Failed GRE and Burnout in Astronomy: What Are My Next Steps?

  • Thread starter Lavabug
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In summary, the expert believes that there are things that can be done to improve one's chances of admission, such as studying for the GREs and possibly taking a prep course. He also believes that talking to other professors and advisors can provide helpful insight. However, he cautions that doing anything before taking the GREs would be a waste of time.
  • #1
For emotional/burnout reasons, I did very poorly on both GRE's (unacceptably low on the general) and one of my supervisors upon hearing this has discouraged me from applying this year. Both of us think I don't stand a chance despite the rest of my credentials, even though all of (8-9) schools I was aiming for were below/around top 20 in astronomy/astrophysics. I am very crushed about this but I have been encouraged to not give up and try my luck next year. I am turning 26 shortly after graduating.

What can I do as a US permanent resident (graduating from a EU university) to improve my chances for admission, besides studying for the GRE's next year? I've been searching for internships/summer programs and so far I've only found a few for graduating seniors in astro fields: NRAO and LPI.

I've also been looking around at several observatories' websites but so far have only found one with a position for graduating seniors (IDL/IRAF experience desired though). I'm also open to positions in the EU, but I only know of one in A&A (at my home university), which is fiercely competitive at the EU level (classmates of mine with far better academic records still failed to get in)

I am barred from interns at national labs/NASA as I'm not yet a full US citizen but I've been checking their contractors and found one that does astronomical research (USRA, though no intern positions are listed), could anyone list any additional institutions where I could get some relevant research experience? What other things beyond summer programs could help? I would be living relatively close to a big university in NJ around the fall, would knocking some doors at the physics/astronomy department and offering to do unpaid research work be something worth trying? (they're not places I would be applying to anyway, I just want to do research in A&A or work with some kind of optics/electronics related to astronomical instrumentation)
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  • #2
Did you consider taking a GRE prep course? They can help you with time efficiency and how the test is structured and can improve your points.

Perhaps you can take some more advanced courses to bolster your chances next year, take the GRE prep and get ready for next year.

Also go talk with some other profs or your academic advisor/mentor and get their opinion. They may have some unorthodox way of helping you to get accepted. Perhaps conditional on your getting better GRE marks on the next test. Do this quickly and signup for a prep course no matter what they say.

As an aside, a recent story on Dave Brubeck, the Jazz great mentioned how he almost got booted from Veterinary school to the music conservatory and then while there almost got booted again because he couldn't sight read music. Some of his profs petitioned the dean saying you're making a big mistake he's brilliant at counterpoint and harmony and so they agreed to keep him provided Dave agreed NEVER to teach piano to anyone.

(see wikipedia article on Dave Brubeck)
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
Did you consider taking a GRE prep course? They can help you with time efficiency and how the test is structured and can improve your points.

Perhaps you can take some more advanced courses to bolster your chances next year, take the GRE prep and get ready for next year.

Also go talk with some other profs or your academic advisor/mentor and get their opinion. They may have some unorthodox way of helping you to get accepted. Perhaps conditional on your getting better GRE marks on the next test. Do this quickly and signup for a prep course no matter what they say.

As an aside, a recent story on Dave Brubeck, the Jazz great mentioned how he almost got booted from Veterinary school to the music conservatory and then while there almost got booted again because he couldn't sight read music. Some of his profs petitioned the dean saying you're making a big mistake he's brilliant at counterpoint and harmony and so they agreed to keep him provided Dave agreed NEVER to teach piano to anyone.

(see wikipedia article on Dave Brubeck)

I don't have the option of taking additional courses upon graduating (and staying for longer is not an option as my funding runs out), but I've already taken the most advanced courses in my field that my university offers (including many my home university doesn't offer, as I'm an exchange student this year at a top uni).

My top reccommender (the one I'm doing research with and actually knows about grad school in the US) is the one discouraging me from applying, so I don't think it would be appropriate to ask him to pull some strings, plus I cannot take another GRE within 60 days, which is well past the application deadlines and runs onto the dates when many university send out their first waves of acceptances.

