Understanding the good effiency

  • Thread starter redgoat
  • Start date
In summary: These are sometimes incorporated into 'efficiency' as a part of the formula; therefore, 'improving efficiency' could mean 'increasing reliability' or 'increasing availability'.In summary, efficiency is the ratio of useful output over total input and can be measured in various ways. There is no technical term "good efficiency" and it is likely a subjective term. It can also involve factors such as reliability and availability.
  • #1
What is the good efficiency of a product? How do you understand the term "good effiency"?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can you tell us where you have seen the term "good efficiency?" That is not a term used that I know of. You are undoubtedly referring to efficiency, of which there are MANY different forms and measures of efficiency.

If you can, please provide a bit more information on what it is you are looking at.
  • #3
I would say efficiency is quite simply the ratio of useful "stuff" over the total amount " stuff" available.

For example a light bulb has x amount of energy (electrical) available. It uses y amount of energy to produce light, therefore the efficiency is x/y x 100%.

Good efficiency is about improving this ratio towards 100%

Edit: Silly me, it should be y/x * 100%
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  • #4
I would like to see a reference to anything that uses the term "good efficiency."
  • #5
Here you go Fred:


Honda Civic hybrid? Not very good efficiency!

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  • #6
  • #7
redgoat said:
What is the good efficiency of a product? How do you understand the term "good effiency"?
I have never heard of "good efficiency" as a technical term. There is just efficiency, which is readily 'quantifiable'. However, there can be efficiencies of components or systems, and one can talk of 'net' or 'gross' depending on what is incorporated in the formula for efficiency.

"Good efficiency" sounds like a subjective term, where 'good' is simply an adjective.

Then there is the matter of 'reliability' or 'availability'.

FAQ: Understanding the good effiency

What is "good efficiency" and why is it important to understand?

"Good efficiency" refers to the ability of a system or process to produce desired results with minimal waste or resources. It is important to understand because it can lead to cost savings, increased productivity, and reduced environmental impact.

How is good efficiency measured?

Good efficiency can be measured in various ways, depending on the specific system or process. Some common measures include energy efficiency, material usage efficiency, and time efficiency. These measures can be quantified using data and metrics to determine the overall efficiency of a system or process.

What factors can affect the efficiency of a system or process?

There are many factors that can impact the efficiency of a system or process, including design, technology, human error, and external factors such as weather or supply chain disruptions. It is important to identify and address these factors in order to improve efficiency.

How can understanding good efficiency benefit businesses?

Understanding good efficiency can have numerous benefits for businesses, such as reducing costs, increasing productivity, improving customer satisfaction, and creating a more sustainable operation. It can also give businesses a competitive advantage by allowing them to produce more with less resources.

What are some ways to improve good efficiency?

There are several strategies that can be used to improve good efficiency, including implementing new technology, optimizing processes, training employees, and conducting regular audits and assessments. It is also important to continuously monitor and analyze data to identify areas for improvement.
