Solving System of Equations for t and b

In summary: G. SchasteenIn summary, you would solve the system of equations for t and b by using the prime factorization algorithm.
  • #1
How would you solve the following system of simultaneous equations for t and b?

sin(pi*t) = 0

sin(pi*(t^2 + 35)/(2*t)) = 0

(t^2 + 35)/(2*t) - t/2 - b/2 = 0

t^2/35 +35/t^2 -t/b - b/t = 0

t*b = 35


Edwin G. Schasteen
Physics news on
  • #2
For starters, you should recognize the first equation tells you t is an integer. Likewise, the second tells you

[tex]\frac {t^2 + 35}{2t}[/tex]

is also an integer.
  • #3
That is true. But how do you solve for t algebraically? Is it even possible to solve these systems of equations without using a graphing calculator? Is it possible using numerical methods? If so, which methods?


  • #4
Simple observation and common sense go along ways in this sort of problem. I do not know of any numerical method which will work well. The problem comes when you are restricted to the integers. This is not the natural domain of numerical methods which are planted firmly in the real number line.

As Tide pointed out your first equations restricts you to the integers, the second further restricts you to a small set of integers.

Rewrite your 2nd condition as

[tex] 2n = t + \frac {35} t [/tex]

So the RHS is an even integer, there are only 3 integers which can satisfy this equation. Can you complete the problem?
  • #5
If you are referring to t, there are 8 integers that will make the right hand side an integer.

If you are referring to n, there are 4 integers that will satisfy it.
  • #6
HallsofIvy said:
If you are referring to t, there are 8 integers that will make the right hand side an integer.
If you are referring to n, there are 4 integers that will satisfy it.
I can see 4 integers, 1,5,7,35...I missed the 35 before, But 8? Are you counting negitives as well?
  • #7
Thanks for the help guys. Notice that the numbers 5 and 7 are prime factors of 35. What I am actually trying to do find is to find a general method to solve these systems of equations, if possible, for numbers Cp that are composites of two odd prime numbers.

sin(pi*t) = 0

sin(pi*(t^2 + Cp)/(2*t)) = 0

(t^2 + Cp)/(2*t) - t/2 - b/2 = 0

t^2/Cp +Cp/t^2 -t/b - b/t = 0

t*b = Cp

With the domain restriction on t -> D:{1<t<=Cp}

I constructed these systems of equations because the only values of t in the domain of t given above are the odd prime factors of Cp.

This is true no matter how big Cp is. To find a general and efficient method to solve these equations for large Cp would be to find an efficient method to factor large Cp.

I think

[tex] 2n = t + \frac {35} t [/tex]

is one step closer to solving this problem.

By the way the n of interest is always (a+b)/2 where a and b are the odd prime factors of Cp.

For example, (7+5)/2 = 12/2 = 6, 6 is the only interesting even integer n that satisfies the second condition, and with it, you can immediately factor Cp = 35 as follows.

6^2 - 35 = 1

The prime factors of 35 are then just 6 + 1 = 7 and 6 - 1 = 5

The odd prime factors of Cp can always be solved for by the following algorithm.

{[(a+b)/2]^2 - Cp}^(1/2) = m

a = n + m

b = n - m

So the overall drive to solve the systems of equations above for large Cp is to find n which will enable one to factor large values of Cp.

Any further assistance would be most appreciated. I've found so far that these problems equations are difficult to solve, and it is my conjecture that there exists no efficient general method to solve the system of equations above. Please prove me wrong:smile:

Best Regards,


FAQ: Solving System of Equations for t and b

What are the steps for solving a system of equations for t and b?

To solve a system of equations for t and b, you must first identify which equations contain both t and b. Then, use substitution or elimination to isolate one variable in one of the equations. Next, substitute the value of this variable into the other equation to solve for the other variable. Finally, plug in the values of t and b into the original equations to check for accuracy.

Can a system of equations have more than one solution for t and b?

Yes, a system of equations can have one, infinite, or no solutions for t and b. If the equations are dependent, meaning they represent the same line, there are infinite solutions. If the equations are inconsistent, meaning they have no common solution, there are no solutions. Otherwise, there is one unique solution.

Why is it important to solve a system of equations for t and b?

Solving a system of equations for t and b can help find the specific values of these variables that satisfy all the equations. This can be useful in real-life situations, such as finding the time (t) and distance (d) traveled by a car with a given speed (s) and time (t) or solving for the temperature (t) and pressure (p) in a gas law equation.

What happens if the equations in a system are not in the same form?

If the equations in a system are not in the same form, you must first manipulate them to make them equivalent. This can include multiplying or dividing both sides by a constant, adding or subtracting a constant to both sides, or rearranging terms. Once the equations are in the same form, you can proceed with solving for t and b.

Are there any special cases when solving a system of equations for t and b?

One special case is when there are no equations containing both t and b. In this case, the system cannot be solved for t and b. Another special case is when the equations are inconsistent, meaning they have no common solution. In this case, there are no solutions for t and b. Lastly, if the equations are linear and have two variables, there will always be a unique solution for t and b.

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