I know the material; I took the exams pretty much in an emotional wreck (the general, with very little sleep, not reading the questions properly), so additional preparation would only have helped me being speedier with the PGRE, as I already knew exactly what to expect from the GRE (having worked through most of the most recent official prep book).
  • #4
Lavabug said:
I don't have the option of taking additional courses upon graduating (and staying for longer is not an option as my funding runs out), but I've already taken the most advanced courses in my field that my university offers (including many my home university doesn't offer, as I'm an exchange student this year at a top uni).

My top reccommender (the one I'm doing research with and actually knows about grad school in the US) is the one discouraging me from applying, so I don't think it would be appropriate to ask him to pull some strings, plus I cannot take another GRE within 60 days, which is well past the application deadlines and runs onto the dates when many university send out their first waves of acceptances.

I know the material; I took the exams pretty much in an emotional wreck (the general, with very little sleep, not reading the questions properly), so additional preparation would only have helped me being speedier with the PGRE, as I already knew exactly what to expect from the GRE (having worked through most of the most recent official prep book).

I would apply anyway and also retake the exams. Don't send in the GRE scores just yet tell them you will be taking them shortly that is acceptable as they don't usually start reviewing your folder until after the deadline for applications is up. I imagine the Graduate Admissions will contact you about the missing scores but that just means it hasn't been forwarded to the physics/astronomy department.
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  • #5

First of all, I want to acknowledge how difficult and discouraging it can be to not perform as well as you had hoped on a standardized test, especially when it impacts your future plans. It's understandable that you are feeling crushed and unsure of your next steps. However, I want to encourage you to not give up and to keep pursuing your goals in astronomy and astrophysics.

As for improving your chances for admission, there are a few things you can do besides studying for the GREs. First, focus on your strengths and highlight them in your application. This could include your research experience, publications, and any other relevant accomplishments. Additionally, you can reach out to potential advisors or professors at the schools you are interested in and express your interest in their research. Networking and making connections can sometimes make a big difference in the admission process.

In terms of gaining research experience, there are a few options you can consider. As you mentioned, internships and summer programs are a great way to gain experience and make connections. You can also reach out to professors at your current university and see if they have any research opportunities available. Additionally, you can look into volunteering or doing unpaid research work at a nearby university or observatory. This can help you gain relevant experience and also make connections in the field.

In terms of finding research opportunities, in addition to the ones you have already mentioned, you can also look into universities or institutions in your home country or other countries in Europe. You can also check the websites of professional organizations in the field, such as the American Astronomical Society or the European Astronomical Society, for any job or research opportunities. It's also worth checking with your university's career center for any resources or job postings in the field.

Lastly, I want to address your concern about not being a full US citizen and being barred from internships at national labs or NASA. While this may limit some opportunities, it's important to remember that there are still many other options available to gain relevant research experience and improve your chances for admission. Don't let this discourage you from pursuing your goals.

In summary, my advice would be to focus on your strengths, network and make connections, and seek out various opportunities for research experience. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help or advice from professors, advisors, or professionals in the field. With hard work and perseverance, I am confident that you can improve your chances for admission and achieve your goals in astronomy and ast

FAQ: Failed GRE and Burnout in Astronomy: What Are My Next Steps?

1. What does it mean to "bomb" the GRE's?

"Bombing" the GRE's means that you did poorly on the exam, typically receiving a low score.

2. Can I retake the GRE's if I bombed them?

Yes, you can retake the GRE's if you are not satisfied with your score. However, there are certain limitations on how many times you can retake the exam. Be sure to check with the official GRE website for more information.

3. How can I improve my GRE score if I bombed it?

There are several ways to improve your GRE score, such as studying more effectively, seeking guidance from a tutor or taking a GRE prep course, and practicing with official GRE practice tests. It's also important to identify your weaknesses and focus on improving those areas.

4. Will a low GRE score affect my chances of getting into graduate school?

While a low GRE score may not completely eliminate your chances of getting into graduate school, it can certainly make it more challenging. Graduate schools typically consider a variety of factors, including your undergraduate GPA, letters of recommendation, and personal statement. It's important to strive for a competitive GRE score to strengthen your overall application.

5. Is it worth retaking the GRE's if I bombed it?

This ultimately depends on your specific situation and goals. If you believe you can significantly improve your score and it will positively impact your graduate school applications, then it may be worth retaking the GRE's. However, it's also important to consider the time and resources it will take to retake the exam and whether it aligns with your overall academic and career goals.

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