Question about earth being much more radioactive in the past?

In summary: If the Moon was generated from the impact of a large body, it's likely that more than just its mantle was affected.
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I read a recent article (pc magazine) that said the Earth is currently generating 44 terawatts of heat with 23 terawatts comign from radioactive decay (8 from uranium, 8 from thorium, and 4 from potassium). Given this, and that the Earth is 4.5 billion years many more terawatts were coming from radioactive decay at 2 billion and 4 billion years ago?
What sort of affect would this have had on life and the continents moving?
Earth sciences news on
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Assuming the longest-lived (radioactive) isotopes of those elements are producing the heat, the decay constants are: K40-1.248E9 yrs., U238-4.537E9 yrs., Th232-1.40E10 (ref." ). Given the amount of a radioactive element present now,N0, the amount a given time, t, ago would be N(t)=N0et*ln(2)/D, where D is one of the half-life values given above. Assuming the amount of heat produced is proportional to the rate of decay, H(t)=H0et*ln(2)/D, where H0 is the amount of heat being produced by the element today. Adding up the values for each of the elements I get: Hnow= 20 TW H2 Gya≈ 32 TW H4 Gya≈ 61 TW. I cannot speak definitively on your last question, but since the largest value is only about 3 times larger than the current one I doubt there would be a large qualitative difference (maybe volcanos would have been somewhat more common and plate tectonics somewhat faster). Life is not likely to have been greatly influenced by this extra heat (at least not directly, though the geological effects might have had some influence) since the Sun usually provides much more heat. Of course it is possible that other sources of radioactivity were also significant long enough ago (so my estimate above is more of a lower bound on the amount of heat due to radioactivity at those points in the past).
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So if 23 TeraWatts is coming from radioactive decay. Then should that mean that in relative proportion to the size of the Earth, the Moon will be generating the same if the theory of a large early impact is its origin?

(maybe volcanos would have been somewhat more common and plate tectonics somewhat faster)

I am not a geologist or a volcanist, so I could have this wrong, but there are some ancient volcanoes, which are said to have erupted somewhat unique material, probably due to the high temperatures, not entirely sure...

"No modern komatiite lavas are known, as the Earth's mantle has cooled too much to produce highly magnesian magmas."

Ultra Mafic -
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MrGamma said:
So if 23 TeraWatts is coming from radioactive decay. Then should that mean that in relative proportion to the size of the Earth, the Moon will be generating the same if the theory of a large early impact is its origin?

The Earth is not homogeneous. Therefore, if the Moon is a chip off the old block, who's to say it's a homogeneous chip? More than likely it took a large chunk of mantle.

FAQ: Question about earth being much more radioactive in the past?

1. Why was the Earth more radioactive in the past?

The Earth was more radioactive in the past due to the presence of certain radioactive elements, such as uranium and thorium, that were more abundant during the formation of the Earth. These elements have been decaying over time, leading to a decrease in the Earth's overall radioactivity.

2. How do scientists know that the Earth was more radioactive in the past?

Scientists can determine the Earth's past radioactivity through various methods, such as analyzing the composition of rocks and minerals, studying the decay rates of radioactive elements, and examining ancient fossils and artifacts. These techniques provide evidence of higher levels of radioactivity in the Earth's past.

3. Did the higher radioactivity in the past have any effects on life on Earth?

It is believed that the higher levels of radioactivity in the past may have had some impact on the evolution of life on Earth. However, the exact extent of these effects is still being studied and debated among scientists. Some theories suggest that higher levels of radioactivity may have increased genetic mutations and potentially influenced the development of certain species.

4. Is the Earth becoming less radioactive over time?

Yes, the Earth's overall radioactivity is decreasing over time. This is due to the natural decay of radioactive elements and the fact that new radioactive elements are not being formed at the same rate as they are decaying. However, the Earth will continue to have some level of radioactivity as long as these elements are present.

5. Could the Earth become more radioactive in the future?

It is highly unlikely that the Earth will become more radioactive in the future. The natural processes that control the levels of radioactivity on our planet are well understood and there are no indications that there will be a significant increase in the amount of radioactive elements. However, human activities such as nuclear testing and waste disposal can contribute to an increase in local levels of radioactivity.
