Efficient way to find which element of Z*n has largest order?

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In summary, the group Z*(n) is cyclic if and only if n is prime. There is a theorem which tells you when the group is cyclic, but finding the generators is not always easy.
  • #1
Hey, I had two separate questions. (When I say Z*(n) I'm denoting the multiplicative group of integers mod n, namely, the units of Z(n))

First off, I know that if n is prime, that Z*(n) is cyclic. But this is not a biconditional statement. Is there any theorem which tells me conditions under which Z*(n) is not cyclic? I can't just say n is not prime so Z*(n) is not cyclic. Right?

Second question - if I know that Z*(n) is cyclic, then I know it has a generator. But other than going through each and every element and multiplying them out, is there an efficient way to find out which elements are generators? Also, in the case that Z*(n) isn't cyclic (like say Z*(12)) is there a way to find which element has the highest order?

If anyone can point me to the proper theorems, I would be extremely grateful!
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  • #2
Start by thinking about the case where n = pq where p and q are both prime. (For example, n = 6)

When you see what is going on, generailze it to the case where n has more than two prime factors.
  • #3
Aleph Zero makes a good suggestion. It is not so trivial in general however, when there are repeated factors. There is a discussion starting on p. 48. of these notes, of when the group is cyclic:


In fact your question as to precisely how to identify generators is perhaps even less trivial. There may even be some open questions surrounding that matter, as I recall.
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  • #4
Thank you guys for the links and the responses!

I also found this:

"Zn*, the multiplicative group modulo n, is cyclic if and only if n is 1 or 2 or 4 or pk or 2pk for an odd prime number p and k ≥ 1."

But I did not see a proof provided for it. I think this might tie in with what you were saying AlephZero
  • #5
if you look at the links i provided you will find complete proofs of these facts.
  • #6
Yeah I have spent the last couple hours looking at the doc you provided and some other documents I've hunted down. Very helpful! I need to purchase a good number theory textbook to have on hand it seems! Thank you again!

FAQ: Efficient way to find which element of Z*n has largest order?

1. What is Z*n?

Z*n denotes the set of integers from 1 to n, where n is a positive integer. It is also known as the cyclic group of order n.

2. What is order in relation to Z*n?

In Z*n, the order of an element refers to the smallest positive integer k, such that k multiplied by the element equals the identity element, 1. In other words, it is the number of times an element must be multiplied by itself to get the identity element.

3. Why is it important to find the element with the largest order in Z*n?

The element with the largest order in Z*n is also known as the generator of the group. This element has the ability to generate all other elements in the group through exponentiation. It is important to find the generator as it simplifies many calculations and has various applications in cryptography and number theory.

4. How can we efficiently find the element with the largest order in Z*n?

One efficient way is to use the Euler's totient function, which counts the number of positive integers less than or equal to n that are relatively prime to n. The element with the largest order in Z*n will have a totient value equal to n-1. Therefore, we can calculate the totient value for each element in Z*n and choose the one with the largest value as the generator.

5. Are there any other methods to find the element with the largest order in Z*n?

Yes, there are other methods such as using primitive roots, which are integers that have the largest order in Z*n. These can be found by checking the prime factors of n. Another method is the baby-step giant-step algorithm, which involves dividing the group into smaller subgroups to find the generator. However, the efficiency of these methods may vary depending on the value of n.

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