [itex]\vec{k}[/itex] and polarization [itex]a[/itex]). One calculates the amplitude for this process to happen through the lowest order interaction term in the hamiltonian.

2) The other type of initial and final states which is considered is of the form [itex]|i\rangle = |A, n_{\vec k ,a}\rangle, \quad |f\rangle = |B, n_{\vec{k}, a} + 1\rangle [/itex].

It seems like the author defines 1) to be spontaneous emission. I.e emission of a photon into a vacuum mode, while he defines 2) to be stimulated emission, i.e. emission into a mode which is already populated. However both these processes involve interactions with the electromagnetic field rendering my previous understanding wrong.

So what is stimulated and spontaneous emission? Is spontaneous emission an interaction with an electromagnetic ground state (vacuum)? Or is there no electromagnetic field at all?
If there is an interaction, the process is not really spontaneous is it?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Your question needs some editing.You have written stimulated emission in both of the starting lines.Moreover ,you might have seen a summation while quantizing the electromagnetic field which blows up to infinity (energy) when summed over all modes ,which is avoided by just cutting it off.It is this zero point fluctuation of electromagnetic field which gives rise to spontaneous emission.The process is necessarily spontaneous because one can not avoid it.it is only the result of quantization of electromagnetic field,it does not arises while treating the interaction with classical electromagnetic field of atoms.For more details see Gordon baym 'lectures on quantum mechanics'
  • #3
So what is stimulated and spontaneous emission?

There are more views on this, the answer depends on which theory you want to base it on. I recommend Einstein's paper from 1917 On the quantum theory of radiation.

Einstein introduces two processes. First,

"According to Hertz, an oscillating Planck
resonator radiates energy in the well-known way, regardless of whether
or not it is excited by an external field."

and describes it by A coefficient.

Then he introduces second process:

"If a Planck resonator is located in a
radiation field, the energy of the resonator is changed through the
work done on the resonator by the electromagnetic field of the
radiation; this work can be positive or negative, depending on the
phases of the resonator and the oscillating field.
and describes it by B coefficient.

So, the difference is that in the spontaneous emission, no external action (light wave from distant source) is required.

Is spontaneous emission an interaction with an electromagnetic ground state (vacuum)?

Atoms cannot physically interact with "state". Rather, it is said that the fluctuations of electromagnetic field may be responsible for bringing the atom down. This is one possible explanation of the process, motivated by the fluctuation-dissipation theorem which connects intensity of damping of motion of a small body in a fluid with the fluctuations of the forces the body experiences from the medium.

However, the fluctuations are not the only explanation possible. There are other ways this effect can be understood, in semi-classical theory (Jaynes), and it is possible to explain damping in classical theory too, without any role of fluctuations.
  • #4
Simple qualitative description:

Spontaneous emission: electron drops from an excited state to a lower state (no outside mechanism) - emitting a photon
Stimulated emission (lasers): photon of the same frequency interacts with electron in excited state which drops to lower state - the emitted photon is coherent with the incoming pnoton
  • #5
emitting a photon
I would say creating a photon and not emitting.

FAQ: Spontaneous vs Stimulated Emission

1. What is the difference between spontaneous and stimulated emission?

Spontaneous emission occurs when an atom or molecule in an excited state releases energy in the form of a photon without any external influence. Stimulated emission, on the other hand, is triggered by an external photon interacting with an already excited atom or molecule, causing it to release a photon with the same properties.

2. How do the energy levels of atoms or molecules affect spontaneous and stimulated emission?

In spontaneous emission, the energy level of the excited atom or molecule determines the frequency and energy of the emitted photon. In stimulated emission, the energy level must match that of the incoming photon for the emission to occur.

3. What is the role of population inversion in stimulated emission?

Population inversion refers to the situation where there are more atoms or molecules in an excited state than in a lower energy state. This is necessary for stimulated emission to occur, as the incoming photon needs to interact with an already excited atom or molecule.

4. How are spontaneous and stimulated emission used in laser technology?

Lasers rely on stimulated emission to produce a coherent and focused beam of light. The incoming photons stimulate atoms or molecules to emit photons of the same frequency and direction, resulting in a powerful and directed laser beam.

5. Can stimulated emission be controlled or manipulated?

Yes, stimulated emission can be controlled and manipulated by adjusting the external conditions such as temperature, pressure, and electric or magnetic fields. This allows for the production of different frequencies and intensities of emitted light, making it a valuable tool in a variety of scientific and technological applications.

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