Why Can't We Calculate Sphere Surface Area with Infinitesimal Cylinders?

In summary, when calculating the volume of a sphere using infinitesimally small cylinders, we can obtain the correct value of 4/3πR^3. However, when trying to calculate the surface area using the same method, we will always end up with a lesser value than the actual surface area of the sphere. This is because the shape of the infinitesimally small cylinders does not match the shape of the actual surface of the sphere, which represents a conical frustum. This can be proven using Archimedes' method of exhaustion.
  • #1
We know that we calculate the volume of sphere by taking infinitesimally small cylinders.

∫ ∏x^2dh
Limits are from R→0
x is the radius of any randomly chosen circle
dh is the height of the cylindrical volume.
x^2 + h^2 = R^2

So we will get 4/3∏R^3

Now the question is why cannot we obtain the SURFACE AREA using, infinitesimally small cylinders. Where

∫ 2∏xdh
Limits are from R→0
x is the radius of any randomly chosen circle
dh is the height of the cylindrical volume.
x^2 + h^2 = R^2.

I have a certain explanation for this which works well, but i would like to know if there is an unambiguous answer.

Thankyou :)
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  • #2
hi sahil_time! :smile:
sahil_time said:
… why cannot we obtain the SURFACE AREA using, infinitesimally small cylinders.

they're not cylinders, they're frustrums of a cone! :wink:
  • #3
sahil_time said:
Now the question is why cannot we obtain the SURFACE AREA using, infinitesimally small cylinders.

For the same reason this comic makes no sense:

  • #4
For the integral to work the approximation must match well enough, like the above comic. Two shapes can have equal volume and very nearly the sam shape, but very different surface area.
  • #5
Thankyou for all the replies. :)

I would just like you to look at the attatchment, where I've tried to convince myself.

If we compute the surface area by using CYLINDERS we end up getting a LESSER area than 4∏R^2 .The reason why cylinders do not work, is because "for an infinitesimally small height dh" the area of the ACTUAL surface of the sphere (which represents a conical frustum, i have taken CONE in this case) will always be greater than the surface area of the CYLINDER enclosing it.


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  • #6
hi sahil_time! :smile:
sahil_time said:
If we compute the surface area by using CYLINDERS we end up getting a LESSER area than 4∏R^2 .The reason why cylinders do not work, is because "for an infinitesimally small height dh" the area of the ACTUAL surface of the sphere (which represents a conical frustum, i have taken CONE in this case) will always be greater than the surface area of the CYLINDER enclosing it.

yes, that's correct, the frustrum area will always be more by a factor secθ, where θ is the half-angle of the cone …

(but your diagram doesn't really work, it needs to show a proper frustrum, rather than one that goes up to the apex of the cone :wink:)
  • #7
Thanx again :)


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  • #8
yes, that's fine! :smile:

but you could shorten it by using θ from the start …

your first line could be Afrustrum = π(r1 + r2)secθ

and then show that the bracket = 2r1 as r1 - r2 -> 0 :wink:

(btw, archimdedes managed to prove this without modern maths …

you may be interested to read this: http://arcsecond.wordpress.com/tag/archimedes/)
  • #9
That is ingenious, the way he has proved it :)
Thanx a lot :)
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FAQ: Why Can't We Calculate Sphere Surface Area with Infinitesimal Cylinders?

1. Why can't we use infinitesimal cylinders to calculate sphere surface area?

Infinitesimal cylinders, also known as "cylinders of revolution", are commonly used in calculus to approximate the surface area of a curved shape. However, when it comes to a sphere, these cylinders do not provide an accurate calculation of the surface area. This is because a sphere is a three-dimensional object, while a cylinder is a two-dimensional shape. Therefore, the infinitesimal cylinders do not account for the spherical curvature, resulting in an inaccurate calculation.

2. What is the correct method for calculating the surface area of a sphere?

The correct method for calculating the surface area of a sphere is by using the formula A = 4πr2, where r is the radius of the sphere. This formula takes into account the spherical curvature and provides an accurate calculation of the surface area.

3. Can we use infinitesimal spheres instead of cylinders to calculate surface area?

Using infinitesimal spheres may seem like a more accurate approach, as they have a three-dimensional shape similar to a sphere. However, this method also results in an inaccurate calculation because the spheres do not align perfectly with the surface of the sphere, leaving gaps and overlaps. Therefore, the surface area of a sphere cannot be accurately calculated using either infinitesimal cylinders or spheres.

4. Why is the surface area of a sphere important to calculate?

The surface area of a sphere is an important measurement in various fields such as physics, engineering, and mathematics. It helps in determining the volume of a sphere, which is crucial in different applications such as calculating the capacity of a container or designing a spherical object. It is also used in calculating the pressure and force exerted on a spherical surface.

5. Are there any other methods for calculating the surface area of a sphere?

Yes, there are other methods for calculating the surface area of a sphere, such as using integration or spherical trigonometry. These methods may be more complex, but they provide a more accurate calculation of the surface area. Additionally, there are numerical methods that use computer algorithms to approximate the surface area of a sphere. However, the formula A = 4πr2 remains the most commonly used and reliable method for calculating the surface area of a sphere.

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